from typing import Dict, Union from loguru import logger from openai import OpenAI from sawaw.method import sawaw_analyze_method from sawaw.entry import SAWAWEntry from sawaw.sentiments import SentimentResult client = OpenAI(api_key="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") def query( comment: str, aspect_word_or_words: Union[list, str] ) -> Union[Dict[str, SentimentResult], SentimentResult]: """ Query the GPT-3 model for sentiment analysis. :param comment: The comment to be analyzed. :param aspect_word_or_words: The aspect word(s) to be analyzed. If a list is provided, the model will return a dictionary of aspect word to sentiment result. If a string is provided, the model will return a single sentiment result. :return: A dictionary of aspect word to sentiment result if a list is provided, or a single sentiment result if a string is provided. """ def to_sentiment_result(result: str) -> SentimentResult: if result == "positive": return SentimentResult.POSITIVE elif result == "neutral": return SentimentResult.NEUTRAL elif result == "negative": return SentimentResult.NEGATIVE elif result == "none": return SentimentResult.NONE else: return SentimentResult.UNDEFINED if isinstance(aspect_word_or_words, list): response = model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "You will be given a comment and several aspect words as input. For each aspect word, please respond with exactly one of the following words: 'positive', 'negative', 'neutral', or 'none'. Do not respond with any other words.\n\ne.g. Comment: I love this pair of shoes, but I think the food nearby is poor :(\n\nAspect Word: shoes, food\n\nResponse: shoes: positive\nfood: negative\n\nPlease strictly follow the format above.", }, { "role": "user", "content": "Comment:\n\n{}\n\nAspect Words:\n\n{}".format( comment, ", ".join(aspect_word_or_words) ), }, ], ) result = response.choices[0].message.content logger.debug("Result: {}".format(result)) results = result.split("\n") aspect_word_to_result = {} for result in results: try: aspect_word, sentiment = result.split(":") aspect_word_to_result[aspect_word.strip()] = to_sentiment_result( sentiment.strip().lower() ) except: logger.warning("Invalid result: {}".format(result)) for aspect_word in aspect_word_or_words: if aspect_word not in aspect_word_to_result: aspect_word_to_result[aspect_word] = SentimentResult.UNDEFINED logger.warning("Aspect word '{}' not found in result".format(aspect_word)) return aspect_word_to_result elif isinstance(aspect_word_or_words, str): response = model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "You will be given a comment and an aspect word as input. Please respond with exactly one of the following words: 'positive', 'negative', 'neutral', or 'none'. Do not respond with any other words.", }, { "role": "user", "content": "Comment:\n\n{} Aspect Word:\n\n{}".format( comment, aspect_word_or_words ), }, ], ) result = response.choices[0].message.content.lower() return to_sentiment_result(result) @sawaw_analyze_method def analyze(entry: SAWAWEntry) -> None: """ Analyze the sentiment of an entry using the GPT-3 model. Modifies the entry in-place. :param entry: The entry to be analyzed. :return: The entry with the sentiment_results field populated. """ results = query(entry.comment, entry.aspect_words) sentiment_results = [] for aspect_word in entry.aspect_words: sentiment_results.append(results[aspect_word]) entry.sentiment_results = sentiment_results