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  :header: Hub Feenix
  :text: "Our Vision:\r\n\r\nArt, craft, music, yoga, dance, meditation, nature, and
    creatives of every kind come together under our roof in an atmosphere of openness
    and learning. \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nWe are very much just starting, so make contact,
    check later, or follow us on facebook."
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  :header: About Us
  :text: "Hub Feenix is a community space that fosters creativity, healing, and connection.
    \r\nArt, craft, music, yoga, dance, meditation, nature, and creative people of
    all kinds come together under our roof in an atmosphere of openness and learning.
    \r\n\r\nHub Feenix provides opportunities for creative people to live, work, learn,
    create, exhibit, and perform in a healing natural setting in the tranquil southeastern
    Finland forest. \r\n\r\nAs part of our commitment to ongoing connection and learning,
    Hub Feenix provides space for retreats, workshops, conferences, short- and long-term
    residencies, and other gatherings."
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  :header: The road to Feenix
  :text: "[Click here to open](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=H%C3%B6gbenintie+30%2C+10350+Meltola%2C+Raasepori&atb=v283-1&ia=web&iaxm=directions&end=what%3AH%25C3%25B6gbensv%25C3%25A4gen%252030%252C%252010350%2520Meltola%252C%2520Finland&transport=drive)"
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  :header: Day acivities locally
  :text: "We are in the countryside, so nature is close (walking, swimming etc.) \r\nBut
    also a surprising amount of local culture is really worth the visit!"
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  :header: Accommodation
  :text: "In Hub Feenix artists in residence live in their own shared community. There
    are usually 4-10 artists staying and working in Hub Feenix. The artists take care
    that the kitchen and the other shared spaces stay nice and clean, so that it´s
    cozy and pleasant for everybody to enjoy this very special time together. There
    is a washing machine and space for drying the laundry in the same floor.\r\n"
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  :header: Other handy things to know
  :text: "MESSAGING & WI-FI\r\nWe use Signal for messaging together in the Hub, so
    please download the app if you don’t have it yet, and we’ll add you to the Artist
    Residency group when you arrive. We have free Wi-Fi network.\r\n\r\nPUBLIC SPACES\r\nOur
    aim together is to always keep the public spaces looking nice and inviting in
    Hub Feenix! There can be visitors coming to look at the place any time, so let’s
    not leave tools, cleaning equipment, our clothes or shoes etc. wondering around.\r\n\r\nDOORS\r\nAll
    the outside doors must always be kept locked. The main door can sometimes be open
    during events and courses, but only during daytime. And remember to give back
    your outdoor key when leaving! \r\n\r\nRESPECT THE PROPERTY OF HUB FEENIX\r\nEverything
    you see in Hub Feenix is always somebody’s property, that somebody has bought
    - also in the storage rooms and in the basement. So please always ask first if
    you need to take something. \r\n\r\nCOMPOSTING AND RECYCLING\r\nWe recycle all
    the waste we can -old food, plastic, cardboard, paper, metal, glass. In Finland
    you get money back from empty drinking bottles and cans, so it’s worth taking
    them back to the shop and not crush them.\r\n\r\nHEATING\r\nHeating the big house
    in the winter time is very expensive, so let’s take good care of the heated spaces.
    We do our best, but it is often pretty cool indoors too. The best way to stay
    warm is to wear a lot warm clothes inside the house too - we will borrow you some
    if you need.\r\n\r\nNO CANDLES\r\nThere is an automatic fire alarm system in the
    house, so we can not burn candles or incenses inside. It costs 1000€ if the fire
    brigade drives here for a false alarm.\r\n\r\nQUESTIONS\r\nAlways feel free to
    ask, if you need help or information! There are no silly questions!\r\n"
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  :header: Here we are, bottom left
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  :header: How to get here
  :text: "Address: Högbenintie 30, 10350 Meltola\r\nNearby town: Karjaa (Karis)\r\nDistance
    from Helsinki: approximately 1 hour by train or car (75 km)\r\n\r\n[see on google
- :template: section_cards
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  :header: Activities and possibilities
  :text: 'There are plenty of options when it comes to finding something exciting
    to do near the Hub, here are a few - '
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  :header: Welcome to join the Hub!
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  :header: Code of Conduct (House rules)
  :text: "Hub Feenix is a non-profit community and co-operation, that promotes creativity,
    wellbeing and continuous learning. Hub’s own values are love of life, fairness,
    constant learning of new things and giving to life.\r\n\r\nThese common rules
    have been created, so that everyone who stays, works, lives and visits Hub Feenix
    can feel completely safe and well. These rules apply to everyone who works, lives
    and visits in Hub’s inside and outside premises. Both adults and children follow
    the same rules, and also the guests who are taking part in events and courses.
    If for example some other rules have been partly agreed for the course space during
    the course program, participants must anyhow follow this Code of Conduct outside
    the course space in public areas. The course leader is responsible to take care,
    that all the participants follow these rules of the house. The rules include also
    e.g emailing and social media. They are updated according to need.\r\n\r\nAt Hub
    Feenix, everyone is treated and addressed kindly, respectfully and equally, regardless
    of gender, color, age, nationality, profession, sexual orientation or social status.
    \r\n\r\nEveryone respects other people’s personal space and physical and mental
    integrity.\r\nEveryone in Hub Feenix’s inside and outside premises and yards commits
    to behave in such a way, that he/she doesn't cause disturbance or shock to other
    people in the area. In public spaces everyone is always wearing clothes, and using
    swimming suite in sauna, in the garden and on the swimming beach.\r\n\r\nVegetarian
    eating and low alcohol consumption are complied in all Hub Feenix's premises.
    \r\n\r\nEveryone in Hub Feenix respects the property of others. Using of the machines,
    equipment and spaces of the Hub is always agreed separately, as well as the fee
    for using them.\r\n\r\nEveryone in Hub Feenix is obliged to consider others and
    not cause disturbance to anyone, for example by making unnecessary noice. Loud
    working and other loud noises must be avoided in the night time between 22-8 o’clock.\r\n"
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    button_text: Where to buy supplies
  :image_id: 115
  :header: What to bring
  :text: "**Clothing** \r\n- It can get pretty cold during winter, so make sure to
    come with several layers of clothes, preferably woollen. Also summer nights can
    be cool in Finland, so it´s a good idea to have a warm woollen pullover, woollen
    socks and sometimes hat and woollen gloves can be useful too. We can also borrow
    you more warm clothes when needed! \r\n- Don't forget a swimsuit for the sauna
    and swimming. Also, if you can fit it in your luggage, a bathrobe to go to sauna
    is nice to have! It´s also possible to borrow one, if you can´t bring it with
    you. It´s good to bring also some slippers of flip-flops for walking in the house
    and go to sauna in the garden!\r\n\r\n**Your own equipment and materials** \r\n-
    We may have some materials you can use or buy, but in general the artists in residence
    bring their own materials. There´s a list of the most popular art supply stores
    in Helsinki and online on this website!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"
- :template: section_cards
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  :header: Finland's 4 seasons
  :text: "Finland has four seasons, or in other words a **real** winter.\r\n\r\nSummer
    is easy, beautiful, especially after the long winter. \r\nAutumn gentle even sometimes
    a little too fast. \r\nWinter is a long and dark, but also clear and beautiful.\r\n\r\nBy
    the time spring comes, we have forgotten the last summer and are glad to see light
    and life again, so urgently coming forth. \r\nAnd then it starts again.\r\n\r\nEach
    season it quite it's own and beatiful, and here we want to introduce a little
    what that means.\r\n"
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  :header: Summer and winter
  :text: We've dedicated a page for the main seasons, you can fill in the dots between.
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  :header: How to apply
  :text: "You can apply for a residency for 1-3 months. \r\nWe accept applications
    all year around. \r\nPlease send us:\r\n \r\n- a free-form application, where
    you tell a little about why you are interested to stay and work at Hub Feenix\r\n-
    your CV\r\n- samples of your work (portfolio) \r\n- preferred month / months\r\n\r\nto
    our mail residence@hubfeenix.fi. \r\nAttachments should be in pdf format.\r\n\r\nWe
    are looking forward to your application!\r\n"
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    subheader: 'dark and messy '
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  :header: Clear and beautiful
  :text: "And everything in between.\r\n\r\nWinter usually starts in November. First
    snow can come and one feels the days getting shorter.\r\nAfter New Year days are
    slowly getting longer, but the snow makes everything look nice. Usually more sun
    already.\r\nFebruary is often cold, minus twenty for weeks, but clear. Above picture
    was taken then.\r\nMarch gets warmer, people start going out without jackets,
    even T-shirt. Even it is still minus, it feels soo warm.\r\nIn April the snow
    starts melting, green is coming and the race to summer begins."
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  :updated_by: torsten@villataika.fi
  :id: 25
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  :header: Summer in Finland
  :text: "Long long nights, at midsummer the sun goes down at eleven, it never really
    gets dark.\r\n \r\n"
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  :header: Tips for Helsinki trip
  :text: "The city is well-known for its innovative art, culture and architecture.
    The capital city of Finland is located on peninsula in the Gulf of Finland in
    the Uusimaa region. The town of Helsinki was founded by King Gustavus Vasa of
    Sweden. A poetic name for Helsinki is \"the daughter of the Baltic Sea. Currently
    is the largest city in Finland. The are over 650 000 people who live there. Staying
    at Hub Feenix is a great opportunity to travel to Helsinki for a weekend or a
    day trip. \r\n"
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  :header: Winter Wonderland
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  :header: How to get to Helsinki ?
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  :header: What to see in Helsinki?
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  :header: Where to eat & drink in Helsinki?
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  :header: Hub Feenix
  :text: Focus on your work, enjoy stillness and inspiring atmosphere in a beautiful
    old sanitarium in the middle of nature!
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  :header: ''
  :text: "\"I stayed in Hub Feenix for a month in February.\r\nFor a month I had a
    very special experience as a writer and just as a human being.\r\nI was able to
    concentrate on my rest and develop my thoughts in the center of nature without
    any disturbance.\r\nNature that I couldn't feel in the city turned me into a natural
    human being again.\r\nWalking on the frozen lake at night, I felt the silence
    of darkness.\r\nAnd just looking at the snow through the window I could regain
    my own speed.\r\nI could hear the sound of the wind, the sound of trees, and the
    melting of ice that I inadvertently passed by.\r\nWhile staying in the simple
    Hub Feenix atmosphere of eating healthily, spending less, and walking a lot, I
    realized how I was surrounded by meaningless things.\r\nI felt a sense of solidarity
    while enjoying the sauna with good people, talking to each other, and eating food.\r\nAnd
    I realized that I forgot the most important value. Maybe it's a relationship between
    humans and humans.\r\nA month at Hub Feenix was a precious time to discover a
    new me.\""
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  :header: Facilities
  :text: 'The residency fee includes a bedroom and a private studio space. If you
    don´t need a private studio, you can choose to use the workshops instead. You
    can also use the facilities of the workshops in addition to your own studio, according
    to their schedules and fees. '
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  :header: Practical information about the residency
  :text: The residency fee includes accommodation in single bedrooms and a private
    studio space, both about 15m2. The artists share a kitchen where they can prepare
    their own meals. The cafe is usually open only during events, but during the summer
    months it may serve lunch some days.
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  :header: Who can apply?
  :text: "- Visual artists (painters, sculptors, printmakers, photographers, multimedia
    artists), craftmakers, graphic designers, illustrators, musicians, dancers, writers,
    theatre makers, journalists, curators, critics etc.. from Finland and abroad.\r\n\r\n-
    Working languages in the residency are Finnish and English. It´s a big house,
    a community with lots of different things happening here, so you need to have
    basic skills in English or Finnish for practical everyday communication. \r\n\r\n-
    Questions? Please send email to residence@hubfeenix.fi. \r\nWe are looking forward
    to hearing from you!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n_Picture: Korean children book
    writer Hyun-Jeong Jeon giving a book talk in Karjaa library, February 2023_"
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    button_text: How to apply
  :updated_at: 2023-04-22 22:07:35.730489546 +03:00
  :updated_by: hannaholma@gmail.com
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  :header: 'Where to buy art supplies? '
  :text: The nearest art supply stores are in Helsinki. But if you can't make it to
    Helsinki, there are several art supplies online stores in Finland that deliver
    the products quickly, sometimes even within a day.
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  :header: Art supply stores in Helsinki
  :text: "... and some web shops too:"
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  :header: Artist Residency
  :text: "We welcome both Finnish and international artists to live and work in an
    inspiring environment in the middle of nature. \r\n\r\nVisual artists, arts and
    crafts makers, writers, journalists, musicians etc are welcome to apply for a
    1-3 months residency."
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  :header: Accessibility
  :text: ''
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  :header: Different kinds of artists are welcome to apply!
  :text: "The building is an old sanatorium. It has also served as a hospital. That´s
    why most of the spaces are wheelchair accessible.\r\nHere we have gathered some
    information about accessibility in the residency´s premises. \r\nIf you have any
    questions, please ask for more information at residence@hubfeenix.fi. "
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  :header: Tips for a trip to Turku
  :text: 'Turku (Swedish: Åbo, Latin: Aboa) is the largest city in southwestern Finland.
    It is located at the mouth of Aurajoki on the coast of the Archipelago Sea. Turku
    was born before the 13th century and it is the oldest city in Finland.'
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  :header: Hub Feenix welcomes digital nomads
  :text: "Live and work in a beautiful old sanatorium\r\nnow renovated into a vibrant
    cultural center!"
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  :image_id: 93
  :header: How to apply?
  :text: "Prices start at 550e per month and include \r\na private room, shared kitchen
    \r\nand use of our co-working space. \r\nAnd internet, of course.  \r\n\r\nPlease
    send email with a little description of yourself and the dates you are looking
    for to  residence@hubfeenix.fi.\r\n\r\n\r\nWe are looking forward to hearing from
    you! \r\n"
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  :header: Prices
  :text: "\r\nHere you can find the prices for \r\nartist residency \r\nand digital
    nomad accommodation."
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  :header: Enjoy your stay
  :text: "No matter which option you choose, \r\nyou can always enjoy the nature around
    Hub Feenix \r\nand the beautiful balconies, terraces and lobbies! \r\nWe are looking
    forward to your application!"