%div Story layout changes with the amount of text. For short text a wide picture is best. Otherwise square, and for longer text a high picture also works. = simple_form_for @story do |f| = f.error_notification .flex.h-16.mt-2 = image_tag(@story.picture_url , class: "align-middle mr-2") if @story.picture? .w-full= f.input :picture , as: :file , label: (@story.picture.blank? ? "Add picture" : "Change picture") = f.hidden_field :picture_cache = f.input :header = render "merged/form/editor" , object: @story , field: :text, form: f = f.input :happened , wrapper_class: "flex mt-4 align-center" .flex.justify-between.mt-6 %button.bg-cyan-200.rounded-lg.px-4.py-3.text-md.font-medium.border.border-gray-400 = f.submit 'Save' = link_to member_path(current_member) do %button.ml-20.rounded-lg.px-4.py-3.text-md.font-medium.border.border-gray-400 Back