Boogidy, boogidy, boogidy. Let's go racing! 🏎️ Removes the over-complicated and super-slow setup we had with ESLint & Prettier in favour of Biome. The largest change with the formatting is moving from Allman braces to 1TBS braces. Other than that, it's *pretty much* the same. Ah, and that Biome runs formatting and linting on the entire project about x10 faster than the old system ran formatting on one file. Seriously, the guy who came up with that last solution should be fired. :runs: I've kept all of the formatting and linting commands the same as before, with the main mamma-jamma being: `npm run format`, which applies formatting and linting changes to the entire project. Formatting-on-save works (quickly!) by (1) ensuring that you're working within the VSC workspace (as you should be), and (2) have the recommended Biome VSC extension installed. The link to the Biome extension is in the README. This limits our options on code formatting going forward; Biome, like prettier, is very opinionated with very few formatting options available. But I see this as a good thing. I'd rather spend my time arguing about which gun in Tarkov is the best, rather than coding brace styles... ...It's the TOZ, and it always will be. Don't DM me. Co-authored-by: chomp <> Reviewed-on: Co-authored-by: Refringe <> Co-committed-by: Refringe <> # Conflicts: # project/src/callbacks/GameCallbacks.ts # project/src/callbacks/MatchCallbacks.ts # project/src/routers/static/GameStaticRouter.ts Resolved by Refringe
370 lines
11 KiB
370 lines
11 KiB
import crypto from "node:crypto";
import path from "node:path";
import pkg from "@yao-pkg/pkg";
import pkgfetch from "@yao-pkg/pkg-fetch";
import fs from "fs-extra";
import gulp from "gulp";
import decompress from "gulp-decompress";
import download from "gulp-download";
import { exec } from "gulp-execa";
import rename from "gulp-rename";
import minimist from "minimist";
import * as ResEdit from "resedit";
import manifest from "./package.json" assert { type: "json" };
// Accept command line arguments for arch and platform
const knownOptions = { string: ["arch", "platform"], default: { arch: process.arch, platform: process.platform } };
const options = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), knownOptions);
const targetArch = options.arch;
const targetPlatform = options.platform;
console.log(`target arch: ${targetArch}, target platform: ${targetPlatform}`);
const nodeVersion = "node20"; // As of @yao-pkg/pkg-fetch v3.5.9, it's v20.11.1
const stdio = "inherit";
const buildDir = "build/";
const dataDir = path.join(buildDir, "SPT_Data", "Server");
const serverExeName = "SPT.Server.exe";
const serverExe = path.join(buildDir, serverExeName);
const pkgConfig = "pkgconfig.json";
const entries = {
release: path.join("obj", "ide", "ReleaseEntry.js"),
debug: path.join("obj", "ide", "DebugEntry.js"),
bleeding: path.join("obj", "ide", "BleedingEdgeEntry.js"),
bleedingmods: path.join("obj", "ide", "BleedingEdgeModsEntry.js"),
const licenseFile = "../";
* Transpile src files into Javascript with SWC
const compile = async () =>
// Compile TypeScript files using SWC
await exec("npx swc src -d obj", { stdio: "inherit" });
// Merge the contents from the /obj/src directory into /obj
const srcDir = path.join("obj", "src");
const destDir = path.join("obj");
const entities = await fs.readdir(srcDir);
for (const entity of entities)
const srcPath = path.join(srcDir, entity);
const destPath = path.join(destDir, entity);
await fs.move(srcPath, destPath, { overwrite: true });
// After moving all contents, remove the now-empty /obj/src directory
await fs.remove(srcDir);
catch (error)
console.error("An error occurred during the merge operation:", error);
// Packaging
const fetchPackageImage = async () =>
const output = "./.pkg-cache/v3.5";
const fetchedPkg = await pkgfetch.need({
arch: targetArch,
nodeRange: nodeVersion,
platform: targetPlatform,
console.log(`fetched node binary at ${fetchedPkg}`);
const builtPkg = fetchedPkg.replace("node", "built");
await fs.copyFile(fetchedPkg, builtPkg);
catch (e)
console.error(`Error while fetching and patching package image: ${e.message}`);
const updateBuildProperties = async () =>
if (targetPlatform !== "win32")
// can't modify executable's resource on non-windows build
const exe = ResEdit.NtExecutable.from(await fs.readFile(serverExe));
const res = ResEdit.NtExecutableResource.from(exe);
const iconPath = path.resolve(manifest.icon);
const iconFile = ResEdit.Data.IconFile.from(await fs.readFile(iconPath));
| =>,
const vi = ResEdit.Resource.VersionInfo.fromEntries(res.entries)[0];
vi.setStringValues({ lang: 1033, codepage: 1200 }, {
FileDescription: manifest.description,
LegalCopyright: manifest.license,
vi.removeStringValue({ lang: 1033, codepage: 1200 }, "OriginalFilename");
vi.removeStringValue({ lang: 1033, codepage: 1200 }, "InternalName");
res.outputResource(exe, true);
await fs.writeFile(serverExe, Buffer.from(exe.generate()));
* Copy various asset files to the destination directory
const copyAssets = () =>
gulp.src(["assets/**/*.json", "assets/**/*.json5", "assets/**/*.png", "assets/**/*.jpg", "assets/**/*.ico"]).pipe(
* Download pnpm executable
const downloadPnpm = async () =>
// Please ensure that the @pnpm/exe version in devDependencies is pinned to a specific version. If it's not, the
// following task will download *all* versions that are compatible with the semver range specified.
const pnpmVersion = manifest.devDependencies["@pnpm/exe"];
const pnpmPackageName = `@pnpm/${targetPlatform === "win32" ? "win" : targetPlatform}-${targetArch}`;
const npmResult = await exec(`npm view ${pnpmPackageName}@${pnpmVersion} dist.tarball`, { stdout: "pipe" });
const pnpmLink = npmResult.stdout.trim();
console.log(`Downloading pnpm binary from ${pnpmLink}`);
download(pnpmLink).pipe(decompress({ strip: 1 })).pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(dataDir, "@pnpm", "exe")));
* Rename and copy the license file
const copyLicense = () => gulp.src([licenseFile]).pipe(rename("LICENSE-Server.txt")).pipe(gulp.dest(buildDir));
* Writes the latest build data to the core.json and build.json configuration files.
const writeBuildDataToJSON = async () =>
// Fetch the latest Git commit hash
const gitResult = await exec("git rev-parse HEAD", { stdout: "pipe" });
// Update core.json
const coreJSONPath = path.resolve(dataDir, "configs", "core.json");
const coreJSON = await fs.readFile(coreJSONPath, "utf8");
const coreParsed = JSON.parse(coreJSON);
coreParsed.commit = gitResult.stdout.trim() || "";
coreParsed.buildTime = new Date().getTime();
await fs.writeFile(coreJSONPath, JSON.stringify(coreParsed, null, 4));
// Write build.json
const buildJsonPath = path.join("obj", "ide", "build.json");
const buildInfo = {};
buildInfo.commit = coreParsed.commit;
buildInfo.buildTime = coreParsed.buildTime;
buildInfo.sptVersion = coreParsed.sptVersion;
await fs.writeFile(buildJsonPath, JSON.stringify(buildInfo, null, 4));
catch (error)
throw new Error(`Failed to write commit hash to core.json: ${error.message}`);
* Create a hash file for asset checks
const createHashFile = async () =>
const hashFileDir = path.resolve(dataDir, "checks.dat");
const assetData = await loadRecursiveAsync("assets/");
const assetDataString = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(assetData), "utf-8").toString("base64");
await fs.writeFile(hashFileDir, assetDataString);
// Combine all tasks into addAssets
const addAssets = gulp.series(copyAssets, downloadPnpm, copyLicense, writeBuildDataToJSON, createHashFile);
* Cleans the build directory.
const cleanBuild = async () => await fs.rm(buildDir, { recursive: true, force: true });
* Cleans the transpiled javascript directory.
const cleanCompiled = async () => await fs.rm("./obj", { recursive: true, force: true });
* Recursively builds an array of paths for json files.
* @param {fs.PathLike} dir
* @param {string[]} files
* @returns {Promise<string[]>}
const getJSONFiles = async (dir, files = []) =>
const fileList = await fs.readdir(dir);
for (const file of fileList)
const name = path.resolve(dir, file);
if ((await fs.stat(name)).isDirectory())
getJSONFiles(name, files);
else if (name.slice(-5) === ".json")
return files;
* Goes through every json file in assets and makes sure they're valid json.
const validateJSONs = async () =>
const assetsPath = path.resolve("assets");
const jsonFileList = await getJSONFiles(assetsPath);
let jsonFileInProcess = "";
for (const jsonFile of jsonFileList)
jsonFileInProcess = jsonFile;
JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(jsonFile));
catch (error)
throw new Error(`${error.message} | ${jsonFileInProcess}`);
* Hash helper function
* @param {crypto.BinaryLike} data
* @returns {string}
const generateHashForData = (data) =>
const hashSum = crypto.createHash("sha1");
return hashSum.digest("hex");
* Loader to recursively find all json files in a folder
* @param {fs.PathLike} filepath
* @returns {}
const loadRecursiveAsync = async (filepath) =>
const result = {};
const filesList = await fs.readdir(filepath);
for (const file of filesList)
const curPath = path.parse(path.join(filepath, file));
if ((await fs.stat(path.join(curPath.dir, curPath.base))).isDirectory())
result[] = loadRecursiveAsync(`${filepath}${file}/`);
else if (curPath.ext === ".json")
result[] = generateHashForData(await fs.readFile(`${filepath}${file}`));
// set all loadRecursive to be executed asynchronously
const resEntries = Object.entries(result);
const resResolved = await Promise.all( => ent[1]));
for (let resIdx = 0; resIdx < resResolved.length; resIdx++)
resEntries[resIdx][1] = resResolved[resIdx];
// return the result of all async fetch
return Object.fromEntries(resEntries);
// Main Tasks Generation
const build = (packagingType) =>
const anonPackaging = () => packaging(entries[packagingType]);
anonPackaging.displayName = `packaging-${packagingType}`;
const tasks = [
return gulp.series(tasks);
// Packaging Arguments
const packaging = async (entry) =>
const target = `${nodeVersion}-${targetPlatform}-${targetArch}`;
await pkg.exec([
catch (error)
console.error(`Error occurred during packaging: ${error}`);
gulp.task("build:debug", build("debug"));
gulp.task("build:release", build("release"));
gulp.task("build:bleeding", build("bleeding"));
gulp.task("build:bleedingmods", build("bleedingmods"));
gulp.task("run:build", async () => await exec(serverExeName, { stdio, cwd: buildDir }));
async () => await exec("ts-node-dev -r tsconfig-paths/register src/ide/TestEntry.ts", { stdio }),
gulp.task("run:profiler", async () =>
await cleanCompiled();
await compile();
await exec("node --prof --inspect --trace-warnings obj/ide/TestEntry.js", { stdio });