Only save/load files for the server #6

Not merged 1 commits from Lonsfor/srb2k-leaderboard:lonsfor-patch-3 into master 2022-11-14 13:22:44 +00:00

Taking advantage of isserver now that it is available to us.

Taking advantage of `isserver` now that it is available to us.
Lonsfor added 1 commit 2022-08-24 17:39:06 +00:00

Makes sense but I do like having the abillity to 'take the leaderboard with me'.
Could probably introduce a download command utilizing COM_LOCAL for that.

Anyway I tink I'll delay merging until srb2k v1.6 is released since not everyone has been able to update yet.

Makes sense but I do like having the abillity to 'take the leaderboard with me'. Could probably introduce a download command utilizing COM_LOCAL for that. Anyway I tink I'll delay merging until srb2k v1.6 is released since not everyone has been able to update yet.
Not merged commit 1d4eb423d6 into master 2022-11-14 13:22:44 +00:00
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Reference: Not/srb2k-leaderboard#6
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