--- keywords: ["CAPS-11", "PDP-11", 1970s, 1970] image: ./caps-11.webp description: "! CAPS-11 was an operating system for the DEC PDP-11 computer. It is one of the earliest available operating system to be run on a PDP-11." sidebar_position: 2 --- import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList'; # ! CAPS-11 ![! CAPS-11](./caps-11.webp) ! CAPS-11 (**Ca**ssette **P**rogramming **S**ystem) was an operating system for the DEC PDP-11 computer. It is one of the earliest available operating system to be run on a PDP-11. ## Manuals You can download the ! CAPS-11 manual from here: - [! CAPS-11 User Guide](http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/pdp11/caps-11/DEC-11-OTUGA-A-D_CAPS-11_Users_Guide_Oct73.pdf) You may also be interested in the PDP-11 manuals. It was the computer on which ! CAPS-11 was supposed to run. You can download them from Bitsavers: - [PDP-11 Manuals](http://bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/pdp11/) ## Related Pages - [VirtualHub Screenshots](https://screenshots.virtualhub.eu.org/1970s/1970/caps-11/) - [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDP-11#Operating_systems) - [A third-party PDP-11 + CAPS-11 restoration bog post (with a YouTube video)](http://www.datormuseum.se/computers/digital-equipment-corporation/pdp-11-04.html) ## Credits - The manuals were taken from [Bitsavers](http://bitsavers.org).