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Settings and profiles
Allowing you to create and edit various profiles
You can have seperate profiles as teacher, artist, or coop member.
If you choose to create them they will be publicly listed.
Techers and Artists may then create events.
- Profile.types.each do |kind|
- if profile = @member.profile(kind)
exists with name
=link_to profile.name , profile_path(profile) , class: "underline"
= link_to edit_profile_path(profile) do
= link_to new_event_path(profile: profile.kind) do
New #{profile.Kind} Event
%div Create new #{kind.capitalize} profile as
= link_to new_profile_path(kind: kind) do
= kind.capitalize
%div Create profile first, then events
-@member.entities.each do |entity|
%div= entity.type
%div= entity.name
%div= entity.value
= form_tag( destroy_member_session_path , {method: :delete } ) do
%button.mt-10.ml-10.bg-cyan-200.mr-3.inline-block.rounded-lg.px-4.py-3.text-md.font-medium.border.border-gray-400{type: :submit}
Sign out