title: 1970 Plan
description: "There were four operating system of our interest which was released in the year 1970. All of them can be installed on one of the SIMH emulators."
slug: 1970
authors: legacyinstaller
tags: [plan, 1970s]
image: ./img/1970.webp
keyword: [1970, 1970s, virtualhub]

![PDP-7 Unix from 1965](./img/1970.webp)

There were four operating system of our interest which were released in the year 1970. They were:

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- ! PDP7 Unix
- ! CAPS-11
- ! ADSS-15
- ! DOS-15

All of them can be installed on one of the SIMH emulators.

I will cover them soon.

Stay tuned!