Multiple maps with same levelid #4

opened 2022-06-21 15:03:16 +00:00 by Lonsfor · 3 comments

We are starting to reach a point where there are multiple maps using the same id, this is a problem for the leaderboard.

We are starting to reach a point where there are multiple maps using the same id, this is a problem for the leaderboard.

Maybe storing a truncated checksum of cup, zone, or leveltitle can help solve this.

Maybe storing a truncated checksum of cup, zone, or leveltitle can help solve this.

See #5 and please test if you can.

See #5 and please test if you can.

Fixed in #9

Fixed in #9
Not closed this issue 2022-12-06 18:28:38 +00:00
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Reference: Not/srb2k-leaderboard#4
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