## Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Aditya Shakya ## Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this file under GNU-GPL3 ## Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator. ## It's a very basic and simple config file, for full configuration... ## See, /usr/share/doc/alacritty/example/alacritty.yml ## Import files (Fonts, Etc) import: - ~/.config/alacritty/fonts.yml ## Set environment variables env: TERM: alacritty WINIT_X11_SCALE_FACTOR: '1.0' ## Terminal window settings window: dimensions: columns: 82 lines: 24 padding: x: 19 y: 19 decorations: full startup_mode: Windowed dynamic_title: true ## scrolling history: 10000 multiplier: 3 ## Background opacity opacity: 0.84 ## Cursor cursor: style: shape: Underline blinking: On unfocused_hollow: false ## Live config reload live_config_reload: true ## Shell #shell: # program: /bin/zsh # args: # - --login