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Settings and profiles
View and edit your profiles, and change settings
%h3.text-2xl.bg-gray-200.p-4.text-center Settings
= form_tag( destroy_member_session_path , {method: :delete } ) do
%button.m-4.bg-cyan-200.mr-3.inline-block.rounded-lg.px-4.py-3.text-md.font-medium.border.border-gray-400{type: :submit}
Sign out
= link_to edit_member_registration_path do
%button.m-4.bg-cyan-200.mr-3.inline-block.rounded-lg.px-4.py-3.text-md.font-medium.border.border-gray-400{type: :submit}
Change Password
= link_to members_edit_email_path do
%button.m-4.bg-cyan-200.mr-3.inline-block.rounded-lg.px-4.py-3.text-md.font-medium.border.border-gray-400{type: :submit}
Change Email
-@member.entities.each do |entity|
%div= entity.type
%div= entity.name
%div= entity.value
- Profile.kinds.each do |kind|
- if profile = @member.profile(kind)
%div= render "#{kind}_profile" , profile: profile
%h3.text-2xl.bg-gray-200.p-4.text-center Profiles
- unless @member.artist_profile
= link_to new_profile_path(kind: :artist) do
Create Artist profile
Artists that have a studio in Hub Feenix may create a profile that includes text and pictures.
- unless @member.teacher_profile
= link_to new_profile_path(kind: :teacher) do
Create Teacher profile
Teachers, ie people who run courses or events at Hub Feenix, may create a profile with text and picture and a homepage.
Teachers may create Events that will be shown in the event list.
- unless @member.member_profile
= link_to new_profile_path(kind: :member) do
Create coop Member profile
Members of the coop may create profiles profiles which are always public and contain an image and text.
- @member.future_events.each do |event|
= render "events/event_small" , event: event
=link_to event_path(event) do
= link_to edit_event_path(event) do