-- This file handles the storage and related netvars of the leaderboard ---- Imported functions ---- -- lb_common.lua local stat_t = lb_stat_t local lbComp = lb_comp local score_t = lb_score_t local mapChecksum = lb_map_checksum local mapnumFromExtended = lb_mapnum_from_extended ---------------------------- local LEADERBOARD_FILE = "leaderboard.txt" local COLDSTORE_FILE = "leaderboard.coldstore.txt" -- ColdStore are records loaded from lua addons -- this table should never be modified outside of the AddColdStore function local ColdStore = {} -- Livestore are new records nad records loaded from leaderboard.txt file local LiveStore = {} -- parse score function local parseScore local MSK_SPEED = 0xF0 local MSK_WEIGHT = 0xF local function stat_str(stat) if stat then return string.format("%d%d", (stat & MSK_SPEED) >> 4, stat & MSK_WEIGHT) end return "0" end local function isSameRecord(a, b, modeSep) return a.name == b.name and (a.flags & modeSep) == (b.flags & modeSep) end -- insert or replace the score in dest local function insertOrReplace(dest, score, modeSep) for i, record in ipairs(dest) do if isSameRecord(record, score, modeSep) then if lbComp(score, record) then dest[i] = score end return end end table.insert(dest, score) end local function dumpStoreToFile(filename, store) local f = assert( io.open(filename, "w"), "Failed to open file for writing: "..filename ) f:setvbuf("line") for mapid, checksums in pairs(store) do for checksum, records in pairs(checksums) do for _, record in ipairs(records) do if not record.checksum or record.checksum == "" then record.checksum = mapChecksum(record.map) or "" end f:write( mapid, "\t", record.name, "\t", record.skin, "\t", record.color, "\t", record.time, "\t", table.concat(record.splits, " "), "\t", record.flags, "\t", stat_str(record.stat), "\t", record.checksum, "\n" ) end end end f:close() end -- GLOBAL -- Returns a list of all maps with records local function MapList() local maps = {} for mapid, checksums in pairs(ColdStore) do maps[mapid] = $ or {} for checksum in pairs(checksums) do maps[mapid][checksum] = true end end for mapid, checksums in pairs(LiveStore) do maps[mapid] = $ or {} for checksum in pairs(checksums) do maps[mapid][checksum] = true end end local maplist = {} for mapid, checksums in pairs(maps) do for checksum in pairs(checksums) do table.insert(maplist, {["id"] = mapid, ["checksum"] = checksum}) end end table.sort(maplist, function(a, b) return a.id < b.id end) return maplist end rawset(_G, "lb_map_list", MapList) -- GLOBAL -- Function for adding a single record from lua local function AddColdStore(record) ColdStore[record.map] = $ or {} ColdStore[record.map][record.checksum] = $ or {} table.insert(ColdStore[record.map][record.checksum], record) end rawset(_G, "lb_add_coldstore_record", AddColdStore) -- GLOBAL -- Function for adding a single record in string form from lua local function AddColdStoreString(record) AddColdStore(parseScore(record)) end rawset(_G, "lb_add_coldstore_record_string", AddColdStoreString) -- Insert mode separated records from the flat sourceTable into dest local function insertRecords(dest, sourceTable, checksum, modeSep) if not sourceTable then return end if not sourceTable[checksum] then return end local mode = nil for _, record in ipairs(sourceTable[checksum]) do mode = record.flags & modeSep dest[mode] = $ or {} table.insert(dest[mode], record) end end -- GLOBAL -- Construct the leaderboard table of the supplied mapid -- combines the ColdStore and LiveStore records local function GetMapRecords(map, checksum, modeSep) local mapRecords = {} -- Insert ColdStore records insertRecords(mapRecords, ColdStore[map], checksum, modeSep) -- Insert LiveStore records insertRecords(mapRecords, LiveStore[map], checksum, modeSep) -- Sort records for _, records in pairs(mapRecords) do table.sort(records, lbComp) end -- Remove duplicate entries for _, records in pairs(mapRecords) do local players = {} local i = 1 while i <= #records do if players[records[i].name] then table.remove(records, i) else players[records[i].name] = true i = i + 1 end end end return mapRecords end rawset(_G, "lb_get_map_records", GetMapRecords) -- GLOBAL -- Save a record to the LiveStore and write to disk -- SaveRecord will replace the record holders previous record local function SaveRecord(score, map, modeSep) local checksum = mapChecksum(map) LiveStore[map] = $ or {} LiveStore[map][checksum] = $ or {} insertOrReplace(LiveStore[map][checksum], score, modeSep) print("Saving score") if isserver then dumpStoreToFile(LEADERBOARD_FILE, LiveStore) end end rawset(_G, "lb_save_record", SaveRecord) local function netvars(net) LiveStore = net($) end addHook("NetVars", netvars) function parseScore(str) -- Leaderboard is stored in the following tab separated format -- mapnum, name, skin, color, time, splits, flags, stat local t = {} for word in (str.."\t"):gmatch("(.-)\t") do table.insert(t, word) end local splits = {} if t[6] != nil then for str in t[6]:gmatch("([^ ]+)") do table.insert(splits, tonumber(str)) end end local flags = 0 if t[7] != nil then flags = tonumber(t[7]) end local stats = nil if t[8] != nil then if #t[8] >= 2 then local speed = tonumber(string.sub(t[8], 1, 1)) local weight = tonumber(string.sub(t[8], 2, 2)) stats = stat_t(speed, weight) end end local checksum = t[9] or "" return score_t( tonumber(t[1]), -- Map t[2], -- Name t[3], -- Skin t[4], -- Color tonumber(t[5]), -- Time splits, flags, stats, checksum ) end rawset(_G, "lb_parse_score", parseScore) -- Read and parse a store file local function loadStoreFile(filename) local f = assert( io.open(filename, "r"), "Failed to open file for reading: "..filename ) local store = {} for l in f:lines() do local score = parseScore(l) store[score.map] = $ or {} store[score.map][score.checksum] = $ or {} table.insert(store[score.map][score.checksum], score) end f:close() return store end -- GLOBAL -- Command for moving records from one map to another local function moveRecords(from, to, modeSep) local function moveRecordsInStore(store) if not (store[from.id] and store[from.id][from.checksum]) then return 0 end local moveCount = #store[from.id][from.checksum] store[to.id] = $ or {} store[to.id][to.checksum] = $ or {} for i, score in ipairs(store[from.id][from.checksum]) do score.map = to.id score.checksum = to.checksum insertOrReplace(store[to.id][to.checksum], score, modeSep) end -- Destroy the original table store[from.id][from.checksum] = nil return moveCount end -- move livestore records and write to disk local moveCount = moveRecordsInStore(LiveStore) dumpStoreToFile(LEADERBOARD_FILE, LiveStore) -- move coldstore records if isserver then local ok, coldstore = pcall(loadStoreFile, COLDSTORE_FILE) if ok and coldstore then moveRecordsInStore(coldstore) dumpStoreToFile(COLDSTORE_FILE, coldstore) end end return moveCount end rawset(_G, "lb_move_records", moveRecords) -- Helper function for those upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3 COM_AddCommand("lb_write_checksums", function(player) local count = 0 local moved = {} -- Gather movable records (no checksum, map loaded) for map, checksums in pairs(LiveStore) do for checksum, records in pairs(checksums) do if checksum == "" then local sum = mapChecksum(map) if not sum then continue end moved[map] = {} moved[map][sum] = {} for i, record in ipairs(records) do record.checksum = sum table.insert(moved[map][sum], record) end end end end -- Write moved to livestore for map, checksums in pairs(moved) do LiveStore[map] = $ or {} for checksum, records in pairs(checksums) do LiveStore[map][checksum] = $ or {} for i, score in ipairs(records) do table.insert(LiveStore[map][checksum], score) end count = $ + #records end LiveStore[map][""] = nil end if isserver then dumpStoreToFile(LEADERBOARD_FILE, LiveStore) end CONS_Printf(player, string.format("Successful operation on %d records", count)) end, COM_ADMIN) COM_AddCommand("lb_known_maps", function(player, map) local mapnum = gamemap if map then mapnum = mapnumFromExtended(map) if not mapnum then CONS_Printf(player, string.format("invalid map '%s'", map)) return end end local known = {} if LiveStore[mapnum] then for checksum, records in pairs(LiveStore[mapnum]) do known[checksum] = #records end end if ColdStore[mapnum] then for checksum, records in pairs(ColdStore[mapnum]) do known[checksum] = $ or 0 + #records end end CONS_Printf(player, "Map Chck Records") for checksum, count in pairs(known) do CONS_Printf(player, string.format("%s %s %d", G_BuildMapName(mapnum), checksum, count)) end end) COM_AddCommand("lb_download_live_records", function(player, filename) if not filename then CONS_Printf(player, "Usage: lb_download_live_records ") return end if filename:sub(#filename-3) != ".txt" then filename = $..".txt" end dumpStoreToFile(filename, LiveStore) end, COM_LOCAL) -- Load the livestore if isserver then LiveStore = loadStoreFile(LEADERBOARD_FILE) end