require "redcarpet" module ApplicationHelper # different template according to the amount of text def render_story(story) return "" unless story text_length = story.text.length template = "text" template = "half" if text_length < 400 template = "pic" if text_length < 200 render partial: "stories/#{template}" , locals: {story: story} end def prose_classes classes = "prose lg:prose-lg " classes += "prose-headings:text-inherit " { class: classes } end def renderer options = {hard_wrap: true , autolink: true, no_intra_emphasis: true , safe_links_only: true, no_styles: true , link_attributes: { target: '_blank' }} html =, options) end def markdown(text) return "" if text.blank? text = text.text unless text.is_a?(String) return "" if text.blank? self.renderer.render(text).html_safe end def shorten(text , to = 100) return "" if text.blank? "#{text[]} . . . ".html_safe end def main_app Rails.application.routes.url_helpers end def button_classes "mr-3 inline-block rounded-lg px-3 py-2 text-md font-medium border border-gray-500" end def rows( text ) return 5 if text.blank? text = text.text unless text.is_a?(String) return 5 if text.blank? rows = (text.length / 60).to_i return 5 if rows < 5 rows end end