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2023-01-22 15:37:39 +02:00
%script{:src => "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.7.14/dist/vue.js"}
%script{:src => "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/marked/marked.min.js"}
2023-01-23 12:50:22 +02:00
2023-01-22 20:29:10 +02:00
%h1.text-4xl Edit your profile
2022-12-20 17:05:26 +02:00
2023-01-23 12:50:22 +02:00
.flex.flex-col.text-center{class: "w-full md:w-10/12"}
2023-01-26 00:47:27 +02:00
The Picture box is landscape with ratio 3/4.
2023-01-23 12:50:22 +02:00
= simple_form_for @member do |f|
2023-01-22 20:29:10 +02:00
= render "merged/form/editor" , object: @member , field: :bio, form: f
.text-red-700= f.error_notification
= f.input :name
2023-06-03 18:09:23 +03:00
= f.input :arriving
= f.input :leaving
2023-01-26 00:47:27 +02:00
= image_tag(@member.picture_url , class: "align-middle mr-4") if @member.picture?
.w-full= f.input :picture , as: :file ,
2023-01-22 20:29:10 +02:00
label: (@member.picture.blank? ? "Add picture" : "Change picture")
= f.hidden_field :picture_cache
= f.button :button, "Update", class: button_classes + " bg-cyan-200"
= link_to member_path(@member) do
%button.ml-10{type: :submit, class: button_classes}