import os import yaml import string import hashlib import argparse from collections import defaultdict from urllib.parse import urlparse from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES from Cryptodome.Util import Padding from aiohttp import web, hdrs from thumbnail import generate_thumbnail ThumbnailOptions = { 'trim': False, 'height': 300, 'width': 300, 'quality': 85, 'type': 'thumbnail' } class AppConfig: _instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls._instance: cls._instance = super(AppConfig, cls).__new__(cls) return cls._instance def __init__(self, config_file): if not hasattr(self, 'is_loaded'): self.load_config(config_file) self.is_loaded = True def load_config(self, config_file): with open(config_file) as f: data = yaml.safe_load(f) self.url_hash_len = data.get('url_hash_len', 8) self.data_path = data.get('data_path', '/data') self.auth = data.get('auth', True) self.tokens = set(data.get('tokens', [])) self.del_crypt_key = data.get('del_crypt_key', 'default_key') self.show_ext = data.get('show_ext', True) self.max_filesize = data.get('max_filesize', '1024 ** 2 * 100') # Default 100 MB self.base_url = data.get('base_url', 'http://localhost/f/') self.frontend = data.get('frontend', False) self.thumbnails = data.get('thumbnails', False) self.thumbnail_path = data.get('thumbnail_path', '/data/thumbs') self.thumbnail_strategy = data.get('thumbnail_strategy', 'both') self.validate_config() def validate_config(self): if self.url_hash_len > 32: raise ValueError('url_hash_len cannot be greater than 32') if self.url_hash_len % 2 != 0: raise ValueError('url_hash_len must be a multiple of 2') self.max_filesize = self.evaluate_filesize(self.max_filesize) self.del_crypt_key = hashlib.md5(self.del_crypt_key.encode()).digest()[:16] if not os.path.isdir(self.data_path): os.mkdir(self.data_path) if not os.path.isdir(self.thumbnail_path): os.mkdir(self.thumbnail_path) self.base_url = f"{self.base_url.strip("/ \t\r\n")}" @staticmethod def evaluate_filesize(size_str): valid_chars = set(string.hexdigits + '* ') if not set(size_str).issubset(valid_chars): raise ValueError('Invalid characters in max_filesize') try: return eval(size_str) except Exception: raise ValueError('Invalid format for max_filesize') def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'): for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']: if abs(num) < 1024.: return f"{num:3.1f}{unit}{suffix}" num /= 1024. return f"{num:.1f}Yi{suffix}" async def handle_upload(req): if conf.auth: auth_header = req.headers.get(hdrs.AUTHORIZATION, None) if auth_header is None: return web.Response(text='Authentication required', status=401) try: scheme, token = auth_header.split(' ') if scheme.lower() != 'bearer': raise ValueError except ValueError: return web.Response(text='Invalid authentication scheme', status=401) if token not in conf.tokens: return web.Response(text='Access denied', status=403) reader = await req.multipart() file = await filename = os.path.basename(file.filename) if not os.path.isdir(f'{conf.data_path}'): os.mkdir(f'{conf.data_path}') for _ in range(100): hb = os.urandom(conf.url_hash_len // 2) h = hb.hex() if h not in file_db: break else: return web.Response(text='url key-space full', status=500) file_db[h] = filename local_fname = f'{conf.data_path}/{h}_{filename}' ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if conf.show_ext else '' os.fdopen(, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o600)).close() try: valid_file = await recv_file(file, local_fname) except IOError: return web.Response(text='internal io error', status=500) if valid_file: c =, AES.MODE_CBC) hb = Padding.pad(hb, AES.block_size) del_h = (c.encrypt(hb) + c.iv).hex() local_thname = f'{conf.thumbnail_path}/{h}_{filename}.png' generate_thumbnail(local_fname, local_thname, ThumbnailOptions) return web.Response(text=f'{{"file_link":"{conf.base_url}/{h}{ext}",' f'"thumb_link":"{conf.base_url}/thumb/{h}{ext}",' f'"delete_link":"{conf.base_url}/del/{del_h}"}}', status=200) os.unlink(local_fname) del file_db[h] return web.Response(text=f'file is bigger than {sizeof_fmt(conf.max_filesize)}', status=413) async def recv_file(file, local_fname): size = 0 with open(local_fname, 'wb') as f: while True: chunk = await file.read_chunk() if not chunk: return True size += len(chunk) if size > conf.max_filesize: return False f.write(chunk) async def handle_delete(req): chashiv = req.match_info.get('hash', 'x') if len(chashiv) != 64 or not set(chashiv).issubset(hexdigits_set): return web.Response(text='invalid delete link', status=400) chashiv = bytes.fromhex(chashiv) c =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=chashiv[AES.block_size:]) fhash = c.decrypt(chashiv[:AES.block_size]) try: fhash = Padding.unpad(fhash, AES.block_size).hex() except ValueError: pass if fhash not in file_db: return web.Response(text='this file doesn\'t exist on the server', status=404) os.unlink(f"{conf.data_path}/{fhash}_{file_db[fhash]}") del file_db[fhash] return web.Response(text='file deleted') async def handle_download(req): fhash = req.match_info.get('hash', '').split('.', 1)[0] if fhash not in file_db: return web.Response(text='file not found', status=404) return web.FileResponse(f"{conf.data_path}/{fhash}_{file_db[fhash]}", headers={ hdrs.CONTENT_DISPOSITION: f'inline;filename="{file_db[fhash]}"' }) async def handle_thumbnail(req): fhash = req.match_info.get('hash', '').split('.', 1)[0] if fhash not in file_db: return web.Response(text='file not found', status=404) ## TODO: If thumbnail doesn't exist, generate new thumbnail return web.FileResponse(f"{conf.thumbnail_path}/{fhash}_{file_db[fhash]}", headers={ hdrs.CONTENT_DISPOSITION: f'inline;filename="{file_db[fhash]}"' }) def main(): for file in os.listdir(f"{conf.data_path}"): try: fhash, fname = file.split('_', 1) except ValueError: print(f"file \"{file}\" has an invalid file name format, skipping...") continue file_db[fhash] = fname parsed_url = urlparse(conf.base_url) base_path = parsed_url.path app = web.Application() app.router.add_post(base_path + '/post', handle_upload) app.router.add_get(base_path + '/del/{hash}', handle_delete) app.router.add_get(base_path + '/{hash}', handle_download) app.router.add_get(base_path + '/thumb/{hash}', handle_thumbnail) web.run_app(app, port=80) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="File serving and uploading server intended for use as a ShareX host.") parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default=None, help='Path to the configuration file.') parser.add_argument('config_file', nargs='?', default='config.yaml', help='Path to the configuration file (positional argument).') args = parser.parse_args() if args.config and args.config_file != 'config.yaml': print("Warning: Both positional and optional config arguments provided. Using the -c argument.") return args.config return args.config or args.config_file if __name__ == '__main__': hexdigits_set = set(string.hexdigits) file_db = defaultdict(dict) conf_name = parse_args() print("Loading config file", conf_name) conf = AppConfig(conf_name) main()