local DEBUG = false freeslot("MT_PLAYER_GHOST") mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER_GHOST] = { -1, -- doomednum S_KART_STND1, -- spawnstate 1, -- spawnhealth S_KART_WALK1, -- seestate sfx_None, -- seesound 0, -- reactiontime sfx_thok, -- attacksound S_KART_PAIN, -- painstate MT_THOK, -- painchance sfx_None, -- painsound S_NULL, -- meleestate S_NULL, -- missilestate S_KART_PAIN, -- deathstate S_NULL, -- xdeathstate sfx_None, -- deathsound 1, -- speed 16*FRACUNIT, -- radius 48*FRACUNIT, -- height 0, -- display offset 1000, -- mass MT_THOK, -- damage sfx_None, -- activesound MF_NOCLIP, -- flags MT_THOK -- raisestate } local nenc = lb_base62_encode local ndec = lb_base62_decode local mapChecksum = lb_map_checksum local Transmitter = lb_transmitter local Reciever = lb_reciever local Player local Client local Server local Index local Ghost local Ghosts local Recording local PREFIX -- Dir local INDEX = "ghosts" -- Filename local cv_disable = CV_RegisterVar({ name = "lb_ghost_disable", defaultvalue = "No", flags = CV_NETVAR | CV_CALL, PossibleValue = CV_YesNo, func = function(v) Recording = nil end }) local function Columns(line, sep) local t = {} sep = sep or " " for str in (line..sep):gmatch("(.-)"..sep) do table.insert(t, str) end return { index = 0, items = t, next = function(this) this.index = $ + 1 return this.items[this.index] end } end local function compareTables(a, b, ...) for _, key in ipairs({...}) do if a[key] != b[key] then return false end end return true end Ghosts = { map, players = {}, headers = {}, data = {}, dirty = true, getData = function(this, player) return this.data[player] end, set = function(this, header, data) if not this.headers[header.player] then table.insert(this.players, header.player) end this.data[header.player] = data this.headers[header.player] = header end, iterate = function(this) local i = 0 local m = #this.players local player return function() i = i + 1 if i <= m then player = this.players[i] return i, this.headers[player], this.data[player] end end end, init = function(this) if this.map == gamemap and not this.dirty then return end this:reset() local headers = Index:getMap(gamemap, mapChecksum(gamemap)) local ok, data for _, header in ipairs(headers) do ok, data = pcall(Ghost.read, header, Ghost.tableReader) if not ok then print(data) print("\x85\ERROR:\x80 invalid ghost data, removing entry") Index:remove(header) Index:write() continue end this:set(header, data) end end, reset = function(this) this.players = {} this.headers = {} this.data = {} this.map = gamemap this.dirty = false end, play = function(this) for _, header in pairs(this.headers) do local ghost = P_SpawnMobj(0, 0, 0, MT_PLAYER_GHOST) ghost.playerName = header.player ghost.skin = header.skin ghost.color = header.color end end } local function GhostTable(header) local function frame(this, frameNum) return this.frames[frameNum] end local function append(this, frame) table.insert(this.frames, frame) end -- Calculate the momentum of the last frame local function thrust(this, frameNum) local a = this:frame(frameNum-1) local b = this:frame(frameNum) local angle = R_PointToAngle2(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y) local momentum = R_PointToDist2(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y) / FRACUNIT local x = momentum * cos(angle) local y = momentum * sin(angle) return x, y end local t = { frames = {}, frame = frame, append = append, thrust = thrust, } if header then for key, value in pairs(header) do t[key] = value end end return t end local transProximity = 150 local function calcTrans(mobj) local dist = R_PointToDist2(mobj.x, mobj.y, Player.mo.x, Player.mo.y) local i = dist / transProximity local tr = 9 - min(9, FixedInt(i * 9)) return tr << FF_TRANSSHIFT end CV_RegisterVar({ name = "lb_ghost_trans_prox", defaultvalue = 150, flags = CV_CALL, PossibleValue = CV_Natural, func = function(cv) transProximity = cv.value end }) local function ghost_think(mobj) if mobj.done then return end if leveltime < 1 then return end if not Recording then P_RemoveMobj(mobj) return end local ghost = Ghosts:getData(mobj.playerName) local frame = ghost:frame(leveltime) if frame == nil then mobj.done = true mobj.state = S_KART_STND1 mobj.momx, mobj.momy = ghost:thrust(leveltime-1) return end P_MoveOrigin(mobj, frame.x, frame.y, frame.z) mobj.angle = frame.angle mobj.state = frame.state mobj.frame = mobj.frame & (~FF_TRANSMASK) | calcTrans(mobj) return true end addHook("MobjThinker", ghost_think, MT_PLAYER_GHOST) local function drawGhostProgress(v) local x, y = 0, 0 local flags = V_SNAPTOTOP | V_SNAPTOLEFT local function fmt(rec) local stale = rec.tics > (TICRATE * 10) and "(STALE) " or "" if not rec.len then return stale.."0%" end local n = #rec.packets local p = ((n * 100) / rec.len).."%" return stale.."["..n.."/"..rec.len.."] "..p end for _, rec in pairs(Client.data.recievers) do v.drawString(x, y, fmt(rec), flags, "small") y = y + 5 end end hud.add(function(v) if not Recording then return end drawGhostProgress(v) local leveltime = leveltime local frame, patch, skin, color for i, header, data in Ghosts:iterate() do frame = data:frame(leveltime) if not frame then continue end skin = skins[header.skin] or skins["sonic"] patch = v.cachePatch(skin.facemmap) color = v.getColormap(header.skin, header.color) v.drawOnMinimap(frame.x, frame.y, FRACUNIT, patch, color) end end) if lb_hook then lb_hook("Finish", function(data) if not data.position then return end if data.score.flags & 0x1 then Recording = nil return end local score = data.score local header = { version = 1, encoding = "b62", player = score.name, skin = score.skin, color = score.color, map = score.map, checksum = score.checksum, time = score.time, flags = score.flags, } Ghost.write(header, Ghost.tableWriter(Recording)) Index:insert(header) Index:write() Ghosts.dirty = true Recording = nil end) end --COM_AddCommand("save_ghost", function(player) -- if not Recording then return end -- -- print("Saving Ghost") -- -- local header = { -- version = 1, -- encoding = "b62", -- player = player.name, -- skin = player.mo.skin, -- color = player.skincolor, -- map = gamemap, -- checksum = mapChecksum(gamemap), -- time = leveltime, -- flags = 0, -- } -- -- Ghost.write(header, Ghost.tableWriter(Recording)) -- Index:insert(header) -- Index:write() -- -- Recording = nil --end) local function singlePlayer() local player for p in players.iterate do if p.valid and not p.spectator then if player then return nil end player = p end end return player end addHook("ThinkFrame", function() if not Recording then return end Player = singlePlayer() local p = Player if not p then Server:stop() Client:stop() Recording = nil return end local frame = { x = p.mo.x, y = p.mo.y, z = p.mo.z, angle = p.frameangle, state = p.mo.state } Recording:append(frame) end) Server = { header = { transmitter, send = function(this) if this.transmitter or #Server.command.transmitters then return end this.transmitter = Transmitter("GM", {free = this.free, handle = this}) local mapindex = Index:getMap(gamemap, mapChecksum(gamemap)) local s = "" for _, header in ipairs(mapindex) do s = s..Index.headerFmt(header) end this.transmitter:transmit(s) end, free = function(tr, this) this.transmitter = nil end, stop = function(this) if this.transmitter then this.transmitter:close() end end }, command = { reciever, listen = function(this) if this.reciever then return end this.reciever = Reciever("GC", this.callback, {stream = true, handle = this}) this.reciever:listen() end, transmitters = {}, callback = function(cmd, handle) if handle.transmitters[cmd] then return end local mapindex = Index:getMap(gamemap, mapChecksum(gamemap)) local header = assert(mapindex[tonumber(cmd)]) local data = Ghost.read(header, Ghost.stringReader) local tr = Transmitter( "GC"..cmd, { free = handle.free, handle = { this = handle, cmd = cmd } } ) handle.transmitters[cmd] = tr tr:transmit(data) end, free = function(tr, handle) handle.this.transmitters[handle.cmd] = nil end, stop = function(this) for _, tr in pairs(this.transmitters) do tr:close() end end }, stop = function(this) this.header:stop() this.command:stop() end } Client = { header = { reciever, listen = function(this) if this.reciever then return end this.reciever = Reciever( "GM", this.callback, { free = this.free, handle = this } ) this.reciever:listen() end, callback = function(data, this) local header, storedHeader local cmd = 1 for str in data:gmatch("(.-)\n") do if Client.data:busy(cmd) then continue end header = Index.parseHeader(str) storedHeader = Index:find(header) if not ( storedHeader and compareTables( header, storedHeader, "time", "flags", "skin", "color" ) ) then local tr = Transmitter("GC", {stream = true}) tr:transmit(cmd) Client.data:listen(header, cmd) end cmd = $ + 1 end end, free = function(rc, handle) handle.reciever = nil end, stop = function(this) if this.reciever then this.reciever:close() end end }, data = { recievers = {}, listen = function(this, header, cmd) local rc = Reciever( "GC"..cmd, this.callback, { free = this.free, handle = { this = this, header = header, cmd = cmd }, } ) this.recievers[cmd] = rc rc:listen() end, callback = function(data, handle) Ghost.write(handle.header, Ghost.stringWriter(data)) Index:insert(handle.header) Index:write() Ghosts.dirty = true end, free = function(rc, handle) handle.this.recievers[handle.cmd] = nil end, busy = function(this, cmd) for com in pairs(this.recievers) do if com == cmd then return true end end end, stop = function(this) for _, rec in pairs(this.recievers) do rec:close() end end }, stop = function(this) this.header:stop() this.data:stop() end } addHook("MapLoad", function(num) if cv_disable.value or not singlePlayer() then Recording = nil return end Recording = GhostTable() if isserver then Server.header:send() Server.command:listen() return end Ghosts:init() Client.header:listen() Ghosts:play() end) local function open(filename, mode, fn) local f, err = io.open(filename, mode) if err then return nil, err end local ok, err = pcall(fn, f) f:close() if not ok then err = string.format("%s\n(\x82%s\x80 (%s))", err, filename, mode) end return ok, err end Index = { headers, insert = function(this, header) local map = this:getMap(header.map, header.checksum) for i, h in ipairs(map) do if h.player == header.player then map[i] = header this:setMap(header.map, header.checksum, map) return end end table.insert(map, header) this:setMap(header.map, header.checksum, map) end, remove = function(this, header) local map = this:getMap(header.map, header.checksum) for i, h in ipairs(map) do if h.player == header.player then map[i] = nil this:setMap(header.map, header.checksum, map) return end end end, find = function(this, header) local index = this:getMap(header.map, header.checksum) for i, h in ipairs(index) do if h.player == header.player then return h end end end, join = function(sep, ...) local t = {...} local ret = ""..t[1] local v for i = 2, #t do v = t[i] ret = $..sep..(v ~= nil and v or "") end return ret end, headerFmt = function(h) return Index.join( "\t", h.version, h.encoding, h.map, h.checksum, h.player, h.time, h.flags or "0", h.skin, h.color or "0" ).."\n" end, parseHeader = function(line) local c = Columns(line, "\t") return { version = c:next(), encoding = c:next(), map = c:next(), checksum = c:next(), player = c:next(), time = tonumber(c:next()), flags = tonumber(c:next()), skin = c:next(), color = tonumber(c:next()) } end, filename = function(prefix, filename) return string.format( "%s/%s.txt", prefix, filename ) end, write = function(this) local filename = this.filename(PREFIX, INDEX) assert(open(filename, "w", function(f) for _, map in pairs(this.headers) do for _, header in ipairs(map) do f:write(this.headerFmt(header)) end end end)) end, read = function(this) local filename = this.filename(PREFIX, INDEX) this.headers = {} assert(open(filename, "r", function(f) for line in f:lines() do this:insert( this.parseHeader(line) ) end end)) end, getMap = function(this, map, checksum) if not this.headers then this:read() end return this.headers[map..checksum] or {} end, setMap = function(this, map, checksum, entry) assert(this.headers, "Index: header unread") this.headers[map..checksum] = entry end } Ghost = { stringReader = function(f) return f:read("*a") end, tableReader = function(f) local data = GhostTable(header) local c f:read() -- skip first frame for line in f:lines() do c = Columns(line) data:append({ state = ndec(c:next()), angle = ndec(c:next()), x = ndec(c:next()), y = ndec(c:next()), z = ndec(c:next()), }) end return data end, filename = function(prefix, header) return string.format( "%s/%d_%s_%s.txt", prefix, header.map, header.checksum, header.player ) end, read = function(header, reader) local filename = Ghost.filename(PREFIX, header) local data assert(open(filename, "r", function(f) data = reader(f) end)) return data end, stringWriter = function(dataStr) return function(f) f:setvbuf("full") f:write(dataStr) end end, frameFmt = function(frame) return string.format( "%s %s %s %s %s\n", nenc(frame.state), nenc(frame.angle), nenc(frame.x), nenc(frame.y), nenc(frame.z) ) end, tableWriter = function(data) return function(f) f:setvbuf("line") for _, frame in ipairs(data.frames) do f:write(Ghost.frameFmt(frame)) end end end, write = function(header, writer) local filename = Ghost.filename(PREFIX, header) assert(open(filename, "w", writer)) end, } local cv_prefix = CV_RegisterVar({ name = "lb_ghost_dir", defaultvalue = "ghosts", flags = CV_CALL | CV_NETVAR, func = function(cv) PREFIX = cv.string if DEBUG and not isserver then PREFIX = $.."_client" end Index.headers = nil end })