DrakiaXYZ bf60fb7ea9 Fix flea armor not having proper random durability (!223)
Clone flea items prior to passing them off to the createSingleOfferForItem method

This change results in more armor on the flea having 100% durability, and less having identical non-max durability values


Co-authored-by: DrakiaXYZ <>
Co-authored-by: DrakiaXYZ <>
Co-committed-by: DrakiaXYZ <>
2024-02-13 08:34:55 +00:00

935 lines
35 KiB

import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { RagfairAssortGenerator } from "@spt-aki/generators/RagfairAssortGenerator";
import { HandbookHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/HandbookHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper";
import { PaymentHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PaymentHelper";
import { PresetHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PresetHelper";
import { RagfairServerHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/RagfairServerHelper";
import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ITemplateItem } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { IBarterScheme } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { IRagfairOffer, OfferRequirement } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IRagfairOffer";
import { BaseClasses } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/BaseClasses";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { MemberCategory } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/MemberCategory";
import { Money } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/Money";
import {
} from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { SaveServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/SaveServer";
import { FenceService } from "@spt-aki/services/FenceService";
import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService";
import { RagfairOfferService } from "@spt-aki/services/RagfairOfferService";
import { RagfairPriceService } from "@spt-aki/services/RagfairPriceService";
import { HashUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/TimeUtil";
export class RagfairOfferGenerator
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter: { tpl: string; price: number; }[];
/** Internal counter to ensure each offer created has a unique value for its intId property */
protected offerCounter = 0;
@inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil,
@inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil,
@inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil,
@inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil,
@inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer,
@inject("RagfairServerHelper") protected ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper,
@inject("HandbookHelper") protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper,
@inject("SaveServer") protected saveServer: SaveServer,
@inject("PresetHelper") protected presetHelper: PresetHelper,
@inject("RagfairAssortGenerator") protected ragfairAssortGenerator: RagfairAssortGenerator,
@inject("RagfairOfferService") protected ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService,
@inject("RagfairPriceService") protected ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService,
@inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService,
@inject("PaymentHelper") protected paymentHelper: PaymentHelper,
@inject("FenceService") protected fenceService: FenceService,
@inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer,
this.ragfairConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.RAGFAIR);
* Create a flea offer and store it in the Ragfair server offers array
* @param userID Owner of the offer
* @param time Time offer is listed at
* @param items Items in the offer
* @param barterScheme Cost of item (currency or barter)
* @param loyalLevel Loyalty level needed to buy item
* @param sellInOnePiece Flags sellInOnePiece to be true
* @returns IRagfairOffer
public createFleaOffer(
userID: string,
time: number,
items: Item[],
barterScheme: IBarterScheme[],
loyalLevel: number,
sellInOnePiece = false,
): IRagfairOffer
const offer = this.createOffer(userID, time, items, barterScheme, loyalLevel, sellInOnePiece);
return offer;
* Create an offer object ready to send to ragfairOfferService.addOffer()
* @param userID Owner of the offer
* @param time Time offer is listed at
* @param items Items in the offer
* @param barterScheme Cost of item (currency or barter)
* @param loyalLevel Loyalty level needed to buy item
* @param sellInOnePiece Set StackObjectsCount to 1
* @returns IRagfairOffer
protected createOffer(
userID: string,
time: number,
items: Item[],
barterScheme: IBarterScheme[],
loyalLevel: number,
sellInOnePiece = false,
): IRagfairOffer
const isTrader = this.ragfairServerHelper.isTrader(userID);
const offerRequirements: OfferRequirement[] = [];
for (const barter of barterScheme)
const requirement: OfferRequirement = {
_tpl: barter._tpl,
count: +barter.count.toFixed(2),
onlyFunctional: barter.onlyFunctional ?? false,
const itemsClone = this.jsonUtil.clone(items);
// Add cartridges to offers for ammo boxes
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemsClone[0]._tpl, BaseClasses.AMMO_BOX))
this.itemHelper.addCartridgesToAmmoBox(itemsClone, this.itemHelper.getItem(items[0]._tpl)[1]);
const itemCount = items.filter((x) => x.slotId === "hideout").length;
const roublePrice = Math.round(this.convertOfferRequirementsIntoRoubles(offerRequirements));
const offer: IRagfairOffer = {
_id: this.hashUtil.generate(),
intId: this.offerCounter,
user: {
id: this.getTraderId(userID),
memberType: (userID === "ragfair")
? MemberCategory.DEFAULT
: this.ragfairServerHelper.getMemberType(userID),
nickname: this.ragfairServerHelper.getNickname(userID),
rating: this.getRating(userID),
isRatingGrowing: this.getRatingGrowing(userID),
avatar: this.getAvatarUrl(isTrader, userID),
root: items[0]._id,
items: itemsClone,
requirements: offerRequirements,
requirementsCost: roublePrice,
itemsCost: Math.round(this.handbookHelper.getTemplatePrice(items[0]._tpl)), // Handbook price
summaryCost: roublePrice,
startTime: time,
endTime: this.getOfferEndTime(userID, time),
loyaltyLevel: loyalLevel,
sellInOnePiece: sellInOnePiece,
priority: false,
locked: false,
unlimitedCount: false,
notAvailable: false,
CurrentItemCount: itemCount,
return offer;
* Calculate the offer price that's listed on the flea listing
* @param offerRequirements barter requirements for offer
* @returns rouble cost of offer
protected convertOfferRequirementsIntoRoubles(offerRequirements: OfferRequirement[]): number
let roublePrice = 0;
for (const requirement of offerRequirements)
roublePrice += this.paymentHelper.isMoneyTpl(requirement._tpl)
? Math.round(this.calculateRoublePrice(requirement.count, requirement._tpl))
: this.ragfairPriceService.getFleaPriceForItem(requirement._tpl) * requirement.count; // get flea price for barter offer items
return roublePrice;
* Get avatar url from trader table in db
* @param isTrader Is user we're getting avatar for a trader
* @param userId persons id to get avatar of
* @returns url of avatar
protected getAvatarUrl(isTrader: boolean, userId: string): string
if (isTrader)
return this.databaseServer.getTables().traders[userId].base.avatar;
return "/files/trader/avatar/unknown.jpg";
* Convert a count of currency into roubles
* @param currencyCount amount of currency to convert into roubles
* @param currencyType Type of currency (euro/dollar/rouble)
* @returns count of roubles
protected calculateRoublePrice(currencyCount: number, currencyType: string): number
if (currencyType === Money.ROUBLES)
return currencyCount;
return this.handbookHelper.inRUB(currencyCount, currencyType);
* Check userId, if its a player, return their pmc _id, otherwise return userId parameter
* @param userId Users Id to check
* @returns Users Id
protected getTraderId(userId: string): string
if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isPlayer(userId))
return this.saveServer.getProfile(userId).characters.pmc._id;
return userId;
* Get a flea trading rating for the passed in user
* @param userId User to get flea rating of
* @returns Flea rating value
protected getRating(userId: string): number
if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isPlayer(userId))
// Player offer
return this.saveServer.getProfile(userId).characters.pmc.RagfairInfo.rating;
if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isTrader(userId))
// Trader offer
return 1;
// Generated pmc offer
return this.randomUtil.getFloat(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.rating.min, this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.rating.max);
* Is the offers user rating growing
* @param userID user to check rating of
* @returns true if its growing
protected getRatingGrowing(userID: string): boolean
if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isPlayer(userID))
// player offer
return this.saveServer.getProfile(userID).characters.pmc.RagfairInfo.isRatingGrowing;
if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isTrader(userID))
// trader offer
return true;
// generated offer
// 50/50 growing/falling
return this.randomUtil.getBool();
* Get number of section until offer should expire
* @param userID Id of the offer owner
* @param time Time the offer is posted
* @returns number of seconds until offer expires
protected getOfferEndTime(userID: string, time: number): number
if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isPlayer(userID))
// Player offer = current time + offerDurationTimeInHour;
const offerDurationTimeHours =
return this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() + Math.round(offerDurationTimeHours * TimeUtil.ONE_HOUR_AS_SECONDS);
if (this.ragfairServerHelper.isTrader(userID))
// Trader offer
return this.databaseServer.getTables().traders[userID].base.nextResupply;
// Generated fake-player offer
return Math.round(
+ this.randomUtil.getInt(
* Create multiple offers for items by using a unique list of items we've generated previously
* @param expiredOffers optional, expired offers to regenerate
public async generateDynamicOffers(expiredOffers: Item[][] = null): Promise<void>
const replacingExpiredOffers = expiredOffers?.length > 0;
const config = this.ragfairConfig.dynamic;
// get assort items from param if they exist, otherwise grab freshly generated assorts
const assortItemsToProcess: Item[][] = replacingExpiredOffers
? expiredOffers
: this.ragfairAssortGenerator.getAssortItems();
// Store all functions to create an offer for every item and pass into Promise.all to run async
const assorOffersForItemsProcesses = [];
for (const assortItemWithChildren of assortItemsToProcess)
this.createOffersFromAssort(assortItemWithChildren, replacingExpiredOffers, config),
await Promise.all(assorOffersForItemsProcesses);
* @param assortItemWithChildren Item with its children to process into offers
* @param isExpiredOffer is an expired offer
* @param config Ragfair dynamic config
protected async createOffersFromAssort(
assortItemWithChildren: Item[],
isExpiredOffer: boolean,
config: Dynamic,
): Promise<void>
const itemDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(assortItemWithChildren[0]._tpl);
const isPreset = this.presetHelper.isPreset(assortItemWithChildren[0].upd.sptPresetId);
// Only perform checks on newly generated items, skip expired items being refreshed
if (!(isExpiredOffer || this.ragfairServerHelper.isItemValidRagfairItem(itemDetails)))
// Armor presets can hold plates above the allowed flea level, remove if necessary
if (isPreset && this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.enableBsgList)
this.removeBannedPlatesFromPreset(assortItemWithChildren, this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.armorPlate);
// Get number of offers to create
// Limit to 1 offer when processing expired - like-for-like replacement
const offerCount = isExpiredOffer
? 1
: Math.round(this.randomUtil.getInt(config.offerItemCount.min, config.offerItemCount.max));
// Store all functions to create offers for this item and pass into Promise.all to run async
const assortSingleOfferProcesses = [];
for (let index = 0; index < offerCount; index++)
// Clone the item so we don't have shared references and generate new item IDs
const clonedAssort = this.jsonUtil.clone(assortItemWithChildren);
this.itemHelper.reparentItemAndChildren(clonedAssort[0], clonedAssort);
// Clear unnecessary properties
delete clonedAssort[0].parentId;
delete clonedAssort[0].slotId;
this.createSingleOfferForItem(clonedAssort, isPreset, itemDetails),
await Promise.all(assortSingleOfferProcesses);
* iterate over an items chidren and look for plates above desired level and remove them
* @param presetWithChildren preset to check for plates
* @param plateSettings Settings
* @returns True if plate removed
protected removeBannedPlatesFromPreset(
presetWithChildren: Item[],
plateSettings: IArmorPlateBlacklistSettings,
): boolean
if (!this.itemHelper.armorItemCanHoldMods(presetWithChildren[0]._tpl))
// Cant hold armor inserts, skip
return false;
const plateSlots = presetWithChildren.filter((item) =>
if (plateSlots.length === 0)
// Has no plate slots e.g. "front_plate", exit
return false;
let removedPlate = false;
for (const plateSlot of plateSlots)
const plateDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(plateSlot._tpl)[1];
if (plateSettings.ignoreSlots.includes(plateSlot.slotId.toLowerCase()))
const plateArmorLevel = Number.parseInt(<string>plateDetails._props.armorClass) ?? 0;
if (plateArmorLevel > plateSettings.maxProtectionLevel)
presetWithChildren.splice(presetWithChildren.indexOf(plateSlot), 1);
removedPlate = true;
return removedPlate;
* Create one flea offer for a specific item
* @param itemWithChildren Item to create offer for
* @param isPreset Is item a weapon preset
* @param itemDetails raw db item details
* @returns Item array
protected async createSingleOfferForItem(
itemWithChildren: Item[],
isPreset: boolean,
itemDetails: [boolean, ITemplateItem],
): Promise<void>
// Set stack size to random value
itemWithChildren[0].upd.StackObjectsCount = this.ragfairServerHelper.calculateDynamicStackCount(
const isBarterOffer = this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.chancePercent);
const isPackOffer = this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.pack.chancePercent)
&& !isBarterOffer
&& itemWithChildren.length === 1
&& this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(
const randomUserId = this.hashUtil.generate();
let barterScheme: IBarterScheme[];
if (isPackOffer)
// Set pack size
const stackSize = this.randomUtil.getInt(
itemWithChildren[0].upd.StackObjectsCount = stackSize;
// Don't randomise pack items
barterScheme = this.createCurrencyBarterScheme(itemWithChildren, isPackOffer, stackSize);
else if (isBarterOffer)
// Apply randomised properties
this.randomiseOfferItemUpdProperties(randomUserId, itemWithChildren, itemDetails[1]);
barterScheme = this.createBarterBarterScheme(itemWithChildren);
// Apply randomised properties
this.randomiseOfferItemUpdProperties(randomUserId, itemWithChildren, itemDetails[1]);
barterScheme = this.createCurrencyBarterScheme(itemWithChildren, isPackOffer);
const offer = this.createFleaOffer(
isPreset || isPackOffer,
); // sellAsOnePiece
* Generate trader offers on flea using the traders assort data
* @param traderID Trader to generate offers for
public generateFleaOffersForTrader(traderID: string): void
// Ensure old offers don't exist
// Add trader offers
const time = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp();
const trader = this.databaseServer.getTables().traders[traderID];
const assorts = trader.assort;
// Trader assorts / assort items are missing
if (!assorts?.items?.length)
for (const item of assorts.items)
// We only want to process 'base' items, no children
if (item.slotId !== "hideout")
// skip mod items
// Run blacklist check on trader offers
if (this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.traderItems)
const itemDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(item._tpl);
if (!itemDetails[0])
this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item", item._tpl));
// Don't include items that BSG has blacklisted from flea
if (this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.enableBsgList && !itemDetails[1]._props.CanSellOnRagfair)
const isPreset = this.presetHelper.isPreset(item._id);
const items: Item[] = isPreset
? this.ragfairServerHelper.getPresetItems(item)
: [...[item], ...this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByAssort(item._id, assorts.items)];
const barterScheme = assorts.barter_scheme[item._id];
if (!barterScheme)
this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-missing_barter_scheme", {
itemId: item._id,
tpl: item._tpl,
name: trader.base.nickname,
const barterSchemeItems = assorts.barter_scheme[item._id][0];
const loyalLevel = assorts.loyal_level_items[item._id];
const offer = this.createFleaOffer(traderID, time, items, barterSchemeItems, loyalLevel, false);
// Refresh complete, reset flag to false
trader.base.refreshTraderRagfairOffers = false;
* Get array of an item with its mods + condition properties (e.g durability)
* Apply randomisation adjustments to condition if item base is found in ragfair.json/dynamic/condition
* @param userID id of owner of item
* @param itemWithMods Item and mods, get condition of first item (only first array item is modified)
* @param itemDetails db details of first item
protected randomiseOfferItemUpdProperties(userID: string, itemWithMods: Item[], itemDetails: ITemplateItem): void
// Add any missing properties to first item in array
if (!(this.ragfairServerHelper.isPlayer(userID) || this.ragfairServerHelper.isTrader(userID)))
const parentId = this.getDynamicConditionIdForTpl(itemDetails._id);
if (!parentId)
// No condition details found, don't proceed with modifying item conditions
// Roll random chance to randomise item condition
if (this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.condition[parentId].conditionChance * 100))
this.randomiseItemCondition(parentId, itemWithMods, itemDetails);
* Get the relevant condition id if item tpl matches in ragfair.json/condition
* @param tpl Item to look for matching condition object
* @returns condition id
protected getDynamicConditionIdForTpl(tpl: string): string
// Get keys from condition config dictionary
const configConditions = Object.keys(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.condition);
for (const baseClass of configConditions)
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, baseClass))
return baseClass;
return undefined;
* Alter an items condition based on its item base type
* @param conditionSettingsId also the parentId of item being altered
* @param itemWithMods Item to adjust condition details of
* @param itemDetails db item details of first item in array
protected randomiseItemCondition(
conditionSettingsId: string,
itemWithMods: Item[],
itemDetails: ITemplateItem,
): void
const rootItem = itemWithMods[0];
const itemConditionValues: Condition = this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.condition[conditionSettingsId];
const maxMultiplier = this.randomUtil.getFloat(itemConditionValues.max.min, itemConditionValues.max.max);
const currentMultiplier = this.randomUtil.getFloat(
// Randomise armor + plates + armor related things
if (
|| this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(rootItem._tpl, [BaseClasses.ARMOR_PLATE, BaseClasses.ARMORED_EQUIPMENT])
this.randomiseArmorDurabilityValues(itemWithMods, currentMultiplier, maxMultiplier);
// Add hits to visor
const visorMod = itemWithMods.find((item) =>
item.parentId === BaseClasses.ARMORED_EQUIPMENT && item.slotId === "mod_equipment_000"
if (this.randomUtil.getChance100(25) && visorMod)
if (!visorMod.upd)
visorMod.upd = {};
visorMod.upd.FaceShield = { Hits: this.randomUtil.getInt(1, 3) };
// Randomise Weapons
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemDetails._id, BaseClasses.WEAPON))
this.randomiseWeaponDurability(itemWithMods[0], itemDetails, maxMultiplier, currentMultiplier);
if (rootItem.upd.MedKit)
// randomize health
rootItem.upd.MedKit.HpResource = Math.round(rootItem.upd.MedKit.HpResource * maxMultiplier) || 1;
if (rootItem.upd.Key && itemDetails._props.MaximumNumberOfUsage > 1)
// randomize key uses
rootItem.upd.Key.NumberOfUsages = Math.round(itemDetails._props.MaximumNumberOfUsage * (1 - maxMultiplier))
|| 0;
if (rootItem.upd.FoodDrink)
// randomize food/drink value
rootItem.upd.FoodDrink.HpPercent = Math.round(itemDetails._props.MaxResource * maxMultiplier) || 1;
if (rootItem.upd.RepairKit)
// randomize repair kit (armor/weapon) uses
rootItem.upd.RepairKit.Resource = Math.round(itemDetails._props.MaxRepairResource * maxMultiplier) || 1;
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemDetails._id, BaseClasses.FUEL))
const totalCapacity = itemDetails._props.MaxResource;
const remainingFuel = Math.round(totalCapacity * maxMultiplier);
rootItem.upd.Resource = { UnitsConsumed: totalCapacity - remainingFuel, Value: remainingFuel };
* Adjust an items durability/maxDurability value
* @param item item (weapon/armor) to Adjust
* @param itemDbDetails Weapon details from db
* @param maxMultiplier Value to multiply max durability by
* @param currentMultiplier Value to multiply current durability by
protected randomiseWeaponDurability(
item: Item,
itemDbDetails: ITemplateItem,
maxMultiplier: number,
currentMultiplier: number,
): void
const lowestMaxDurability = this.randomUtil.getFloat(maxMultiplier, 1) * itemDbDetails._props.MaxDurability;
const chosenMaxDurability = Math.round(
this.randomUtil.getFloat(lowestMaxDurability, itemDbDetails._props.MaxDurability),
const lowestCurrentDurability = this.randomUtil.getFloat(currentMultiplier, 1) * chosenMaxDurability;
const chosenCurrentDurability = Math.round(
this.randomUtil.getFloat(lowestCurrentDurability, chosenMaxDurability),
item.upd.Repairable.Durability = chosenCurrentDurability || 1; // Never let value become 0
item.upd.Repairable.MaxDurability = chosenMaxDurability;
* Randomise the durabiltiy values for an armors plates and soft inserts
* @param armorWithMods Armor item with its child mods
* @param currentMultiplier Chosen multipler to use for current durability value
* @param maxMultiplier Chosen multipler to use for max durability value
protected randomiseArmorDurabilityValues(
armorWithMods: Item[],
currentMultiplier: number,
maxMultiplier: number,
): void
for (const armorItem of armorWithMods)
const itemDbDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(armorItem._tpl)[1];
if ((parseInt(<string>itemDbDetails._props.armorClass)) > 1)
if (!armorItem.upd)
armorItem.upd = {};
const lowestMaxDurability = this.randomUtil.getFloat(maxMultiplier, 1)
* itemDbDetails._props.MaxDurability;
const chosenMaxDurability = Math.round(
this.randomUtil.getFloat(lowestMaxDurability, itemDbDetails._props.MaxDurability),
const lowestCurrentDurability = this.randomUtil.getFloat(currentMultiplier, 1) * chosenMaxDurability;
const chosenCurrentDurability = Math.round(
this.randomUtil.getFloat(lowestCurrentDurability, chosenMaxDurability),
armorItem.upd.Repairable = {
Durability: chosenCurrentDurability || 1, // Never let value become 0
MaxDurability: chosenMaxDurability,
* Add missing conditions to an item if needed
* Durabiltiy for repairable items
* HpResource for medical items
* @param item item to add conditions to
protected addMissingConditions(item: Item): void
const props = this.itemHelper.getItem(item._tpl)[1]._props;
const isRepairable = "Durability" in props;
const isMedkit = "MaxHpResource" in props;
const isKey = "MaximumNumberOfUsage" in props;
const isConsumable = props.MaxResource > 1 && "foodUseTime" in props;
const isRepairKit = "MaxRepairResource" in props;
if (isRepairable && props.Durability > 0)
item.upd.Repairable = { Durability: props.Durability, MaxDurability: props.Durability };
if (isMedkit && props.MaxHpResource > 0)
item.upd.MedKit = { HpResource: props.MaxHpResource };
if (isKey)
item.upd.Key = { NumberOfUsages: 0 };
if (isConsumable)
item.upd.FoodDrink = { HpPercent: props.MaxResource };
if (isRepairKit)
item.upd.RepairKit = { Resource: props.MaxRepairResource };
* Create a barter-based barter scheme, if not possible, fall back to making barter scheme currency based
* @param offerItems Items for sale in offer
* @returns Barter scheme
protected createBarterBarterScheme(offerItems: Item[]): IBarterScheme[]
// get flea price of item being sold
const priceOfItemOffer = this.ragfairPriceService.getDynamicOfferPriceForOffer(
// Dont make items under a designated rouble value into barter offers
if (priceOfItemOffer < this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.minRoubleCostToBecomeBarter)
return this.createCurrencyBarterScheme(offerItems, false);
// Get a randomised number of barter items to list offer for
const barterItemCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(
// Get desired cost of individual item offer will be listed for e.g. offer = 15k, item count = 3, desired item cost = 5k
const desiredItemCost = Math.round(priceOfItemOffer / barterItemCount);
// amount to go above/below when looking for an item (Wiggle cost of item a little)
const offerCostVariance = desiredItemCost * this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.priceRangeVariancePercent / 100;
const fleaPrices = this.getFleaPricesAsArray();
// Filter possible barters to items that match the price range + not itself
const filtered = fleaPrices.filter((x) =>
x.price >= desiredItemCost - offerCostVariance && x.price <= desiredItemCost + offerCostVariance
&& x.tpl !== offerItems[0]._tpl
// No items on flea have a matching price, fall back to currency
if (filtered.length === 0)
return this.createCurrencyBarterScheme(offerItems, false);
// Choose random item from price-filtered flea items
const randomItem = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(filtered);
return [{ count: barterItemCount, _tpl: randomItem.tpl }];
* Get an array of flea prices + item tpl, cached in generator class inside `allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter`
* @returns array with tpl/price values
protected getFleaPricesAsArray(): { tpl: string; price: number; }[]
// Generate if needed
if (!this.allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter)
const fleaPrices = this.databaseServer.getTables().templates.prices;
const fleaArray = Object.entries(fleaPrices).map(([tpl, price]) => ({ tpl: tpl, price: price }));
// Only get item prices for items that also exist in items.json
const filteredItems = fleaArray.filter((x) => this.itemHelper.getItem(x.tpl)[0]);
this.allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter = filteredItems.filter((x) =>
!this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(x.tpl, this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.itemTypeBlacklist)
return this.allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter;
* Create a random currency-based barter scheme for an array of items
* @param offerWithChildren Items on offer
* @param isPackOffer Is the barter scheme being created for a pack offer
* @param multipler What to multiply the resulting price by
* @returns Barter scheme for offer
protected createCurrencyBarterScheme(
offerWithChildren: Item[],
isPackOffer: boolean,
multipler = 1,
): IBarterScheme[]
const currency = this.ragfairServerHelper.getDynamicOfferCurrency();
const price = this.ragfairPriceService.getDynamicOfferPriceForOffer(offerWithChildren, currency, isPackOffer)
* multipler;
return [{ count: price, _tpl: currency }];