def handleMessage(payload): import time script_path = '/usr/local/bin/ignition/data/factorystack/scripts/' project = payload['project'] logger = system.util.getLogger("FactoryStack")"'Commit and Push' request received from project '{}'.".format(project)) try: actor = payload['actor'] resources = payload['resources'] added = ['/'.join([project, resource['path']]) for resource in resources['added']] modified = ['/'.join([project, resource['path']]) for resource in resources['modified']] removed = ['/'.join([project, resource['path']]) for resource in resources['removed']] time.sleep(5) # following best practices guide from Inductive Automation system.util.execute([script_path] + [actor] + added + modified + removed)"'Commit and Push' operation completed.") except: logger.error("Error occurred during 'Commit and Push' operation. Please contact 4IR Support.")