
140 lines
3.3 KiB

#include "collector.hpp"
#include "serial.hpp"
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#include <DHT_U.h>
WsSerial debug_out;
// DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor
// Unified Sensor Library Example
// Written by Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries
// Released under an MIT license.
// REQUIRES the following Arduino libraries:
// - DHT Sensor Library:
// - Adafruit Unified Sensor Lib:
// mini
DHT dht_in(1, DHT11); // D2 on mini , tx, 01 on basic
DHT dht_out(3, DHT11); // D1 on mini , rx 03 on basic
Collector collector;
float min_ran = 10;
float max_ran = 30;
float next_rand( float old ){
float f = old + random(-10 , 10) / 100.0 ;
if( f > max_ran) f = max_ran ;
if( f < min_ran) f = min_ran ;
return f;
void collector_setup(){
// Initialize device.
float last_in = 20;
float last_out = 20;
for( int a = 0; a < PER_HOUR*WEEK ; a += 1 ) {
collector.add_week( last_in , last_out );
last_in = next_rand(last_in);
last_out = next_rand(last_out);
digitalWrite( RELAY_BUILTIN , LOW);
void collector_loop(){
// Get temperature event and print its value.
float in = dht_in.readTemperature();
float out = dht_out.readTemperature();
collector.add(in , out);
void Collector::add(float in , float out)
DEBUG_OUT.println(String("Temp. in/out (" ) + String(MINUTE - minute_counter) + "):" + String(in) + " / " + String(out));
if(isnan(in) ) return ;
if(isnan(out) ) return ;
minute_in += in;
minute_out += out;
minute_counter++ ;
if(minute_counter >= MINUTE) {
add_week(minute_in/MINUTE , minute_out / MINUTE);
minute_in = 0;
minute_out = 0;
minute_counter = 0;
void Collector::start(){
started = true;
week_counter = 0;
month_counter = 0;
void Collector::switch_logic(float in , float out){
if( !started ) return ;
if(out > (in + 1.0) ){
digitalWrite( RELAY_BUILTIN , HIGH);
DEBUG_OUT.println("Switching on" );
}else if( in > (out - 0.5 ) ) {
digitalWrite( RELAY_BUILTIN , LOW);
DEBUG_OUT.println( "Switching off" );
} else {
DEBUG_OUT.println( "No Switching" );
void Collector::add_week(float in , float out){
switch_logic(in , out);
week_in[week_counter] = in;
week_out[week_counter] = out;
if((week_counter % PER_HOUR) == 0){
add_month( week_counter - PER_HOUR);
week_counter++ ;
if(week_counter >= WEEK) {
week_counter = 0;
void Collector::add_month(int from){
if( from < 0) return;
if( from + PER_HOUR > WEEK) return ;
float month_i = 0;
float month_o = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < PER_HOUR ; i++){
month_i += week_in[ from + i];
month_o += week_out[ from + i];
month_in[month_counter] = month_i / PER_HOUR;
month_out[month_counter] = month_o / PER_HOUR ;
month_counter++ ;
if(month_counter >= MONTH) {
month_counter = 0;
String Collector::week_data(int at){
if( at < WEEK){
return String(week_in[at] , 2) ;
return String(week_out[at - WEEK] , 2) ;
String Collector::month_data(int at){
if( at < MONTH){
return String(month_in[at] , 2) ;
return String(month_out[at - MONTH] , 2) ;