--- - :template: section_full_image :id: 28 :header: Hub Feenix :text: "Our Vision:\r\n\r\nArt, craft, music, yoga, dance, meditation, nature, and creatives of every kind come together under our roof in an atmosphere of openness and learning. \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nWe are very much just starting, so make contact, check later, or follow us on facebook." :options: fixed: 'off' text_color: white text_align: left shade_color: solid_blue_25 item_align: left image_align: right :image_name: cafe_about :updated_at: 2023-01-01 14:31:48.337456703 +02:00 :page_id: 5 :index: 1 :image_id: 3 :updated_by: torsten@villataika.fi - :template: section_full_up :id: 29 :header: About Us :text: "Hub Feenix is a community space that fosters creativity, healing, and connection. \r\nArt, craft, music, yoga, dance, meditation, nature, and creative people of all kinds come together under our roof in an atmosphere of openness and learning. \r\n\r\nHub Feenix provides opportunities for creative people to live, work, learn, create, exhibit, and perform in a healing natural setting in the tranquil southeastern Finland forest. \r\n\r\nAs part of our commitment to ongoing connection and learning, Hub Feenix provides space for retreats, workshops, conferences, short- and long-term residencies, and other gatherings." :options: background: light_orange text_color: solid_blue margin: '0' subheader: '' button_link: '' button_text: '' text_align: center item_align: center :updated_at: 2022-12-08 19:11:48.243621696 +02:00 :page_id: 5 :index: 2 :image_id: - :template: section_full_image :id: 30 :header: The road to Feenix :text: "[Click here to open](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=H%C3%B6gbenintie+30%2C+10350+Meltola%2C+Raasepori&atb=v283-1&ia=web&iaxm=directions&end=what%3AH%25C3%25B6gbensv%25C3%25A4gen%252030%252C%252010350%2520Meltola%252C%2520Finland&transport=drive)" :image_name: map_wide :options: fixed: 'on' text_color: black text_align: left shade_color: none item_align: left image_align: left :updated_at: 2023-01-01 14:19:06.708801219 +02:00 :page_id: 5 :index: 3 :image_id: 23 :updated_by: torsten@villataika.fi - :template: section_full_image :header: HUB FEENIX :text: Only an hour west of Helsinki, the Feenix rises from an old sanatorium. The Hub is a place to create, learn and regenerate. :image_name: house :id: 31 :options: fixed: 'on' shade_color: black_25 text_color: white text_align: center item_align: left image_align: center :updated_at: 2023-01-14 20:07:27.482852523 +02:00 :page_id: 6 :index: 1 :image_id: 47 :updated_by: maijanposteja@gmail.com - :template: section_large_image :index: 4 :page_id: 5 :updated_at: 2023-01-04 18:08:03.871868509 +02:00 :updated_by: maijanposteja@gmail.com :id: 41 :options: {} - :template: section_full_up :index: 5 :page_id: 7 :updated_at: 2023-01-20 15:08:18.861073195 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 42 :options: background: light_blue text_color: none margin: '20' subheader: About the Hub and living here text_align: center item_align: center button_link: '' button_text: '' columns: '3' :header: Info :text: "Hub Feenix is a non-profit centre for creativity and wellbeing, \r\nrun by Co-operative Hub Feenix.\r\nOur values are love of life, fairness, continuous learning and giving to life with all our work in Hub Feenix.\r\nWelcome to join the Hub!\r\n\r\n\r\nACTIVITIES AND POSSIBILITIES\r\nHub Feenix is surrounded by beautiful nature, and you can take nice walks around the area. There are paths in the forest, and everyone’s free to use them. It’s also possible to pick berries and mushrooms. There’s a lake nearby, and you can take a swim, but always wear a swimming suit.\r\nThere’s also lots of things happening in the house. For example yoga classes (please check the times), \t\tlanguage lessons, Ecstatic dance evenings (10€ for the people of the house), riding treks in the forest (ask Maija L for prices and times). You´re warmly welcome to join all the activities. Some are free, some have a participation fee. There’s also Gym in 1B corridor that you can use freely. In the winter you can borrow ice skates and cross-country skis.\r\nIt´s possible to borrow a Hub Feenix car, for the price of 0,20€/ km. Please ask Torsten more about it (little driving test required before borrowing it first time).\r\nThere’s a bus stop right in front of the house. On the weekdays (=schooldays, some also on summer holiday season) busses go to Karjaa (7 km -grocery stores, post office, train station etc.) and to Helsinki. There’s timetables on the wall in the beginning of 1A corridor. You can also check them in www.matkahuolto.fi (our bus stop is Meltola, Raasepori) or ask Hanna! You can also ask a lift from people who have their own cars, if someone would have a same journey as you.\r\nThere’s couple of bikes too that can be borrowed. You can ask Dave more about them.\r\nSauna: please check the sauna times at the Workaway meeting! We’re always wearing swimming suits in the sauna. If the outdoor sauna is used, the firewood must be chopped so that there is always plenty of ready wood available (ask more from Dave).\r\nWe use Signal for messaging together, please download the app if you don’t have it yet, and we’ll add you to the Workaway group.\r\nFree Wi-Fi network is called cumulus, password: feenix2020\r\n\r\nPUBLIC SPACES\r\nOur aim together is to always keep the public spaces looking nice and inviting! There can be visitors coming to look at the place any time! So let’s not leave tools, cleaning equipment, our clothes or shoes etc. wondering around.\r\n\r\n\r\nVISITORS\r\nWhen having visitors and showing them around, please keep only to the areas that are meant for the public = please don’t take visitors to the basement or the storage corridors.\r\n\r\nRENTING HUB FEENIX SPACES\r\nIt’s possible to rent spaces for your own interest, like art studio, wood workshop, treatment space etc. For the workaways, using a space for one hour, costs one hour of work. If heating is needed, there’s a separate fee for that. Agree the renting with Torsten beforehand. If you would like to rent a space for a longer time or for a bigger group of people, that can also be possible -talk to Torsten about that too.\r\n\r\nQUESTIONS\r\nAlways feel free to ask, if you need help or information! There are no silly questions!\r\n\r\nENJOY YOUR STAY!" - :template: section_full_up :index: 1 :page_id: 8 :updated_at: 2023-01-19 16:37:55.930268246 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 43 :options: background: white text_color: none margin: '0' subheader: '' text_align: center item_align: center button_link: "/what_to_expect" button_text: what to expect :header: Before coming here :text: read the info section - :template: section_text :index: 3 :page_id: 7 :updated_at: 2023-01-20 15:29:52.108661424 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 46 :options: subheader: '' margin: '20' order: left text_color: solid_black background: none button_link: '' button_text: '' columns: '4' text_align: left :header: 'Basic food we provide:' :text: "\r\n• Rice\r\n• Pasta\r\n• Oatmeal\r\n• Bread\r\n• Margarine\r\n• Oat milk\r\n• Red & green lentils\r\n• Pasta\r\n• Oatmeal\r\n• Bread\r\n• Margarine\r\n• Oat milk\r\n• Red & green lentils\r\n• Beans\r\n• Chopped tomatoes\r\n• Onions + garlic\r\n• Fruit - bananas, apples ,clementines\r\n• Root veggies - potatoes, carrots, beetroots\r\n• Spices\r\n• Jam\r\n• Sauces - ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard \r\n• Lemon juice & vinegar\r\n• Coffee & tea selection\r\n• Cooking oil\r\n• Peanuts & raisins\r\n• Tofu\r\n• Cheese\r\n• Flour & yeast\r\n• Peanut butter\r\n• season's fresh and frozen veggies " :image_id: 89 <<<<<<< HEAD :card_template: card_full_image ======= >>>>>>> 2cfa4d515a4f722214cc2981a17e9d4d759d6d17 - :template: section_cards :index: 1 :page_id: 9 :updated_at: 2023-01-19 14:26:59.100565929 +02:00 :updated_by: torsten@villataika.fi :id: 50 :options: {} :card_template: card_full_image :header: The workaway deal :text: For about 5 hours of work 5 days a week you get basic food and accommodation. On top of this everyone participates in keeping the accommodation area 3A clean (we have cleaning shifts there every Wed & Sun). - :template: section_cards :index: 1 :page_id: 10 :updated_at: 2023-01-20 14:12:29.789731694 +02:00 :updated_by: torsten@villataika.fi :id: 51 :options: background: white text_color: none margin: '0' subheader: '' text_align: center item_align: center button_link: '' button_text: '' columns: '4' :header: Day acivities locally :text: "We are in the country side, so nature is close (walking, swimming etc) \r\nBut also a surprising amount of local culture is really worth the visit." :card_template: card_normal_round - :template: section_cards :index: 1 :page_id: 7 :header: Accommodation :text: '' :options: margin: 20 order: left text_color: none background: none columns: '3' subheader: '' text_align: left :updated_at: 2023-01-20 15:31:10.149534001 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 52 :card_template: card_normal_square - :template: section_small_image :index: 4 :page_id: 7 :updated_at: 2023-01-20 16:33:43.315473579 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 53 :options: subheader: '' margin: '0' order: left text_color: none background: none button_link: '' button_text: '' text_align: left :header: Living :text: "hub feenix provides accommodation in double rooms, with shared showers and common kitchen and lounge.\r\nthe volunteers have a dedicated corridor, where 5 - 10 volunteers reside at all times. \r\nthe volunteers are allowed to use the many hub facilities." :image_id: 95 :card_template: card_full_image - :template: section_cards :index: 2 :page_id: 7 :updated_at: 2023-01-20 15:17:50.340950793 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 54 :card_template: card_normal_square :options: background: white columns: '4' subheader: '' text_color: none text_align: left :header: facilities :text: '' - :template: section_cards :index: 1 :page_id: 11 :updated_at: 2023-01-20 14:41:11.698773113 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 55 :card_template: card_wide_square :options: background: white columns: '3' subheader: '' color: none text_align: left :header: what to expect :text: '' - :template: section_text :index: 2 :page_id: 11 :updated_at: 2023-01-20 14:39:55.972317660 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 56 :options: columns: '4' background: white color: none margin: '0' subheader: '' button_link: '' button_text: '' text_color: none text_align: left :header: House rules :text: "**RESPECT THE PROPERTY OF HUB FEENIX**\r\nAll of us in Hub Feenix respect the property of others. Everything in here is always somebody’s property, that somebody has bought -also in the storage rooms in the 1st floor and in the basement. So please always ask first if you need to take something (from Raisa or Maija L, tools etc. Torsten). The food storages in the 1st floor are only for the use of the cafeteria/ customer kitchen. Common workaway food can be found in the accommodation corridor 3A’s kitchen, and the room next to it. There is separate shelves and fridges for everyone’s private food as well as the common food -Maija L will show them to you.\r\n\r\n**HEATING**\r\nHeating this big house in the winter time is very expensive, so let’s take good care of the heated spaces. Electric heaters are the most expensive to use (10-20€ a day!) so we use them only when really needed. Keep the door to your room open at the daytime, so the warm air from the air pump can get in. If you need to use the electric heater in the night time, always keep it at level ”1”, never at ”2”, and remember to switch it off for the day. You can also borrow an electric heat-blanket for your bed. If you need fresh air in your room, keep the window open only for 5mins while you’re in the room.\r\n\r\n**NO CANDLES**\r\nThere is an automatic fire alarm system in the house, so we can not burn candles or incenses inside. It costs 1000€ if the fire brigade drives here for a false alarm.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**VISITORS**\r\nWhen having visitors and showing them around, please keep only to the areas that are meant for the public = please don’t take visitors to the basement or the storage corridors.\r\n\r\n**DOORS**\r\nAll the outside doors must always be kept locked. The main door can sometimes be open during events and courses, but only during daytime. And remember to give back your outdoor key when leaving! \r\n\r\n**MEETINGS**\r\nThere’s a Workaway meeting every Monday morning 10am. where we about the works of the coming week, what’s happening in Hub Feenix and all the other possible things!\r\n\r\n**CLEANING SHIFT**\r\nTwice a week, some of the volunteers attend a cleaning shift, where the entire volunteer corridoor is cleaned." - :template: section_small_image :index: 3 :page_id: 11 :header: Recycling :text: "**COMPOSTING AND RECYCLING**\r\nWe recycle all the waste we can -old food, plastic, cardboard, paper, metal, glass. You can find small recycling unit in our kitchen, a little bit bigger one in the storage room opposite to the kitchen, and the biggest ”main recycling room” in the 1B storage corridor. \r\nMixed waste that cannot be recycled, goes to the big black bin in the back yard, ask Maija for more detailed instruction. When the bucket for composted food gets full, it should be emptied in the wooden compost box in the inner yard (close to saunas). It has 4 sections, use the one that doesn’t have a stone on it. When the bucket is empty, wash it in our 3A cleaning room, and then fill it 1/4 with sawdust (there’s a big bag in the cleaning room). \r\nIn Finland you get money back from empty drinking bottles and cans, so it’s worth taking them back to the shop and not crush them.\r\n" :options: columns: 3 background: none text_color: none margin: '20' text_align: center subheader: '' order: left button_link: '' button_text: '' :updated_at: 2023-01-19 23:02:52.753835129 +02:00 :updated_by: torsten@villataika.fi :id: 57 :image_id: 65 - :template: section_full_image :index: 2 :page_id: 8 :header: Where we are :text: '' :options: background: none text_color: solid_blue margin: 20 text_align: center item_align: center fixed: 'on' image_align: left-top shade_color: none button_link: '' button_text: '' :updated_at: 2023-01-20 15:10:26.565754518 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 58 :image_id: 61 - :template: section_feature :index: 3 :page_id: 8 :updated_at: 2023-01-20 14:45:25.284988962 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 59 :card_template: card_gap_square :options: background: white columns: '3' subheader: '' text_color: none text_align: left :header: How to get here :text: "address: Högbensvägen 30, 10350 Högben\r\nnearby town: Karjaa(Karis)\r\ndistance from Helsinki: approximately 1 hour by train or car.\r\n\r\n[see on google maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hub+Feenix/@60.1087256,23.7915169,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x468da5124a023e29:0xcae080e9021c7724!8m2!3d60.1087229!4d23.7937056)\r\n\r\n##what you should bring##\r\n\r\n**Clothing** - it can get pretty cold during winter, so make sure to come with several layer of clothes, preferably woolen. \r\ndon't forget a swimsuit for the sauna.\r\n**grooming and shower** -The hub accommodates a dry blower, soap and shampoo, but make sure to bring your own dental cleaning items, and any other grooming equipment you may need.\r\n\r\n" - :template: section_cards :index: 1 :page_id: 12 :updated_at: 2023-01-20 14:49:14.615050430 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 60 :card_template: card_full_image :options: background: white columns: '4' subheader: '' text_color: none text_align: left :header: Activities And Possibilities :text: 'There are plenty of options when it comes to finding something exciting to do near the hub, here are a few - ' - :template: section_text :index: 2 :page_id: 12 :updated_at: 2023-01-20 16:15:15.457899452 +02:00 :updated_by: solsolsola123@gmail.com :id: 61 :options: {} :header: Games & shared activities :text: "**Basement hide and seek** - The basement is structured like a maze which allows for alot of creative expression when when finding somewhere to hide.\r\n\r\n**Among us/ jackbox** - the computer room allows for joined video gaming experiences.\r\n\r\n**Football** - The winter version is more exciting!\r\n\r\n**Dudo** - Dudo is a fun dice game [see rules](https://bead.game/games/dice-games/dudo)\r\n\r\n**Card & Board games** - The kitchen lounge has several board and card games. \r\n\r\n**Ski** - there's free-to-use ski equipment in the hub for everybodies use. \r\n\r\n**Ice skating** - \r\n**Watching movies** - \r\n**Swimming in the lake** - take a summer swim, or a walk during winter.\r\n"