jump-ball/09.09 Less_unity/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.timeline@1.7.6/Editor/treeview/ManipulationsTimeline.cs
2024-09-09 11:07:16 +03:00

275 lines
9.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.ShortcutManagement;
using UnityEditor.Timeline.Actions;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
class TimelinePanManipulator : Manipulator
const float k_MaxPanSpeed = 50.0f;
bool m_Active;
protected override bool MouseDown(Event evt, WindowState state)
if ((evt.button == 2 && evt.modifiers == EventModifiers.None) ||
(evt.button == 0 && evt.modifiers == EventModifiers.Alt))
m_Active = true;
return true;
return false;
protected override bool MouseUp(Event evt, WindowState state)
if (m_Active)
return false;
protected override bool MouseDrag(Event evt, WindowState state)
// Note: Do not rely on evt.button here as some 3rd party automation
// software does not properly set the button data during drag.
if (!m_Active)
return false;
return Pan(evt, state);
protected override bool MouseWheel(Event evt, WindowState state)
if (Math.Abs(evt.delta.x) < 1e-5 || Math.Abs(evt.delta.x) <= Math.Abs(evt.delta.y))
return false;
var panEvent = new Event(evt);
panEvent.delta = new Vector2(panEvent.delta.x * k_MaxPanSpeed * -1.0f, 0.0f);
return Pan(panEvent, state);
static bool Pan(Event evt, WindowState state)
var cursorRect = TimelineWindow.instance.sequenceContentRect;
cursorRect.xMax = TimelineWindow.instance.position.xMax;
cursorRect.yMax = TimelineWindow.instance.position.yMax;
if (state.GetWindow() != null && state.GetWindow().treeView != null)
var scroll = state.GetWindow().treeView.scrollPosition;
scroll.y -= evt.delta.y;
state.GetWindow().treeView.scrollPosition = scroll;
return true;
return false;
class TimelineZoomManipulator : Manipulator
Vector2 m_MouseDownPos = Vector2.zero;
float m_FocalTime;
float m_LastMouseMoveX = -1;
bool m_WheelUsedLast;
TimelineZoomManipulator() { }
public static readonly TimelineZoomManipulator Instance = new TimelineZoomManipulator();
internal void DoZoom(float zoomFactor)
var refRange = TimelineEditor.visibleTimeRange;
DoZoom(zoomFactor, refRange, (refRange.x + refRange.y) / 2);
// Force resetting the reference zoom after a Framing operation
static void DoZoom(float zoomFactor, Vector2 refRange, float focalTime)
const float kMinRange = 0.05f; // matches zoomable area.
if (zoomFactor <= 0)
var t = Mathf.Max(focalTime, refRange.x);
var x = (refRange.x + t * (zoomFactor - 1)) / zoomFactor;
var y = (refRange.y + t * (zoomFactor - 1)) / zoomFactor;
var newRange = Mathf.Abs(x - y) < kMinRange ? refRange : new Vector2(
Mathf.Max(x, -WindowConstants.timeAreaShownRangePadding),
Mathf.Min(y, WindowState.kMaxShownTime));
if (newRange != refRange)
// Zoomable area does not protect 100% against crazy values
TimelineEditor.visibleTimeRange = newRange;
internal static void InvalidateWheelZoom()
Instance.m_WheelUsedLast = false;
protected override bool MouseDown(Event evt, WindowState state)
m_MouseDownPos = evt.mousePosition;
m_FocalTime = state.PixelToTime(m_MouseDownPos.x);
return false;
protected override bool MouseWheel(Event evt, WindowState state)
if (Math.Abs(evt.delta.y) < 1e-5)
return false;
var zoomRect = TimelineWindow.instance.sequenceContentRect;
zoomRect.yMax += TimelineWindow.instance.horizontalScrollbarHeight;
if (!zoomRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
return false;
if (!m_WheelUsedLast || Mathf.Abs(m_LastMouseMoveX - evt.mousePosition.x) > 1.0f)
m_LastMouseMoveX = evt.mousePosition.x;
m_FocalTime = state.PixelToTime(m_LastMouseMoveX);
var zoomFactor = -evt.delta.y * 0.02f + 1;
DoZoom(zoomFactor, state.timeAreaShownRange, m_FocalTime);
m_WheelUsedLast = true;
return true;
protected override bool MouseDrag(Event evt, WindowState state)
// Fast zoom...
if (evt.modifiers != EventModifiers.Alt || evt.button != 1) return false;
var mouseMoveLength = Event.current.mousePosition - m_MouseDownPos;
var delta = Math.Abs(mouseMoveLength.x) > Math.Abs(mouseMoveLength.y)
? mouseMoveLength.x
: -mouseMoveLength.y;
var zoomFactor = PixelToZoom(delta);
DoZoom(zoomFactor, state.timeAreaShownRange, m_FocalTime);
m_WheelUsedLast = false;
return true;
static float PixelToZoom(float x)
const float pixel2Zoom = 1 / 300.0f;
x *= pixel2Zoom;
if (x < -0.75)
// Rational function that behaves like 1+x on [-0.75,inf) and asymptotically reaches zero on (-inf,-0.75]
// The coefficients were obtained by the following constraints:
//1) f(-0.75) = 0.25
//2) f'(-0.75) = 1 C1 continuity
//3) f(-3) = 0.001 (asymptotically zero)
return 1 / (98.6667f + 268.444f * x + 189.63f * x * x);
return 1 + x;
class TimelineShortcutManipulator : Manipulator
protected override bool ValidateCommand(Event evt, WindowState state)
return evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.Copy ||
evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.Paste ||
evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.Duplicate ||
evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.SelectAll ||
evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.Delete ||
evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.SoftDelete ||
evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.FrameSelected;
protected override bool ExecuteCommand(Event evt, WindowState state)
if (state.IsCurrentEditingASequencerTextField())
return false;
if (evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.SelectAll)
return true;
if (evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.SoftDelete)
return true;
if (evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.FrameSelected)
return true;
return ActionManager.HandleShortcut(evt);
class InlineCurvesShortcutManipulator : Manipulator
protected override bool ExecuteCommand(Event evt, WindowState state)
if (state.IsCurrentEditingASequencerTextField())
return false;
var inlineCurveEditor = SelectionManager.GetCurrentInlineEditorCurve();
if (inlineCurveEditor == null || !inlineCurveEditor.inlineCurvesSelected)
return false;
if (evt.commandName != EventCommandNames.FrameSelected)
return false;
return true;
// CurveEditor uses an hardcoded shortcut to execute the FrameAll action, preventing the ShortcutManager from
// ever picking it up. We have to hijack it to ensure our code is being run when framing inline curves.
protected override bool KeyDown(Event evt, WindowState state)
var inlineCurveEditor = SelectionManager.GetCurrentInlineEditorCurve();
if (inlineCurveEditor == null || !inlineCurveEditor.inlineCurvesSelected)
return false;
// Not conflicting with the hardcoded value
if (evt.keyCode != KeyCode.A)
return false;
var combination = ShortcutManager.instance.GetShortcutBinding(Shortcuts.Timeline.frameAll)
var shortcutCombination = combination.First();
var currentCombination = KeyCombination.FromKeyboardInput(evt);
// User is not actually pressing the correct key combination for FrameAll
if (combination.Count == 1 && shortcutCombination.Equals(currentCombination))
return true;