- template: section_full_image
  id: c6dbabd4e44257f3e04b
  header: Hub Feenix
  text: "Our Vision:\r\n\r\nArt, craft, music, yoga, dance, meditation, nature, and
    creatives of every kind come together under our roof in an atmosphere of openness
    and learning. \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nWe are very much just starting, so make contact,
    check later, or follow us on facebook."
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    color: white
    align: left
    shade_color: solid_blue_25
  image: cafe_about
- template: section_full_up
  id: 37c68220ab0ad519ac37
  header: About Us
  text: "Hub Feenix is a community space that fosters creativity, healing, and connection.
    \r\nArt, craft, music, yoga, dance, meditation, nature, and creative people of
    all kinds come together under our roof in an atmosphere of openness and learning.
    \r\n\r\nHub Feenix provides opportunities for creative people to live, work, learn,
    create, exhibit, and perform in a healing natural setting in the tranquil southeastern
    Finland forest. \r\n\r\nAs part of our commitment to ongoing connection and learning,
    Hub Feenix provides space for retreats, workshops, conferences, short- and long-term
    residencies, and other gatherings."
    background: light_orange
    color: solid_blue
    margin: '0'
    subheader: ''
    button_link: ''
    button_text: ''
- template: section_full_image
  id: cda4571c02aaa68d5841
  header: ''
  text: "[Click here to open](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=H%C3%B6gbenintie+30%2C+10350+Meltola%2C+Raasepori&atb=v283-1&ia=web&iaxm=directions&end=what%3AH%25C3%25B6gbensv%25C3%25A4gen%252030%252C%252010350%2520Meltola%252C%2520Finland&transport=drive)"
  image: map_wide
    fixed: 'on'
    color: black
    align: center
    shade_color: none