local leaderboard = nil local maps local mapIndex = 1 local scrollPos = 1 local modes = nil local mode = 1 local prefMode = nil -- Imported functions ------- -- lb_common.lua local ZoneAct = lb_ZoneAct local TicsToTime = lb_TicsToTime ----------------------------- local function mapIndexOffset(n) return (mapIndex + n + #maps - 1) % #maps + 1 end local function getMap(offset) return maps[mapIndexOffset(offset or 0)] end local function updateModes() -- set available modes for this map modes = {} for mode, scoreTable in pairs(leaderboard) do if scoreTable[getMap()] then table.insert(modes, mode) end end table.sort(modes) mode = 1 -- select pref mode for i, m in ipairs(modes) do if m == prefMode then mode = i break end end end local function updateMapIndex(n) mapIndex = mapIndexOffset(n) scrollPos = 1 updateModes() end local scalar = 2 local hlfScrnWdth = 320 / 2 local mappY = 26 local ttlY = mappY + FixedMul(30, FRACUNIT / scalar) local scoresY = ttlY + 16 local function drawMapPatch(v, offset) local scale = FRACUNIT / (abs(offset) + scalar) local mapName = G_BuildMapName(getMap(offset)) local patchName = mapName.."P" local mapp = v.patchExists(patchName) and v.cachePatch(patchName) or v.cachePatch("BLANKLVL") local scaledWidth = FixedMul(mapp.width, scale) local scaledHeight = FixedMul(mapp.height, scale) v.drawScaled( (hlfScrnWdth + offset * scaledWidth - scaledWidth / 2) * FRACUNIT, (mappY - scaledHeight / 2) * FRACUNIT, scale, mapp ) end local colors = { [0] = 0, [1] = 215 } local function drawMapBorder(v) local mapWidth = FixedMul(160, FRACUNIT / scalar) local mapHeight = FixedMul(100, FRACUNIT / scalar) v.drawFill( hlfScrnWdth - mapWidth / 2 - 1, mappY - mapHeight / 2 -1, mapWidth + 2, mapHeight + 2, colors[leveltime / 4 % 2] ) end local function drawMapStrings(v) local map = mapheaderinfo[getMap()] local titleWidth = v.stringWidth(map.lvlttl) -- title v.drawString( hlfScrnWdth, ttlY, map.lvlttl, V_SKYMAP, "center" ) -- zone/act local zone = ZoneAct(map) local zoneWidth = v.stringWidth(zone) v.drawString( hlfScrnWdth + titleWidth / 2, ttlY + 8, zone, V_SKYMAP, "right" ) -- subtitle v.drawString( hlfScrnWdth + titleWidth / 2 - zoneWidth, ttlY + 8, map.subttl, V_MAGENTAMAP, "small-right" ) -- hell if map.menuflags & LF2_HIDEINMENU then v.drawString( 300, ttlY + 16, "HELL", V_REDMAP, "right" ) end end local F_SPBATK = 0x1 local F_SPBJUS = 0x2 local F_SPBBIG = 0x4 local F_SPBEXP = 0x8 local F_ENCORE = 0x80 local function drawGamemode(v) local m = modes[mode] or 0 local modeX = 20 local modeY = scoresY local scale = FRACUNIT / 2 if m == 0 then local clockp = v.cachePatch("K_LAPE02") v.drawScaled( modeX * FRACUNIT, modeY * FRACUNIT, scale, clockp ) v.drawString( modeX, modeY, "Time Attack!" ) elseif m & F_SPBATK then local scaledHalf = FixedMul(50 * FRACUNIT, scale) / 2 local xoff = 0 if m & F_SPBBIG then xoff = $ + scaledHalf end if m & F_SPBEXP then xoff = $ + scaledHalf end if m & F_SPBBIG then local growp = v.cachePatch("K_ITGROW") v.drawScaled( modeX * FRACUNIT - scaledHalf + xoff, modeY * FRACUNIT - scaledHalf, scale, growp ) xoff = $ - scaledHalf end if m & F_SPBEXP then local invp = v.cachePatch("K_ITINV"..(leveltime / 6 % 7 + 1)) v.drawScaled( modeX * FRACUNIT - scaledHalf + xoff, modeY * FRACUNIT - scaledHalf, scale, invp ) end local spbp = v.cachePatch("K_ITSPB") v.drawScaled( modeX * FRACUNIT - scaledHalf, modeY * FRACUNIT - scaledHalf, scale, spbp ) v.drawString( modeX, modeY, "SPB Attack!" ) end end local function drawFlags(v, x, y, flags) local nx = x * FRACUNIT local ny = y * FRACUNIT + 2 * FRACUNIT local margin = 4 * FRACUNIT if flags & F_ENCORE then local encp = v.cachePatch("RUBYICON") v.drawScaled( nx, ny + 2 * FRACUNIT, FRACUNIT / 5, encp ) nx = $ + margin end if flags & F_SPBATK then local scale = FRACUNIT / 3 local shift = 6 * FRACUNIT nx = $ - shift ny = $ - shift if flags & F_SPBJUS then local hyup = v.cachePatch("K_ISHYUD") v.drawScaled(nx, ny, scale, hyup) nx = $ + margin end if flags & F_SPBBIG then local growp = v.cachePatch("K_ISGROW") v.drawScaled(nx - FRACUNIT / 2, ny, scale, growp) nx = $ + margin end if flags & F_SPBEXP then local invp = v.cachePatch("K_ISINV"..(leveltime / 6 % 6 + 1)) v.drawScaled(nx, ny, scale, invp) nx = $ + margin end end end local function drawStats(v, x, y, skin, stats) local s = skins[skin] if not (s and s.kartspeed == stats["speed"] and s.kartweight == stats["weight"] ) and stats then v.drawString(x-2, y-2, stats["speed"], V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, "thin") v.drawString(x + 13, y + 9, stats["weight"], V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, "thin") end end -- draw in columns -- pos, facerank, name, time, flags -- ______________________________________________ -- | 3|[O]|InsertNameHere | 01:02:03 | EXB | -- ---------------------------------------------- -- defined are widths of each column, x value is calculated below local column = { [1] = 18, -- facerank, pos, drawNum is right aligned [2] = 170, -- name [3] = 60, -- time [4] = 0 -- flags } do local w = 32 -- starting offset local t for i = 1, #column do t = column[i] column[i] = w w = $ + t end end local colorFlags = { [0] = V_SKYMAP, [1] = 0 } local function drawScore(v, i, pos, score) local y = scoresY + i * 18 local textFlag = colorFlags[pos%2] -- position v.drawNum(column[1], y, pos) -- facerank local skin = skins[score["skin"]] local facerank = skin and v.cachePatch(skin.facerank) or v.cachePatch("M_NORANK") v.draw(column[1], y, facerank, 0, v.getColormap("sonic", score["color"])) -- stats drawStats(v, column[1], y, score["skin"], score["stat"]) -- name v.drawString(column[2], y, score["name"], V_ALLOWLOWERCASE | textFlag) -- time v.drawString(column[3], y, TicsToTime(score["time"]), textFlag) -- flags drawFlags(v, column[4], y, score["flags"]) end local function drawBrowser(v) if not leaderboard then return end v.fadeScreen(0xFF00, 16) -- previous, next maps for i = 5, 1, -1 do drawMapPatch(v, -i) drawMapPatch(v, i) end -- draw map border drawMapBorder(v) -- current map drawMapPatch(v, 0) drawMapStrings(v) drawGamemode(v) if not modes then return end local gamemode = leaderboard[modes[mode]] if not gamemode then return end local scoreTable = gamemode[getMap()] if not scoreTable then return end local scores = #scoreTable scrollPos = max(min(scrollPos, scores - 3), 1) local endi = min(scrollPos + 7, scores) for i = scrollPos, endi do drawScore(v, i - scrollPos + 1, i, scoreTable[i]) end end rawset(_G, "DrawBrowser", drawBrowser) local function initBrowser(lb) leaderboard = lb -- set mapIndex to current map for i, m in ipairs(maps) do if m == gamemap then mapIndex = i break end end scrollPos = 1 updateModes() end rawset(_G, "InitBrowser", initBrowser) -- initialize maps with racemaps only local function loadMaps() maps = {} for i = 0, #mapheaderinfo do local map = mapheaderinfo[i] if map and map.typeoflevel & TOL_RACE then table.insert(maps, i) end end end addHook("MapLoad", loadMaps) local repeatCount = 0 local keyRepeat = 0 local function updateKeyRepeat() S_StartSound(nil, 143) if repeatCount < 1 then keyRepeat = TICRATE / 4 else keyRepeat = TICRATE / 15 end repeatCount = $ + 1 end local function resetKeyRepeat() keyRepeat = 0 repeatCount = 0 end -- return value indicates we want to exit the browser local function controller(player) keyRepeat = max(0, $ - 1) if not (player.cmd.driftturn or player.cmd.buttons) then resetKeyRepeat() end local cmd = player.cmd if not keyRepeat then if cmd.driftturn > 0 then updateMapIndex(-1) updateKeyRepeat() elseif cmd.driftturn < 0 then updateMapIndex(1) updateKeyRepeat() elseif cmd.buttons & BT_FORWARD then scrollPos = $ - 1 updateKeyRepeat() elseif cmd.buttons & BT_BACKWARD then scrollPos = $ + 1 updateKeyRepeat() elseif cmd.buttons & BT_DRIFT then scrollPos = 1 if modes and #modes then mode = $ % #modes + 1 prefMode = modes[mode] end updateKeyRepeat() elseif cmd.buttons & BT_BRAKE then S_StartSound(nil, 115) return true elseif cmd.buttons & BT_ACCELERATE then S_StartSound(nil, 143) COM_BufInsertText(player, "changelevel "..G_BuildMapName(maps[mapIndex])) return true end end end rawset(_G, "BrowserController", controller) local function netvars(net) maps = net($) mapIndex = net($) modes = net($) mode = net($) prefMode = net($) scrollPos = net($) leaderboard = net($) end addHook("NetVars", netvars)