# Rat Rig V-core 3 Klipper Config # Documentation: https://os.ratrig.com # The first thing you'll need to do is go through this file and comment out / uncomment # the files and/or settings you need. # You'll be able to print just fine with this config as it is, but it is recommended # that you follow these steps to properly calibrate your printer: # 0) Sanity check and PID Tuning: https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_checks.html # 1) Pressure Advance: https://www.klipper3d.org/Pressure_Advance.html # 2) Skew Correction: https://www.klipper3d.org/Skew_Correction.html # 3) Resonance Compensation: https://www.klipper3d.org/Resonance_Compensation.html # Read more about klipper here: https://www.klipper3d.org/Overview.html ############################################################################################################# ### CONTROL BOARD ### Pick the board you have installed and wired in your printer. ############################################################################################################# # [include config/boards/btt-skr-pro-12/config.cfg] [include config/boards/btt-octopus-11/config.cfg] #[include config/boards/btt-octopus-pro-446/config.cfg] #[include config/boards/btt-octopus-pro-429/config.cfg] #[include config/boards/fysetc-spider/config.cfg] ############################################################################################################# ### BASE SETUP ############################################################################################################# [include config/printers/v-core-3/v-core-3.cfg] ############################################################################################################# ### STEPPER MOTORS, DRIVERS & SPEED LIMITS ### Pick the drivers and stepper motors you're using. See the RatOS documentation for custom combinations. ############################################################################################################# [include config/printers/v-core-3/steppers.cfg] # UNCOOLED TMC 2209 + LDO-42STH48-2504AC [include config/printers/v-core-3/speed-limits-basic.cfg] [include config/printers/v-core-3/tmc2209.cfg] [include config/steppers/ldo/42sth48-2504ac/2209/24v-1.1a-*.cfg] # COOLED TMC 2209 + LDO-42STH48-2504AC # This increases motor torque, positional accuracy and speed limits. # don't enable this before your printer is fully configured and you have a fan blowing on your stepper drivers. #[include config/printers/v-core-3/speed-limits-performance.cfg] #[include config/printers/v-core-3/tmc2209-performance.cfg] #[include config/steppers/ldo/42sth48-2504ac/2209/24v-1.6a-*.cfg] # STEALTH MODE (Enables stealthchop and limits velocity and acceleration) # NOTE: You still need to include one of the above stepper motor definitions. # NOTE: This will make your printer quiter but less accurate, it's an inherent side effect of stealthchop. #[include config/printers/v-core-3/speed-limits-stealth.cfg] #[include config/printers/v-core-3/tmc2209-stealth.cfg] ############################################################################################################# ### HOMING ### Pick your probe and endstops ############################################################################################################# # BL Touch [include config/z-probe/bltouch.cfg] # Inductive/Capacitive probe # [include config/z-probe/probe.cfg] # Physical endstops [include config/printers/v-core-3/physical-endstops.cfg] # Sensorless homing (Beware: this requires manual tinkering and does not work if your x/y stepper drivers # have clipped DIAG pins). It is strongly encouraged to use physical endstops if you're a beginner. # If you still wish to proceed, copy config/templates/sensorless-homing-tmc2209.cfg to the root directory and # remove the # from the line below. #[include sensorless-homing-tmc2209.cfg] ############################################################################################################# ### PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS ### Pick your printer size ############################################################################################################# # Remove the # from your printer size below. # Similarly add a # in front of [include config/printers/v-core-3/300.cfg] if you have a bigger machine. #[include config/printers/v-core-3/300.cfg] #[include config/printers/v-core-3/400.cfg] [include config/printers/v-core-3/500.cfg] ############################################################################################################# ### INPUT SHAPER ### Enable/disable input shaper calibration ############################################################################################################# # Uncomment this next line if you have an ADXL345 connected to your control board #[include config/printers/v-core-3/input-shaper.cfg] ############################################################################################################# ### TOOLHEAD ### Pick your extruder and hotend ############################################################################################################# # Extruder # [include config/extruders/bmg.cfg] [include config/extruders/lgx.cfg] #[include config/extruders/lgx-lite.cfg] #[include config/extruders/orbiter.cfg] #[include config/extruders/orbiter-1004.cfg] # Use this with the LDO-36STH20-1004AHG motor #[include config/extruders/hemera.cfg] #[include config/extruders/titan.cfg] # Hotend # [include config/hotends/v6.cfg] #[include config/hotends/dragonfly.cfg] #[include config/hotends/rapido.cfg] #[include config/hotends/copperhead.cfg] [include config/hotends/mosquito.cfg] #[include config/hotends/mosquito-magnum.cfg] #[include config/hotends/dragon-standard-flow.cfg] #[include config/hotends/dragon-high-flow.cfg] ############################################################################################################# ### MACROS ############################################################################################################# [include config/macros.cfg] [include config/shell-macros.cfg] [include config/printers/v-core-3/macros.cfg] ############################################################################################################# ### MACRO CONFIGURATION ### Configure the behavior of RatOS macros ############################################################################################################# [gcode_macro RatOS] # Use absolute extrusion mode # Set to True to use relative extrusion mode variable_relative_extrusion: False # Wait for extruder to reach 150 so an inductive probe (if present) is at a predictable temp. # Also allows the bed heat to spread a little, and softens any plastic that might be stuck to the nozzle. # Set to False to disable variable_preheat_extruder: True # Calibrate the bed mesh in the START_PRINT macro. # Set to false to skip BED_MESH_CALIBRATE, it will still load the BED_MESH # with the name "ratos", be sure to save your bed_mesh profile with that name. # or override the _START_PRINT_BED_MESH macro to implement your own mesh handling logic. variable_calibrate_bed_mesh: True # Print a prime line or blob at the end of the START_PRINT macro # set to "primeline" or "primeblob", or False to disable nozzle_priming. variable_nozzle_priming: "primeline" # Park in the back when waiting for the extruder to heat up # set to "front" to park in the front, or "center" to park in the center. variable_start_print_park_in: "back" # Height to park it when waiting for extruder to heat. variable_start_print_park_z_height: 50 # Skew profile to load before starting the print # uncomment this to use your calibrated skew correction profile. #variable_skew_profile: "my_skew_profile" # Park in the back after the print has ended or was cancelled. # set to "front" to park in the front, or "center" to park in the center. variable_end_print_park_in: "back" # Park in the back when the print is paused. # set to "front" to park in the front, or "center" to park in the center. variable_pause_print_park_in: "back" # Set the speed for travel moves in RatOS Macros in mm/s. variable_macro_travel_speed: 300 ############################################################################################################# ### PRINTER CONFIGURATION ### Customize the defaults to your specific build ############################################################################################################# [stepper_x] dir_pin: x_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse X stepper direction rotation_distance: 40 # 40 for 20 tooth 2GT pulleys, 32 for 16 tooth 2GT pulleys position_endstop: 0 # Adjust this to your setup #x_offset: -27.0 [stepper_y] dir_pin: y_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse Y stepper direction rotation_distance: 40 # 40 for 20 tooth 2GT pulleys, 32 for 16 tooth 2GT pulleys position_endstop: 480 # 300mm printer position_min: 5 #y_offset: -21.0 #position_endstop: 400 # 400mm printer #position_endstop: 500 # 500mm printer [stepper_z] dir_pin: !z0_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse Z stepper direction rotation_distance: 4 # 4 for TR8*4 lead screws endstop_pin: probe: z_virtual_endstop [stepper_z1] dir_pin: !z1_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse Z1 direction rotation_distance: 4 # 4 for TR8*4 lead screws endstop_pin: probe: z_virtual_endstop [stepper_z2] dir_pin: !z2_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse Z2 direction rotation_distance: 4 # 4 for TR8*4 lead screws endstop_pin: probe: z_virtual_endstop #Z Probe configuration [bltouch] sensor_pin: ^PB7 control_pin: PB6 x_offset: -27.0 y_offset: -21.0 #pin_up_touch_mode_reports_triggered: True pin_move_time: 0.8 #z_offset: 0.0 # Adjust this to fit your setup # [probe] # z_offset: 1.0 # Adjust this to fit your setup -> "1.0" is placeholder! # pin: ^probe_pin # For NPN NC probes such as the Super Pinda / Vinda / SupCR / Decoprobe probes. #pin: ^!probe_pin # NPN NO (refer to the specs on your probe) #pin: probe_pin # PNP NO (refer to the specs on your probe) #pin: !probe_pin # PNP NC (refer to the specs on your probe) # Safe Z Home (Physical endstops only) [safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 250, 250 # Change coordinates to the center of your print bed speed: 50 z_hop: 10 # Move up 10mm z_hop_speed: 5 #ORIGINAL #home_xy_position: 150,150 # 300mm printer #home_xy_position: 200,200 # 400mm printer #home_xy_position: 250,250 # 500mm printer [extruder] # Check https://www.klipper3d.org/Pressure_Advance.html for pressure advance tuning. #pressure_advance: 0.05 nozzle_diameter: 0.4 # Remember to change this if you change nozzle diameter. dir_pin: e_dir_pin # Remove ! in front of pin name to reverse extruder direction control: pid pid_kp: 28.413 pid_ki: 1.334 pid_kd: 151.300 [heater_bed] control: pid pid_Kp: 22.2 pid_Ki: 1.08 pid_Kd: 114 # ADXL345 resonance testing configuration #[resonance_tester] #probe_points: # 150,150,20 # 300mm printer # 200,200,20 # 400mm printer # 250,250,20 # 500mm printer ############################################################################################################# ### USER OVERRIDES ### Anything custom you want to add, or RatOS configuration you want to override, do it here. ############################################################################################################# [bed_mesh] speed: 30 horizontal_move_z: 10 mesh_min: 15, 15 mesh_max: 450, 450 probe_count: 5 , 5 #*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ----------------------> #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated. #*# #*# [bltouch] #*# z_offset = 3.180