# Rat Rig V-core 3 Klipper Config # Documentation: https://os.ratrig.com # 0) Sanity check and PID Tuning: https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_checks.html # 1) Pressure Advance: https://www.klipper3d.org/Pressure_Advance.html # 2) Skew Correction: https://www.klipper3d.org/Skew_Correction.html # 3) Resonance Compensation: https://www.klipper3d.org/Resonance_Compensation.html # Read more about klipper here: https://www.klipper3d.org/Overview.html [mcu] baud: 250000 serial: /dev/btt-octopus-11 [temperature_sensor Octopus] sensor_type: temperature_mcu min_temp: 0 max_temp: 100 [temperature_sensor raspberry_pi] sensor_type: temperature_host [adxl345] spi_bus: spi3 cs_pin: PA15 ############################################################################################################# ### BASE SETUP ############################################################################################################# [idle_timeout] gcode: {% if printer.webhooks.state|lower == 'ready' %} {% if printer.pause_resume.is_paused|lower == 'false' %} M117 Idle timeout reached TURN_OFF_HEATERS M84 {% endif %} {% endif %} # 2 hour timeout timeout: 7200 [skew_correction] [input_shaper] [virtual_sdcard] path: ~/gcode_files [display_status] [pause_resume] [force_move] enable_force_move: True [respond] [heater_bed] heater_pin: PA1 sensor_pin: PF3 sensor_type: Generic 3950 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 120 pwm_cycle_time: 0.02 # 50hz for european AC, to avoid flickering lights. [fan] pin: PA8 shutdown_speed: 1.0 [heater_fan toolhead_cooling_fan] pin: PE5 fan_speed: 1 [controller_fan controller_fan] pin: PD12 # These are only safeguards for first time users # Modify printer.cfg to tune acceleration. [printer] kinematics: corexy max_velocity: 150 max_accel: 500 max_accel_to_decel: 750 max_z_velocity: 15 max_z_accel: 20 ############################################################################################################# ### STEPPER MOTORS, DRIVERS & SPEED LIMITS ### Pick the drivers and stepper motors you're using. See the RatOS documentation for custom combinations. ############################################################################################################# [stepper_x] enable_pin: !PF14 dir_pin: PF12 step_pin: PF13 endstop_pin: PG6 position_endstop: 0 # Adjust this to your setup position_max: 500 rotation_distance: 40 microsteps: 64 homing_speed: 50 homing_retract_dist: 5.0 [stepper_y] enable_pin: !PF15 step_pin: PG0 endstop_pin: PG9 dir_pin: PG1 position_min: 5 position_endstop: 480 position_max: 500 rotation_distance: 40 microsteps: 64 homing_speed: 50 homing_positive_dir: true homing_retract_dist: 5.0 [stepper_z] endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop enable_pin: !PF1 step_pin: PC13 dir_pin: !PF0 # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse Z stepper direction rotation_distance: 4 microsteps: 64 position_min: -5 # Needed for z-offset calibration and tilt_adjust. homing_speed: 10 position_max: 500 [stepper_z1] endstop_pin: probe: z_virtual_endstop enable_pin: !PD4 step_pin: PE2 dir_pin: !PE3 # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse Z1 direction rotation_distance: 4 microsteps: 64 [stepper_z2] endstop_pin: probe: z_virtual_endstop enable_pin: !PE0 step_pin: PE6 dir_pin: !PA14 # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse Z2 direction rotation_distance: 4 microsteps: 64 rotation_distance: 4 # 4 for TR8*4 lead screws [z_tilt] speed: 200 [printer] max_velocity: 200 max_accel: 1500 max_accel_to_decel: 750 max_z_velocity: 15 max_z_accel: 30 square_corner_velocity: 5 # Backwards compatibility [tmc2209 stepper_x] uart_pin: PC4 run_current: 1.1 stealthchop_threshold: 1 driver_TBL: 1 driver_TOFF: 3 driver_HEND: 0 driver_HSTRT: 0 [tmc2209 stepper_y] uart_pin: PD11 run_current: 1.1 stealthchop_threshold: 1 driver_TBL: 1 driver_TOFF: 3 driver_HEND: 0 driver_HSTRT: 0 [tmc2209 stepper_z] uart_pin: PE4 run_current: 1.0 stealthchop_threshold: 1 driver_TBL: 1 driver_TOFF: 3 driver_HEND: 0 driver_HSTRT: 0 [tmc2209 stepper_z1] uart_pin: PE1 run_current: 1.1 stealthchop_threshold: 1 driver_TBL: 1 driver_TOFF: 3 driver_HEND: 0 driver_HSTRT: 0 [tmc2209 stepper_z2] uart_pin: PD3 run_current: 1.0 stealthchop_threshold: 1 driver_TBL: 1 driver_TOFF: 3 driver_HEND: 0 driver_HSTRT: 0 [tmc2209 extruder] uart_pin: PC6 run_current: 0.35 stealthchop_threshold: 0 ############################################################################################################# ### HOMING ### Pick your probe and endstops ############################################################################################################# # BL Touch [bltouch] sensor_pin: ^PB7 control_pin: PB6 speed: 7 pin_move_time: 0.675 sample_retract_dist: 10 pin_move_time: 0.8 pin_up_reports_not_triggered: True pin_up_touch_mode_reports_triggered: True x_offset: -28 y_offset: -13 [safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 150,150 speed: 135 z_hop: 12 ############################################################################################################# ### PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS ### Pick your printer size ############################################################################################################# [bed_mesh] horizontal_move_z: 5 mesh_min: 15,15 mesh_max:465,460 probe_count: 28,13 fade_start: 1.0 fade_end: 100.0 mesh_pps: 2,2 algorithm: bicubic bicubic_tension: .2 [z_tilt] z_positions: 0,0 250,500 500,0 points: 60,60 285,470 460,60 horizontal_move_z: 12 retries: 10 retry_tolerance: 0.02 ############################################################################################################# ### extruder and hotend ############################################################################################################# [extruder] step_pin: PF11 dir_pin: PG3 enable_pin: !PG5 microsteps: 64 rotation_distance: 4.63 full_steps_per_rotation: 200 filament_diameter: 1.750 max_extrude_only_velocity: 60 max_extrude_only_distance: 200 nozzle_diameter: 0.4 heater_pin: PA2 sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2 sensor_pin: PF4 min_extrude_temp: 170 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 400 pressure_advance: 0.05 [firmware_retraction] retract_speed: 60 unretract_extra_length: 0 unretract_speed: 60 retract_length: 0.5 ############################################################################################################# ### MACROS ############################################################################################################# [include macros.cfg] [include shell-macros.cfg] # Print macros. Call these from your slicer (custom g-code). # You can copy these to printer.cfg and modify them to your liking, or just use them as is. # Read more here: https://rat-rig.github.io/V-CoreOS/#/slicers [gcode_macro _START_PRINT_AFTER_HEATING_BED] gcode: {% if printer["gcode_macro RatOS"].preheat_extruder|lower == 'true' %} M117 Pre-heating extruder... # Wait for extruder to reach 150 so an inductive probe (if present) is at a predictable temp. # Also allows the bed heat to spread a little, and softens any plastic that might be stuck to the nozzle. M104 S150 TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR=extruder MINIMUM=150 {% endif %} M117 Adjusting for tilt... # Adjust bed tilt Z_TILT_ADJUST M117 Rehoming after tilt adjustment... # Home again as Z will have changed after tilt adjustment and bed heating. G28 Z ############################################################################################################# ### MACRO CONFIGURATION ### Configure the behavior of RatOS macros ############################################################################################################# [gcode_macro RatOS] # Use absolute extrusion mode # Set to True to use relative extrusion mode variable_relative_extrusion: False # Wait for extruder to reach 150 so an inductive probe (if present) is at a predictable temp. # Also allows the bed heat to spread a little, and softens any plastic that might be stuck to the nozzle. # Set to False to disable variable_preheat_extruder: True # Calibrate the bed mesh in the START_PRINT macro. # Set to false to skip BED_MESH_CALIBRATE, it will still load the BED_MESH # with the name "ratos", be sure to save your bed_mesh profile with that name. # or override the _START_PRINT_BED_MESH macro to implement your own mesh handling logic. variable_calibrate_bed_mesh: True # Print a prime line or blob at the end of the START_PRINT macro # set to "primeline" or "primeblob", or False to disable nozzle_priming. variable_nozzle_priming: "false" # Park in the back when waiting for the extruder to heat up # set to "front" to park in the front, or "center" to park in the center. variable_start_print_park_in: "back" # Height to park it when waiting for extruder to heat. variable_start_print_park_z_height: 50 # Skew profile to load before starting the print # uncomment this to use your calibrated skew correction profile. #variable_skew_profile: "my_skew_profile" # Park in the back after the print has ended or was cancelled. # set to "front" to park in the front, or "center" to park in the center. variable_end_print_park_in: "back" # Park in the back when the print is paused. # set to "front" to park in the front, or "center" to park in the center. variable_pause_print_park_in: "back" # Set the speed for travel moves in RatOS Macros in mm/s. variable_macro_travel_speed: 100 # Safe Z Home (Physical endstops only) [safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 250, 250 # Change coordinates to the center of your print bed speed: 50 z_hop: 10 # Move up 10mm z_hop_speed: 5 #ORIGINAL #home_xy_position: 150,150 # 300mm printer #home_xy_position: 200,200 # 400mm printer #home_xy_position: 250,250 # 500mm printer ############################################################################################################# ### INPUT SHAPER ### Enable/disable input shaper calibration ############################################################################################################# # Uncomment this next line if you have an ADXL345 connected to your control board #[include config/printers/v-core-3/input-shaper.cfg] # ADXL345 resonance testing configuration #[resonance_tester] #probe_points: # 150,150,20 # 300mm printer # 200,200,20 # 400mm printer # 250,250,20 # 500mm printer #*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ----------------------> #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated. #*# #*# [bltouch] #*# z_offset = 2.800 #*# #*# [bed_mesh default] #*# version = 1 #*# points = #*# 0.597812, 0.536562, 0.424687, 0.351562, 0.310625, 0.250000, 0.161250, 0.175000, 0.139687, 0.100937, 0.089062, 0.089375, 0.097500, 0.103437, 0.137500, 0.129687, 0.138750, 0.175937, 0.192187, 0.213750, 0.258437, 0.309375, 0.330312, 0.414062, 0.428437, 0.475312, 0.529375, 0.615937 #*# 0.576875, 0.480625, 0.390312, 0.336875, 0.281562, 0.253437, 0.220312, 0.160000, 0.169062, 0.126562, 0.124687, 0.115312, 0.127187, 0.131875, 0.123437, 0.159687, 0.166250, 0.181250, 0.236250, 0.287500, 0.282500, 0.339062, 0.372187, 0.409687, 0.482812, 0.523125, 0.561562, 0.651875 #*# 0.552812, 0.459687, 0.380000, 0.334375, 0.269062, 0.223437, 0.195625, 0.176250, 0.141250, 0.135625, 0.150312, 0.125000, 0.117187, 0.126875, 0.145312, 0.151562, 0.208125, 0.211562, 0.227500, 0.261250, 0.313437, 0.342500, 0.386562, 0.445625, 0.508437, 0.585312, 0.585937, 0.670312 #*# 0.437812, 0.351562, 0.293437, 0.276250, 0.195937, 0.145312, 0.130625, 0.136250, 0.100937, 0.088437, 0.088437, 0.070937, 0.105000, 0.100312, 0.130937, 0.159687, 0.154687, 0.199687, 0.238437, 0.250625, 0.329062, 0.345312, 0.411875, 0.429375, 0.481875, 0.529687, 0.585000, 0.670312 #*# 0.305312, 0.222500, 0.192812, 0.152187, 0.121875, 0.077812, 0.027500, 0.026250, 0.029375, 0.045937, 0.036875, 0.036250, 0.071562, 0.049687, 0.090937, 0.134687, 0.152812, 0.181562, 0.225000, 0.253125, 0.291875, 0.335312, 0.393750, 0.450937, 0.490000, 0.570625, 0.595312, 0.691250 #*# 0.179375, 0.160625, 0.101562, 0.081875, 0.090312, 0.012812, -0.020938, -0.031563, -0.010000, 0.001875, 0.008750, 0.040937, 0.042187, 0.054687, 0.093125, 0.130937, 0.130625, 0.185937, 0.217812, 0.252187, 0.300937, 0.330312, 0.388125, 0.463125, 0.512812, 0.574687, 0.634687, 0.712500 #*# 0.095312, 0.050312, 0.020625, -0.003125, -0.008125, -0.033438, -0.064375, -0.063438, -0.080313, -0.065313, -0.029063, -0.022188, 0.027500, 0.042812, 0.067500, 0.098437, 0.124687, 0.168750, 0.194687, 0.258750, 0.290312, 0.354375, 0.376562, 0.432500, 0.498437, 0.561875, 0.649062, 0.760312 #*# 0.046562, 0.026250, -0.049688, -0.056563, -0.045625, -0.078125, -0.063125, -0.073750, -0.068750, -0.054688, -0.020313, -0.020625, 0.002812, 0.038125, 0.047500, 0.080312, 0.131875, 0.195625, 0.211562, 0.285937, 0.299375, 0.345937, 0.398750, 0.446875, 0.538750, 0.584062, 0.672187, 0.762187 #*# 0.051562, 0.038750, 0.001250, -0.007188, -0.023438, -0.031875, -0.031875, -0.039688, -0.035000, -0.037500, 0.001875, 0.018750, 0.037500, 0.072187, 0.114062, 0.140625, 0.162500, 0.251875, 0.293750, 0.334375, 0.378437, 0.436875, 0.482812, 0.554375, 0.603125, 0.660625, 0.710625, 0.785625 #*# 0.085937, 0.048437, 0.022812, 0.022187, 0.055937, 0.037500, 0.033437, 0.008437, 0.028437, 0.031562, 0.057500, 0.079687, 0.090625, 0.128125, 0.184687, 0.205000, 0.264687, 0.288437, 0.359375, 0.409062, 0.452187, 0.499062, 0.567500, 0.626250, 0.657500, 0.759375, 0.786562, 0.875937 #*# 0.171250, 0.144062, 0.096562, 0.143437, 0.144375, 0.119375, 0.104687, 0.105937, 0.099375, 0.115937, 0.154687, 0.191875, 0.215937, 0.240625, 0.277500, 0.313750, 0.327812, 0.369687, 0.438750, 0.480625, 0.534375, 0.582812, 0.636250, 0.692812, 0.767812, 0.784687, 0.863437, 0.961562 #*# 0.261562, 0.211562, 0.241250, 0.212500, 0.206875, 0.214687, 0.200937, 0.195937, 0.206875, 0.237812, 0.292500, 0.305937, 0.351250, 0.404375, 0.392812, 0.450625, 0.485312, 0.481875, 0.568750, 0.622812, 0.684062, 0.696250, 0.746875, 0.787500, 0.832812, 0.880000, 0.960937, 1.015625 #*# 0.379375, 0.362500, 0.344062, 0.341562, 0.349062, 0.344375, 0.314062, 0.352187, 0.362187, 0.385625, 0.407812, 0.419062, 0.438125, 0.468437, 0.546562, 0.559062, 0.569375, 0.650312, 0.688125, 0.696875, 0.785312, 0.830000, 0.851250, 0.911875, 0.940312, 1.023125, 1.062812, 1.158437 #*# tension = 0.2 #*# min_x = 15.0 #*# algo = bicubic #*# y_count = 13 #*# mesh_y_pps = 2 #*# min_y = 15.0 #*# x_count = 28 #*# max_y = 459.96 #*# mesh_x_pps = 2 #*# max_x = 464.82 #*# #*# [extruder] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 19.661 #*# pid_ki = 0.819 #*# pid_kd = 117.969 #*# #*# [heater_bed] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 64.455 #*# pid_ki = 1.659 #*# pid_kd = 626.020