module ApplicationHelper include Merged::SharedHelper def shorten(text , to = 100) return "" if text.blank? "#{text[]} . . . ".html_safe end def main_app Rails.application.routes.url_helpers end def button_classes "mr-3 inline-block rounded-lg px-3 py-2 text-md font-medium border border-gray-500" end def image_for(someone , classes = "") if someone.picture.blank? image = asset_url("no_image.png") else image = someone.picture.url end image_tag(image , alt: , class: classes ) end def main_menu [["/retreats" , "Retreats"], ["/studios" , "Studios"], ["/makerspace" , "Makerspace"],["/coworking" , "Coworking"], ["/about" , "About"], ] end def member_memu items =[["/forum" ,"Forum"] , [main_app.member_path(current_member) , "Settings"]] if current_member.admin? and !Rails.env.production? items << [merged.pages_path(), "CMS" ] end items end def mobile_menu if current_member member_memu else [main_app.member_session_path, "Login"] end end end