jump-ball/09.09 Less_unity/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.timeline@1.7.6/Editor/TimelineHelpers.cs
2024-09-09 11:07:16 +03:00

913 lines
35 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
using Component = UnityEngine.Component;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
static class TimelineHelpers
static List<Type> s_SubClassesOfTrackDrawer;
// check whether the exposed reference is explicitly named
static bool IsExposedReferenceExplicitlyNamed(string name)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
return false;
GUID guid;
return !GUID.TryParse(name, out guid);
static string GenerateExposedReferenceName()
return UnityEditor.GUID.Generate().ToString();
public static void CloneExposedReferences(ScriptableObject clone, IExposedPropertyTable sourceTable, IExposedPropertyTable destTable)
var cloneObject = new SerializedObject(clone);
SerializedProperty prop = cloneObject.GetIterator();
while (prop.Next(true))
if (prop.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.ExposedReference && prop.isArray == false)
var exposedNameProp = prop.FindPropertyRelative("exposedName");
var sourceKey = exposedNameProp.stringValue;
var destKey = sourceKey;
if (!IsExposedReferenceExplicitlyNamed(sourceKey))
destKey = GenerateExposedReferenceName();
exposedNameProp.stringValue = destKey;
var requiresCopy = sourceTable != destTable || sourceKey != destKey;
if (requiresCopy && sourceTable != null && destTable != null)
var valid = false;
var target = sourceTable.GetReferenceValue(sourceKey, out valid);
if (valid && target != null)
var existing = destTable.GetReferenceValue(destKey, out valid);
if (!valid || existing != target)
var destTableObj = destTable as UnityEngine.Object;
if (destTableObj != null)
TimelineUndo.PushUndo(destTableObj, L10n.Tr("Create Clip"));
destTable.SetReferenceValue(destKey, target);
public static ScriptableObject CloneReferencedPlayableAsset(ScriptableObject original, IExposedPropertyTable sourceTable, IExposedPropertyTable destTable, Object newOwner)
var clone = Object.Instantiate(original);
SaveCloneToAsset(clone, newOwner);
if (clone == null || (clone as IPlayableAsset) == null)
throw new InvalidCastException("could not cast instantiated object into IPlayableAsset");
CloneExposedReferences(clone, sourceTable, destTable);
TimelineUndo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(clone, L10n.Tr("Create clip"));
return clone;
static void SaveCloneToAsset(Object clone, Object newOwner)
if (newOwner == null)
var containerPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(newOwner);
var containerAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Object>(containerPath);
if (containerAsset != null)
TimelineCreateUtilities.SaveAssetIntoObject(clone, containerAsset);
clone.hideFlags |= newOwner.hideFlags & HideFlags.DontSave;
static AnimationClip CloneAnimationClip(AnimationClip clip, Object owner)
if (clip == null)
return null;
var newClip = Object.Instantiate(clip);
newClip.name = AnimationTrackRecorder.GetUniqueRecordedClipName(owner, clip.name);
SaveAnimClipIntoObject(newClip, owner);
TimelineUndo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newClip, L10n.Tr("Create clip"));
return newClip;
public static TimelineClip Clone(TimelineClip clip, IExposedPropertyTable sourceTable, IExposedPropertyTable destTable, double time, PlayableAsset newOwner = null)
if (newOwner == null)
newOwner = clip.GetParentTrack();
TimelineClip newClip = DuplicateClip(clip, sourceTable, destTable, newOwner);
newClip.start = time;
var track = newClip.GetParentTrack();
return newClip;
// Creates a complete clone of a track and returns it.
// Does not parent, or add the track to the sequence
public static TrackAsset Clone(PlayableAsset parent, TrackAsset trackAsset, IExposedPropertyTable sourceTable, IExposedPropertyTable destTable, PlayableAsset assetOwner = null)
if (trackAsset == null)
return null;
var timelineAsset = trackAsset.timelineAsset;
if (timelineAsset == null)
return null;
if (assetOwner == null)
assetOwner = parent;
// create a duplicate, then clear the clips and subtracks
var newTrack = Object.Instantiate(trackAsset);
newTrack.name = trackAsset.name;
newTrack.parent = parent;
if (trackAsset.hasCurves)
newTrack.curves = CloneAnimationClip(trackAsset.curves, assetOwner);
var animTrack = trackAsset as AnimationTrack;
if (animTrack != null && animTrack.infiniteClip != null)
((AnimationTrack)newTrack).infiniteClip = CloneAnimationClip(animTrack.infiniteClip, assetOwner);
foreach (var clip in trackAsset.clips)
var newClip = DuplicateClip(clip, sourceTable, destTable, assetOwner);
foreach (var e in trackAsset.GetMarkersRaw())
var newMarker = Object.Instantiate(e);
SaveCloneToAsset(newMarker, assetOwner);
if (newMarker is IMarker)
(newMarker as IMarker).Initialize(newTrack);
// calling code is responsible for adding to asset, adding to sequence, and parenting,
// and duplicating subtracks
return newTrack;
public static IEnumerable<ITimelineItem> DuplicateItemsUsingCurrentEditMode(IExposedPropertyTable sourceTable, IExposedPropertyTable destTable, ItemsPerTrack items, TrackAsset targetParent, double candidateTime, string undoOperation)
if (targetParent != null)
var aTrack = targetParent as AnimationTrack;
if (aTrack != null)
var duplicatedItems = DuplicateItems(items, targetParent, sourceTable, destTable, undoOperation);
FinalizeInsertItemsUsingCurrentEditMode(new[] { duplicatedItems }, candidateTime);
return duplicatedItems.items;
return Enumerable.Empty<ITimelineItem>();
public static IEnumerable<ITimelineItem> DuplicateItemsUsingCurrentEditMode(IExposedPropertyTable sourceTable, IExposedPropertyTable destTable, IEnumerable<ItemsPerTrack> items, double candidateTime, string undoOperation)
var duplicatedItemsGroups = new List<ItemsPerTrack>();
foreach (var i in items)
duplicatedItemsGroups.Add(DuplicateItems(i, i.targetTrack, sourceTable, destTable, undoOperation));
FinalizeInsertItemsUsingCurrentEditMode(duplicatedItemsGroups, candidateTime);
return duplicatedItemsGroups.SelectMany(i => i.items);
internal static ItemsPerTrack DuplicateItems(ItemsPerTrack items, TrackAsset target, IExposedPropertyTable sourceTable, IExposedPropertyTable destTable, string undoOperation)
var duplicatedItems = new List<ITimelineItem>();
var clips = items.clips.ToList();
if (clips.Any())
TimelineUndo.PushUndo(target, undoOperation);
duplicatedItems.AddRange(DuplicateClips(clips, sourceTable, destTable, target).ToItems());
TimelineUndo.PushUndo(target, undoOperation); // second undo causes reference fixups on redo (case 1063868)
var markers = items.markers.ToList();
if (markers.Any())
duplicatedItems.AddRange(MarkerModifier.CloneMarkersToParent(markers, target).ToItems());
return new ItemsPerTrack(target, duplicatedItems.ToArray());
static void FinalizeInsertItemsUsingCurrentEditMode(IList<ItemsPerTrack> itemsGroups, double candidateTime)
EditMode.FinalizeInsertItemsAtTime(itemsGroups, candidateTime);
foreach (var itemsGroup in itemsGroups)
var track = itemsGroup.targetTrack;
var items = itemsGroup.items;
EditModeUtils.SetParentTrack(items, track);
foreach (var item in items)
if (item.gui != null) item.gui.Select();
var allItems = itemsGroups.SelectMany(x => x.items).ToList();
foreach (var item in allItems)
internal static TimelineClip Clone(TimelineClip clip, IExposedPropertyTable sourceTable, IExposedPropertyTable destTable, PlayableAsset newOwner)
var editorClip = EditorClipFactory.GetEditorClip(clip);
// Workaround for Clips not being unity object, assign it to a editor clip wrapper, clone it, and pull the clip back out
var newClip = Object.Instantiate(editorClip).clip;
// perform fix ups for what Instantiate cannot properly detect
newClip.curves = null; // instantiate might copy the reference, we need to clear it
// curves are explicitly owned by the clip
if (clip.curves != null)
newClip.CreateCurves(AnimationTrackRecorder.GetUniqueRecordedClipName(newOwner, clip.curves.name));
EditorUtility.CopySerialized(clip.curves, newClip.curves);
TimelineCreateUtilities.SaveAssetIntoObject(newClip.curves, newOwner);
ScriptableObject playableAsset = newClip.asset as ScriptableObject;
if (playableAsset != null && newClip.asset is IPlayableAsset)
var clone = CloneReferencedPlayableAsset(playableAsset, sourceTable, destTable, newOwner);
newClip.asset = clone;
// special case to make the name match the recordable clips, but only if they match on the original clip
var originalRecordedAsset = clip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset;
if (clip.recordable && originalRecordedAsset != null && originalRecordedAsset.clip != null)
AnimationPlayableAsset clonedAnimationAsset = clone as AnimationPlayableAsset;
if (clonedAnimationAsset != null && clonedAnimationAsset.clip != null)
clonedAnimationAsset.clip = CloneAnimationClip(originalRecordedAsset.clip, newOwner);
if (clip.displayName == originalRecordedAsset.clip.name && newClip.recordable)
clonedAnimationAsset.name = clonedAnimationAsset.clip.name;
newClip.displayName = clonedAnimationAsset.name;
return newClip;
static TimelineClip[] DuplicateClips(IEnumerable<TimelineClip> clips, IExposedPropertyTable sourceTable, IExposedPropertyTable destTable, PlayableAsset newOwner)
var newClips = new TimelineClip[clips.Count()];
int i = 0;
foreach (var clip in clips)
var newParent = newOwner == null ? clip.GetParentTrack() : newOwner;
var newClip = DuplicateClip(clip, sourceTable, destTable, newParent);
newClips[i++] = newClip;
return newClips;
static TimelineClip DuplicateClip(TimelineClip clip, IExposedPropertyTable sourceTable, IExposedPropertyTable destTable, PlayableAsset newOwner)
var newClip = Clone(clip, sourceTable, destTable, newOwner);
var track = clip.GetParentTrack();
if (track != null)
var editor = CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetClipEditor(clip);
editor.OnCreate(newClip, track, clip);
catch (Exception e)
return newClip;
// Given a track type, return all the playable asset types that should be
// visible to the user via menus
// Given a track type, return all the playable asset types
public static Type GetCustomDrawer(Type trackType)
if (s_SubClassesOfTrackDrawer == null)
s_SubClassesOfTrackDrawer = TypeCache.GetTypesDerivedFrom<TrackDrawer>().ToList();
foreach (var drawer in s_SubClassesOfTrackDrawer)
var attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(drawer, typeof(CustomTrackDrawerAttribute), false) as CustomTrackDrawerAttribute;
if (attr != null && attr.assetType.IsAssignableFrom(trackType))
return drawer;
return typeof(TrackDrawer);
public static bool HaveSameContainerAsset(Object assetA, Object assetB)
if (assetA == null || assetB == null)
return false;
if ((assetA.hideFlags & HideFlags.DontSave) != 0 && (assetB.hideFlags & HideFlags.DontSave) != 0)
return true;
return AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(assetA) == AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(assetB);
public static void SaveAnimClipIntoObject(AnimationClip clip, Object asset)
if (asset != null)
clip.hideFlags = asset.hideFlags & ~HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; // show animation clips, even if the parent track isn't
if ((clip.hideFlags & HideFlags.DontSave) == 0)
AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(clip, asset);
// Make sure a gameobject has all the required component for the given TrackAsset
public static Component AddRequiredComponent(GameObject go, TrackAsset asset)
if (go == null || asset == null)
return null;
var bindings = asset.outputs;
if (!bindings.Any())
return null;
var binding = bindings.First();
if (binding.outputTargetType == null || !typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(binding.outputTargetType))
return null;
var component = go.GetComponent(binding.outputTargetType);
if (component == null)
component = Undo.AddComponent(go, binding.outputTargetType);
return component;
public static string GetTrackCategoryName(System.Type trackType)
if (trackType == null)
return string.Empty;
string s = GetItemCategoryName(trackType);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
return s;
// if as display name with a path is specified use that
var attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(trackType, typeof(DisplayNameAttribute)) as DisplayNameAttribute;
if (attr != null && attr.DisplayName.Contains('/'))
return string.Empty;
if (trackType.Namespace == null || trackType.Namespace.Contains("UnityEngine"))
return string.Empty;
return trackType.Namespace + "/";
public static string GetItemCategoryName(System.Type itemType)
if (itemType == null)
return string.Empty;
var attribute = itemType.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(MenuCategoryAttribute)) as MenuCategoryAttribute;
if (attribute != null)
var s = attribute.category;
if (!s.EndsWith("/"))
s += "/";
return s;
return string.Empty;
public static string GetTrackMenuName(System.Type trackType)
return L10n.Tr(TypeUtility.GetDisplayName(trackType));
// retrieve the duration of a single loop, taking into account speed
public static double GetLoopDuration(TimelineClip clip)
double length = clip.clipAssetDuration;
if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(length) || double.IsNaN(length))
return TimelineClip.kMinDuration;
if (length == double.MaxValue || double.IsInfinity(length))
return double.MaxValue;
return Math.Max(TimelineClip.kMinDuration, length / clip.timeScale);
public static double GetClipAssetEndTime(TimelineClip clip)
var d = GetLoopDuration(clip);
if (d < double.MaxValue)
d = clip.FromLocalTimeUnbound(d);
return d;
// Checks if the underlying asset duration is usable. This means the clip
// can loop or hold
public static bool HasUsableAssetDuration(TimelineClip clip)
double length = clip.clipAssetDuration;
return (length < TimelineClip.kMaxTimeValue) && !double.IsInfinity(length) && !double.IsNaN(length);
// Retrieves the starting point of each loop of a clip, relative to the start of the clip
// Note that if clip-in is bigger than the loopDuration, negative times will be added
public static double[] GetLoopTimes(TimelineClip clip)
if (!HasUsableAssetDuration(clip))
return new[] { -clip.clipIn / clip.timeScale };
var times = new List<double>();
double loopDuration = GetLoopDuration(clip);
if (loopDuration <= TimeUtility.kTimeEpsilon)
return new double[] { };
double start = -clip.clipIn / clip.timeScale;
double end = start + loopDuration;
while (end < clip.duration - WindowState.kTimeEpsilon)
end += loopDuration;
return times.ToArray();
public static double GetCandidateTime(Vector2? mousePosition, params TrackAsset[] trackAssets)
// Right-Click
if (mousePosition != null)
return TimeReferenceUtility.GetSnappedTimeAtMousePosition(mousePosition.Value);
// Playhead
if (TimelineEditor.inspectedDirector != null)
return TimeReferenceUtility.SnapToFrameIfRequired(TimelineEditor.inspectedSequenceTime);
// Specific tracks end
if (trackAssets != null && trackAssets.Any())
var items = trackAssets.SelectMany(t => t.GetItems()).ToList();
return items.Any() ? items.Max(i => i.end) : 0;
// Timeline tracks end
if (TimelineEditor.inspectedAsset != null)
return TimelineEditor.inspectedAsset.flattenedTracks.Any() ? TimelineEditor.inspectedAsset.flattenedTracks.Max(t => t.end) : 0;
return 0.0;
public static TimelineClip CreateClipOnTrack(Object asset, TrackAsset parentTrack, WindowState state)
return CreateClipOnTrack(asset, parentTrack, GetCandidateTime(null, parentTrack), state);
public static TimelineClip CreateClipOnTrack(Object asset, TrackAsset parentTrack, double candidateTime)
WindowState state = null;
if (TimelineWindow.instance != null)
state = TimelineWindow.instance.state;
return CreateClipOnTrack(asset, parentTrack, candidateTime, state);
public static TimelineClip CreateClipOnTrack(Type playableAssetType, TrackAsset parentTrack, WindowState state)
return CreateClipOnTrack(playableAssetType, null, parentTrack, GetCandidateTime(null, parentTrack), state);
public static TimelineClip CreateClipOnTrack(Type playableAssetType, TrackAsset parentTrack, double candidateTime)
return CreateClipOnTrack(playableAssetType, null, parentTrack, candidateTime);
public static TimelineClip CreateClipOnTrack(Object asset, TrackAsset parentTrack, double candidateTime, WindowState state)
if (parentTrack == null)
return null;
// pick the first clip type available, unless there is one that matches the asset
var clipType = TypeUtility.GetPlayableAssetsHandledByTrack(parentTrack.GetType()).FirstOrDefault();
if (asset != null)
clipType = TypeUtility.GetAssetTypesForObject(parentTrack.GetType(), asset).FirstOrDefault();
if (clipType == null)
return null;
return CreateClipOnTrack(clipType, asset, parentTrack, candidateTime, state);
public static TimelineClip CreateClipOnTrack(Type playableAssetType, Object assignableObject, TrackAsset parentTrack, double candidateTime)
WindowState state = null;
if (TimelineWindow.instance != null)
state = TimelineWindow.instance.state;
return CreateClipOnTrack(playableAssetType, assignableObject, parentTrack, candidateTime, state);
public static TimelineClip CreateClipOnTrack(Type playableAssetType, Object assignableObject, TrackAsset parentTrack, double candidateTime, WindowState state)
if (parentTrack == null)
return null;
bool revertClipMode = false;
// Ideally this is done automatically by the animation track,
// but it's editor only because it does animation clip manipulation
var animTrack = parentTrack as AnimationTrack;
if (animTrack != null && animTrack.CanConvertToClipMode())
revertClipMode = true;
TimelineClip newClip = null;
if (TypeUtility.IsConcretePlayableAsset(playableAssetType))
newClip = parentTrack.CreateClipOfType(playableAssetType);
catch (InvalidOperationException) { } // expected on a mismatch
if (newClip == null)
if (revertClipMode)
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Cannot create a clip of type {0} on a track of type {1}", playableAssetType.Name, parentTrack.GetType().Name);
return null;
AddClipOnTrack(newClip, parentTrack, candidateTime, assignableObject, state);
return newClip;
/// <summary>
/// Create a clip on track from an existing PlayableAsset
/// </summary>
public static TimelineClip CreateClipOnTrackFromPlayableAsset(IPlayableAsset asset, TrackAsset parentTrack, double candidateTime)
if (parentTrack == null || asset == null || !TypeUtility.IsConcretePlayableAsset(asset.GetType()))
return null;
TimelineClip newClip = null;
newClip = parentTrack.CreateClipFromPlayableAsset(asset);
return null;
WindowState state = null;
if (TimelineWindow.instance != null)
state = TimelineWindow.instance.state;
AddClipOnTrack(newClip, parentTrack, candidateTime, null, state);
return newClip;
public static void CreateClipsFromObjects(Type assetType, TrackAsset targetTrack, double candidateTime, IEnumerable<Object> objects)
foreach (var obj in objects)
if (ObjectReferenceField.FindObjectReferences(assetType).Any(f => f.IsAssignable(obj)))
var clip = CreateClipOnTrack(assetType, obj, targetTrack, candidateTime);
candidateTime += clip.duration;
public static void CreateMarkersFromObjects(Type assetType, TrackAsset targetTrack, double candidateTime, IEnumerable<Object> objects)
var mList = new List<ITimelineItem>();
foreach (var obj in objects)
if (ObjectReferenceField.FindObjectReferences(assetType).Any(f => f.IsAssignable(obj)))
var marker = CreateMarkerOnTrack(assetType, obj, targetTrack, candidateTime);
var state = TimelineWindow.instance.state;
for (var i = 1; i < mList.Count; ++i)
var delta = ItemsUtils.TimeGapBetweenItems(mList[i - 1], mList[i]);
mList[i].start += delta;
FinalizeInsertItemsUsingCurrentEditMode(new[] { new ItemsPerTrack(targetTrack, mList) }, candidateTime);
public static IMarker CreateMarkerOnTrack(Type markerType, Object assignableObject, TrackAsset parentTrack, double candidateTime)
WindowState state = null;
if (TimelineWindow.instance != null)
state = TimelineWindow.instance.state;
var newMarker = parentTrack.CreateMarker(markerType, candidateTime); //Throws if marker is not an object
var obj = newMarker as ScriptableObject;
if (obj != null)
obj.name = TypeUtility.GetDisplayName(markerType);
if (assignableObject != null)
var director = state != null ? state.editSequence.director : null;
foreach (var field in ObjectReferenceField.FindObjectReferences(markerType))
if (field.IsAssignable(assignableObject))
field.Assign(newMarker as ScriptableObject, assignableObject, director);
CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetMarkerEditor(newMarker).OnCreate(newMarker, null);
catch (Exception e)
return newMarker;
public static void CreateClipsFromTypes(IEnumerable<Type> assetTypes, TrackAsset targetTrack, double candidateTime)
foreach (var assetType in assetTypes)
var clip = CreateClipOnTrack(assetType, targetTrack, candidateTime);
candidateTime += clip.duration;
public static void FrameItems(IEnumerable<ITimelineItem> items)
if (items == null || !items.Any())
// if this is called before a repaint, the timeArea can be null
if (TimelineEditor.window.timeArea == null)
var start = (float)items.Min(x => x.start);
var end = (float)items.Max(x => x.end);
var timeRange = TimelineEditor.visibleTimeRange;
// nothing to do
if (timeRange.x <= start && timeRange.y >= end)
timeRange.x = Mathf.Max(0, timeRange.x);
timeRange.y = Mathf.Max(0, timeRange.y);
var ds = start - timeRange.x;
var de = end - timeRange.y;
var padding = TimeReferenceUtility.PixelToTime(15) - TimeReferenceUtility.PixelToTime(0);
var d = Math.Abs(ds) < Math.Abs(de) ? ds - padding : de + padding;
TimelineEditor.visibleTimeRange = new Vector2(timeRange.x + d, timeRange.y + d);
public static void Frame(WindowState state, double start, double end)
var timeRange = state.timeAreaShownRange;
// nothing to do
if (timeRange.x <= start && timeRange.y >= end)
var ds = (float)start - timeRange.x;
var de = (float)end - timeRange.y;
var padding = state.PixelDeltaToDeltaTime(15);
var d = Math.Abs(ds) < Math.Abs(de) ? ds - padding : de + padding;
state.SetTimeAreaShownRange(timeRange.x + d, timeRange.y + d);
public static void RangeSelect<T>(IList<T> totalCollection, IList<T> currentSelection, T clickedItem, Action<T> selector, Action<T> remover) where T : class
var firstSelect = currentSelection.FirstOrDefault();
if (firstSelect == null)
var idxFirstSelect = totalCollection.IndexOf(firstSelect);
var idxLastSelect = totalCollection.IndexOf(currentSelection.Last());
var idxClicked = totalCollection.IndexOf(clickedItem);
//case 927807: selection is invalid
if (idxFirstSelect < 0)
// Expand the selection between the first selected clip and clicked clip (insertion order is important)
if (idxFirstSelect < idxClicked)
for (var i = idxFirstSelect; i <= idxClicked; ++i)
for (var i = idxFirstSelect; i >= idxClicked; --i)
// If clicked inside the selected range, shrink the selection between the the click and last selected clip
if (Math.Min(idxFirstSelect, idxLastSelect) < idxClicked && idxClicked < Math.Max(idxFirstSelect, idxLastSelect))
for (var i = Math.Min(idxLastSelect, idxClicked); i <= Math.Max(idxLastSelect, idxClicked); ++i)
// Ensure clicked clip is selected
/// <summary>
/// Shared code for adding a clip to a track
/// </summary>
static void AddClipOnTrack(TimelineClip newClip, TrackAsset parentTrack, double candidateTime, Object assignableObject, WindowState state)
var playableAsset = newClip.asset as IPlayableAsset;
newClip.timeScale = 1.0;
newClip.mixInCurve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0, 0, 1, 1);
newClip.mixOutCurve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0, 1, 1, 0);
var playableDirector = state != null ? state.editSequence.director : null;
if (assignableObject != null)
foreach (var field in ObjectReferenceField.FindObjectReferences(playableAsset.GetType()))
if (field.IsAssignable(assignableObject))
newClip.displayName = assignableObject.name;
field.Assign(newClip.asset as PlayableAsset, assignableObject, playableDirector);
// get the clip editor
CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetClipEditor(newClip).OnCreate(newClip, parentTrack, null);
catch (Exception e)
// reset the duration as the newly assigned values may have changed the default
if (playableAsset != null)
var candidateDuration = playableAsset.duration;
if (!double.IsInfinity(candidateDuration) && candidateDuration > 0)
newClip.duration = Math.Min(Math.Max(candidateDuration, TimelineClip.kMinDuration), TimelineClip.kMaxTimeValue);
var newClipsByTracks = new[] { new ItemsPerTrack(parentTrack, new[] { newClip.ToItem() }) };
FinalizeInsertItemsUsingCurrentEditMode(newClipsByTracks, candidateTime);
if (state != null)
public static TrackAsset CreateTrack(TimelineAsset asset, Type type, TrackAsset parent = null, string name = null)
if (asset == null)
return null;
var track = asset.CreateTrack(type, parent, name);
if (track != null)
if (parent != null)
var editor = CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetTrackEditor(track);
editor.OnCreate_Safe(track, null);
return track;
public static TrackAsset CreateTrack(Type type, TrackAsset parent = null, string name = null)
return CreateTrack(TimelineEditor.inspectedAsset, type, parent, name);
public static T CreateTrack<T>(TimelineAsset asset, TrackAsset parent = null, string name = null) where T : TrackAsset
return (T)CreateTrack(asset, typeof(T), parent, name);
public static T CreateTrack<T>(TrackAsset parent = null, string name = null) where T : TrackAsset
return (T)CreateTrack(TimelineEditor.inspectedAsset, typeof(T), parent, name);