[gcode_shell_command generate_shaper_graph_x] command: /home/pi/klipper_config/config/scripts/generate-shaper-graph-x.sh timeout: 60. verbose: True [gcode_shell_command generate_shaper_graph_y] command: /home/pi/klipper_config/config/scripts/generate-shaper-graph-y.sh timeout: 60. verbose: True [gcode_shell_command compile_binaries] command: /home/pi/klipper_config/config/scripts/compile-binaries.sh timeout: 600. [gcode_shell_command change_hostname] command: /home/pi/klipper_config/config/scripts/change-hostname.sh timeout: 10. [gcode_macro GENERATE_SHAPER_GRAPHS] description: Genarates input shaper resonances graphs for analysis. Uses the AXIS parameter for if you only want to do one axis at a time, (eg. GENERATE_SHAPER_GRAPHS AXIS=X) gcode: {% if params.AXIS is defined %} {% if params.AXIS|lower == 'x' %} MAYBE_HOME TEST_RESONANCES AXIS=X RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=generate_shaper_graph_x RESPOND MSG="Input shaper graph generated for the X axis. You'll find it in the input_shaper folder in the machine tab!" {% elif params.AXIS|lower == 'y' %} MAYBE_HOME TEST_RESONANCES AXIS=Y RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=generate_shaper_graph_y RESPOND MSG="Input shaper graph generated for the Y axis. You'll find it in the input_shaper folder in the machine tab!" {% else %} {action_raise_error("Unknown axis specified. Expected X or Y.")} {% endif %} {% else %} MAYBE_HOME TEST_RESONANCES AXIS=X TEST_RESONANCES AXIS=Y RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=generate_shaper_graph_x RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=generate_shaper_graph_y RESPOND MSG="Input shaper graphs generated for X and Y. You'll find them in the input_shaper folder in the machine tab!" {% endif %} [gcode_macro COMPILE_FIRMWARE] description: Compiles firmware with currently installed klipper version for all supported RatOS boards. Note: this may take up to 10 minutes. gcode: RESPOND MSG="Compiling binaries.. This can take up to 10 minutes. Please do not turn off your Raspberry Pi!" RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=compile_binaries RESPOND MSG="Firmware binaries compiled successfully! You can find them in the firmware_binaries folder in the machine tab!" [gcode_macro CHANGE_HOSTNAME] description: Change the hostname of your Raspberry Pi. gcode: {% if params.HOSTNAME is not defined %} RESPOND MSG='You have to specify a new hostname with the HOSTNAME parameter. Ex: CHANGE_HOSTNAME HOSTNAME="MY_NEW_HOSTNAME"' RESPOND MSG="Please note: RFCs mandate that a hostname's labels may contain only the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (case-insensitive), the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen. Hostname labels cannot begin or end with a hyphen. No other symbols, punctuation characters, or blank spaces are permitted." {% else %} RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=change_hostname PARAMS={params.HOSTNAME} {% endif %}