--- title: "A fresh restart..." description: "Hello and Welcome to the new VirtualHub Blog experience! This new experience is a part of something big - a complete overhaul of VirtualHub." slug: a-fresh-restart... authors: legacyinstaller tags: [legacy] keyword: [history, virtualhub] image: ./img/LegacyInstaller.webp --- :::note This version of VirtualHub is powered by [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/). This blog post is old and may contain wrong info. No VirtualHub website use Jekyll now. The VirtualHub blog is now merged in the main VirtualHub site. ::: Hello and Welcome to the new VirtualHub Blog experience! This new experience is a part of something big - a complete overhaul of VirtualHub. To tell the story of this new VirtualHub, I need to tell you some history first. Once upon a time when the COVID-19 pandemic was at its peak in India, and I was trapped in my home due to lockdown, I was exploring the internet and saw something new - a [tutorial to install Windows 3.1 on VirtualBox](https://socket3.wordpress.com/2016/08/25/install-configure-ms-dos-6-22-and-windows-3-1-using-oracle-virtualbox/). This awakened my interest in old software. ## Legacy OS I decided to start my own blog and started with [Blogger](https://www.blogger.com/) like any other novice. The blog is still available at [https://tutorialsonlegacyos.blogspot.com](https://tutorialsonlegacyos.blogspot.com), but some of the older posts now redirect to the Legacy Installer site (See below for more info). ![Legacy OS Website](./img/LegacyOS.webp) ## Legacy Installer But like everyone, I soon grew tired of Blogger's limits. I started a new website this time using [WordPress](https://wordpress.org). It is available at [https://legacyinstaller.pcriot.com](https://legacyinstaller.pcriot.com). ![Legacy Installer Website](./img/LegacyInstaller.webp) ## VirtualHub ### Old VirtualHub But again, I found WordPress too slow for my liking. I started to search for alternatives and found [Publii](https://getpublii.com). The site I created using it is now available at [https://old.virtualhub.eu.org](https://old.virtualhub.eu.org). It was fast in writing and editing and the website also was very fast, but the building step took a long time even with only 30 posts, and it was nowhere close to my purpose. ![Old VirtualHub Website](./img/OldVirtualHub.webp) Also, this version of VirtualHub was to complement the Legacy Installer website and not replace it. To know more about what I planned, see its [About page](https://old.virtualhub.eu.org/about-virtualhub/). ### NeoVirtualHub The next alternative: Jekyll. It was fast. It built fast. I found [a theme that met my expectations](/blog/a-bit-about-your-favorite-theme.../). So, I started to port the VirtualHub website to Jekyll. You can view my work here - [https://neo.virtualhub.eu.org](https://neo.virtualhub.eu.org). ![NeoVirtualHub Website](./img/NeoVirtualHub.webp) Then this happened - [A fresh start](/blog/a-fresh-start.../). It was not a success, but I got a new idea. ## The New VirtualHub experience :::note This version of VirtualHub is powered by [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/). This blog post is old and may contain wrong info. No VirtualHub website use Jekyll now. The VirtualHub blog is now merged in the main VirtualHub site. ::: I am happy to announce the new bunch of VirtualHub sites that complement each other. They are built using Jekyll and Hugo, and they are _fast_. These are the websites: - [VirtualHub](https://virtualhub.eu.org) - A hub of tutorials on installing old OS. - [VirtualHub Setup](https://setup.virtualhub.eu.org) - Set up your system for VirtualHub. - [VirtualHub Screenshots](https://screenshots.virtualhub.eu.org) - Screenshots of old Software. - [VirtualHub DOSBox-X](https://dosbox-x.virtualhub.eu.org) - Installing old software on DOSBox-X. - [VirtualHub Blog](https://blog.virtualhub.eu.org) - The story about VirtualHub. Surprised to see the last one? I told you in the beginning, this redesign is a part of something big. Now, this blog is powered by Hugo instead of Jekyll. This is not all. I have also created YouTube channels for VirtualHub and VirtualHub Setup. The YouTube channels for VirtualHub Screencasts and VirtualHub DOSBox-X will come soon. - [VirtualHub YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/@Virtua1Hub) - [VirtualHub Setup YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/@virtualhubsetup) Now every tutorial will be accompanied by a video. I will use [Storj](https://www.storj.io/) to deliver large files to you. Stay tuned for more stories about VirtualHub!