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import { FenceBaseAssortGenerator } from "@spt/generators/FenceBaseAssortGenerator";
import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { TraderAssortHelper } from "@spt/helpers/TraderAssortHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "@spt/helpers/TraderHelper";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { IGetItemPricesResponse } from "@spt/models/eft/game/IGetItemPricesResponse";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { Money } from "@spt/models/enums/Money";
import { Traders } from "@spt/models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService";
import { FenceService } from "@spt/services/FenceService";
import { RagfairPriceService } from "@spt/services/RagfairPriceService";
import { TraderAssortService } from "@spt/services/TraderAssortService";
import { TraderPurchasePersisterService } from "@spt/services/TraderPurchasePersisterService";
import { TimeUtil } from "@spt/utils/TimeUtil";
import { ICloner } from "@spt/utils/cloners/ICloner";
import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
export class TraderController {
protected traderConfig: ITraderConfig;
@inject("PrimaryLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil,
@inject("DatabaseService") protected databaseService: DatabaseService,
@inject("TraderAssortHelper") protected traderAssortHelper: TraderAssortHelper,
@inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper,
@inject("TraderHelper") protected traderHelper: TraderHelper,
@inject("TraderAssortService") protected traderAssortService: TraderAssortService,
@inject("RagfairPriceService") protected ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService,
protected traderPurchasePersisterService: TraderPurchasePersisterService,
@inject("FenceService") protected fenceService: FenceService,
@inject("FenceBaseAssortGenerator") protected fenceBaseAssortGenerator: FenceBaseAssortGenerator,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer,
@inject("PrimaryCloner") protected cloner: ICloner,
) {
this.traderConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.TRADER);
* Runs when onLoad event is fired
* Iterate over traders, ensure a pristine copy of their assorts is stored in traderAssortService
* Store timestamp of next assort refresh in nextResupply property of traders .base object
public load(): void {
const nextHourTimestamp = this.timeUtil.getTimestampOfNextHour();
const traderResetStartsWithServer = this.traderConfig.tradersResetFromServerStart;
const traders = this.databaseService.getTraders();
for (const traderId in traders) {
if (traderId === "ragfair" || traderId === Traders.LIGHTHOUSEKEEPER) {
if (traderId === Traders.FENCE) {
const trader = traders[traderId];
// Create dict of trader assorts on server start
if (!this.traderAssortService.getPristineTraderAssort(traderId)) {
const assortsClone = this.cloner.clone(trader.assort);
this.traderAssortService.setPristineTraderAssort(traderId, assortsClone);
// Set to next hour on clock or current time + 60 mins
trader.base.nextResupply = traderResetStartsWithServer
? this.traderHelper.getNextUpdateTimestamp(trader.base._id)
: nextHourTimestamp;
traders[trader.base._id].base = trader.base;
* Runs when onUpdate is fired
* If current time is > nextResupply(expire) time of trader, refresh traders assorts and
* Fence is handled slightly differently
* @returns has run
public update(): boolean {
for (const traderId in this.databaseService.getTables().traders) {
if (traderId === "ragfair" || traderId === Traders.LIGHTHOUSEKEEPER) {
if (traderId === Traders.FENCE) {
if (this.fenceService.needsPartialRefresh()) {
// Trader needs to be refreshed
const trader = this.databaseService.getTrader(traderId);
if (this.traderAssortHelper.traderAssortsHaveExpired(traderId)) {
// Reset purchase data per trader as they have independent reset times
return true;
* Handle client/trading/api/traderSettings
* Return an array of all traders
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns array if ITraderBase objects
public getAllTraders(sessionID: string): ITraderBase[] {
const traders: ITraderBase[] = [];
const pmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionID);
for (const traderID in this.databaseService.getTables().traders) {
if (this.databaseService.getTables().traders[traderID].base._id === "ragfair") {
traders.push(this.traderHelper.getTrader(traderID, sessionID));
if (pmcData.Info) {
this.traderHelper.lvlUp(traderID, pmcData);
return traders.sort((a, b) => this.sortByTraderId(a, b));
* Order traders by their traderId (Ttid)
* @param traderA First trader to compare
* @param traderB Second trader to compare
* @returns 1,-1 or 0
protected sortByTraderId(traderA: ITraderBase, traderB: ITraderBase): number {
if (traderA._id > traderB._id) {
return 1;
if (traderA._id < traderB._id) {
return -1;
return 0;
/** Handle client/trading/api/getTrader */
public getTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): ITraderBase {
return this.traderHelper.getTrader(sessionID, traderID);
/** Handle client/trading/api/getTraderAssort */
public getAssort(sessionId: string, traderId: string): ITraderAssort {
return this.traderAssortHelper.getAssort(sessionId, traderId);
/** Handle client/items/prices/TRADERID */
public getItemPrices(sessionId: string, traderId: string): IGetItemPricesResponse {
const pmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionId);
const traderDetails = this.traderHelper.getLoyaltyLevel(traderId, pmcData);
const traderItemSellMultipler = 1 - traderDetails.buy_price_coef / 100;
// Clone handbook prices so we can apply the coef multipler to every item
const handbookPrices = this.ragfairPriceService.getAllStaticPrices();
const handbookPricesClone = this.cloner.clone(handbookPrices);
for (const handbookItemKey in handbookPricesClone) {
handbookPricesClone[handbookItemKey] = handbookPricesClone[handbookItemKey] * traderItemSellMultipler;
return {
supplyNextTime: this.traderHelper.getNextUpdateTimestamp(traderId),
prices: handbookPricesClone,
currencyCourses: {
"5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f": handbookPrices[Money.ROUBLES],
"569668774bdc2da2298b4568": handbookPrices[Money.EUROS],
"5696686a4bdc2da3298b456a": handbookPrices[Money.DOLLARS],