50 lines
2.1 KiB
50 lines
2.1 KiB
%p#notice= notice
Page #{@section.page.name}
Cards for Section #{@section.index + 1}
- @section.cards.each_with_index do |card , index|
%h3.mt-4.text-lg.font-bold Card #{index + 1}
=link_to( "Up" , "/index")
=link_to "Down" , "/index"
=link_to "New" , "/index"
=link_to "Delete" , "/index"
%h3.mt-4.text-lg.font-bold Image
=link_to "Change Image" , card_select_image_url(card.id)
= link_to( "Remove image" , card_set_image_path( card.id , image: ""))
%h3.mt-4.text-lg.font-bold Image
-if( card.image.blank? )
%p No image
= image_tag( "cms/" + card.image , class: "p-3")
= form_tag( card_url(card.id) , {method: :patch } ) do
%h3.mt-4.text-lg.font-bold Header
= text_field_tag( :header , card.content["header"], class: "w-full rounded-lg border-gray-200 p-4 pr-12 text-sm shadow-sm")
%h3.mt-4.text-lg.font-bold Text
= text_area_tag( :text , card.content["text"], class: "w-full rounded-lg border-gray-200 p-4 pr-12 text-sm shadow-sm")
%button.ml-3.inline-block.rounded-lg.bg-blue-500.px-5.py-3.text-sm.font-medium.text-white{:type => "submit"}
%h3.mt-4.text-lg.font-bold Options
To be done