require "merged" # directory inside /app/assets/images where YOUR images are kept # if you change this and add own styles, you will still need a merged directory # for the previews (card_preview and section_preview) Merged.images_dir = "merged" # directory where data and styles are kept # Notice that the data is ALWAYS inside a merged directory, # so in the default case Rails.root/merged/*.yml Merged.data_dir = "." # text colors, keys are options shown to user, values what gets replaced Merged.text_color = { "white" => "text-white", "none" => "", "light_blue" => "text-cyan-100", "light_gray" => "text-gray-100", "solid_blue" => "text-cyan-700", "solid_red" => "text-orange-800", "solid_green" => "text-green-700", "solid_petrol" => "text-teal-700", "solid_indigo" => "text-indigo-800", "solid_black" => "text-slate-800", } # margin option, keys are options shown to user, values what gets replaced Merged.margin = { "none" => "m-0", "small" => " m-2 md:m-4 lg:6 xl:m-8", "medium" => "m-5 md:m-8 lg:10 xl:m-14", "large" => " m-8 md:m-12 lg:16 xl:m-20",} # background colors Merged.background = {"white" => "bg-white", "none" => "", "light_blue" => "bg-cyan-100", "light_gray" => "bg-gray-100", "light_orange" => "bg-orange-50", "solid_blue" => "bg-cyan-700 text-white", "solid_red" => "bg-amber-600 text-white", "solid_green" => "bg-green-700 text-white", "solid_petrol" => "bg-teal-700 text-white", "solid_indigo" => "bg-cyan-900 text-white", "solid_black" => "bg-slate-900 text-white", } # shade options Merged.shade_color = {"white_25" => "bg-white/25", "none" => "", "black_25" => "bg-black/25", "light_blue_25" => "bg-cyan-100/25", "light_red_25" => "bg-orange-300/25", "solid_blue_25" => "bg-cyan-700/25", "solid_red_25" => "bg-orange-800/25", } # amount of text columns Merged.text_columns = { "3" => "columns-1 md:columns-2 lg:columns-3", "4" => "columns-1 md:columns-2 lg:columns-3 xl:columns-4", "2" => "columns-1 md:columns-2" } Merged.columns = { "1" => "grid-cols-1", "2" => "grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2" , "3" => "grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3", "4" => "grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-4", "5" => "grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-5", "6" => "grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-4 lg:grid-cols-6", }