710 lines
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710 lines
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import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { HandbookHelper } from "../helpers/HandbookHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { PresetHelper } from "../helpers/PresetHelper";
import { IFenceLevel, IPreset } from "../models/eft/common/IGlobals";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ITemplateItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { ITraderAssort } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { BaseClasses } from "../models/enums/BaseClasses";
import { ConfigTypes } from "../models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { Money } from "../models/enums/Money";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { ItemFilterService } from "./ItemFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "./LocalisationService";
* Handle actions surrounding Fence
* e.g. generating or refreshing assorts / get next refresh time
export class FenceService
/** Main assorts you see at all rep levels */
protected fenceAssort: ITraderAssort = undefined;
/** Assorts shown on a separte tab when you max out fence rep */
protected fenceDiscountAssort: ITraderAssort = undefined;
protected traderConfig: ITraderConfig;
protected nextMiniRefreshTimestamp: number;
@inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil,
@inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil,
@inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil,
@inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil,
@inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer,
@inject("HandbookHelper") protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper,
@inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper,
@inject("PresetHelper") protected presetHelper: PresetHelper,
@inject("ItemFilterService") protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService,
@inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer
this.traderConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.TRADER);
* Replace main fence assort with new assort
* @param assort New assorts to replace old with
protected setFenceAssort(assort: ITraderAssort): void
this.fenceAssort = assort;
* Replace high rep level fence assort with new assort
* @param assort New assorts to replace old with
protected setFenceDiscountAssort(assort: ITraderAssort): void
this.fenceDiscountAssort = assort;
* Get assorts player can purchase
* Adjust prices based on fence level of player
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @returns ITraderAssort
public getFenceAssorts(pmcProfile: IPmcData): ITraderAssort
if (this.traderConfig.fence.regenerateAssortsOnRefresh)
// Clone assorts so we can adjust prices before sending to client
const assort = this.jsonUtil.clone(this.fenceAssort);
this.adjustAssortItemPrices(assort, this.getFenceInfo(pmcProfile).PriceModifier, this.traderConfig.fence.presetPriceMult);
// merge normal fence assorts + discount assorts if player standing is large enough
if (pmcProfile.TradersInfo[Traders.FENCE].standing >= 6)
const discountAssort = this.jsonUtil.clone(this.fenceDiscountAssort);
this.adjustAssortItemPrices(discountAssort, this.traderConfig.fence.discountOptions.itemPriceMult, this.traderConfig.fence.discountOptions.presetPriceMult);
const mergedAssorts = this.mergeAssorts(assort, discountAssort);
return mergedAssorts;
return assort;
* Adjust all items contained inside an assort by a multiplier
* @param assort Assort that contains items with prices to adjust
* @param itemMultipler multipler to use on items
* @param presetMultiplier preset multipler to use on presets
protected adjustAssortItemPrices(assort: ITraderAssort, itemMultipler: number, presetMultiplier: number): void
for (const item of assort.items)
// Skip sub-items when adjusting prices
if (item.slotId !== "hideout")
this.adjustItemPriceByModifier(item, assort, itemMultipler, presetMultiplier);
* Merge two trader assort files together
* @param firstAssort assort 1#
* @param secondAssort assort #2
* @returns merged assort
protected mergeAssorts(firstAssort: ITraderAssort,secondAssort: ITraderAssort): ITraderAssort
for (const itemId in secondAssort.barter_scheme)
firstAssort.barter_scheme[itemId] = secondAssort.barter_scheme[itemId];
for (const item of secondAssort.items)
for (const itemId in secondAssort.loyal_level_items)
firstAssort.loyal_level_items[itemId] = secondAssort.loyal_level_items[itemId];
return firstAssort;
* Adjust assorts price by a modifier
* @param item assort item details
* @param assort assort to be modified
* @param modifier value to multiply item price by
* @param presetModifier value to multiply preset price by
protected adjustItemPriceByModifier(item: Item, assort: ITraderAssort, modifier: number, presetModifier: number): void
// Is preset
if (item.upd.sptPresetId)
if (assort.barter_scheme[item._id])
assort.barter_scheme[item._id][0][0].count *= (modifier + presetModifier);
if (assort.barter_scheme[item._id])
assort.barter_scheme[item._id][0][0].count *= modifier;
* Get fence assorts with no price adjustments based on fence rep
* @returns ITraderAssort
public getRawFenceAssorts(): ITraderAssort
return this.mergeAssorts(this.jsonUtil.clone(this.fenceAssort), this.fenceDiscountAssort);
* Does fence need to perform a partial refresh because its passed the refresh timer defined in trader.json
* @returns true if it needs a partial refresh
public needsPartialRefresh(): boolean
return this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() > this.nextMiniRefreshTimestamp;
* Replace a percentage of fence assorts with freshly generated items
public performPartialRefresh(): void
let itemCountToReplace = this.getCountOfItemsToReplace(this.traderConfig.fence.assortSize);
const discountItemCountToReplace = this.getCountOfItemsToReplace(this.traderConfig.fence.discountOptions.assortSize);
// Iterate x times to remove items
for (let index = 0; index < itemCountToReplace; index++)
// Iterate x times to remove items
for (let index = 0; index < discountItemCountToReplace; index++)
itemCountToReplace = this.getCountOfItemsToGenerate(itemCountToReplace);
const newItems = this.createBaseTraderAssortItem();
const newDiscountItems = this.createBaseTraderAssortItem();
this.createAssorts(itemCountToReplace, newItems, 1);
this.createAssorts(discountItemCountToReplace, newDiscountItems, 2);
// Add new items to fence assorts
// Add new barter items to fence barter scheme
for (const barterItemKey in newItems.barter_scheme)
this.fenceAssort.barter_scheme[barterItemKey] = newItems.barter_scheme[barterItemKey];
// Add loyalty items to fence assorts loyalty object
for (const loyaltyItemKey in newItems.loyal_level_items)
this.fenceAssort.loyal_level_items[loyaltyItemKey] = newItems.loyal_level_items[loyaltyItemKey];
// Add new barter items to fence assorts discounted barter scheme
for (const barterItemKey in newDiscountItems.barter_scheme)
this.fenceDiscountAssort.barter_scheme[barterItemKey] = newDiscountItems.barter_scheme[barterItemKey];
// Add loyalty items to fence discount assorts loyalty object
for (const loyaltyItemKey in newDiscountItems.loyal_level_items)
this.fenceDiscountAssort.loyal_level_items[loyaltyItemKey] = newDiscountItems.loyal_level_items[loyaltyItemKey];
* Increment fence next refresh timestamp by current timestamp + partialRefreshTimeSeconds from config
protected incrementPartialRefreshTime(): void
this.nextMiniRefreshTimestamp = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() + this.traderConfig.fence.partialRefreshTimeSeconds;
* Compare the current fence offer count to what the config wants it to be,
* If value is lower add extra count to value to generate more items to fill gap
* @param existingItemCountToReplace count of items to generate
* @returns number of items to generate
protected getCountOfItemsToGenerate(existingItemCountToReplace: number): number
const desiredTotalCount = this.traderConfig.fence.assortSize;
const actualTotalCount = this.fenceAssort.items.reduce((count, item) =>
return item.slotId === "hideout"
? count + 1
: count;
}, 0);
return actualTotalCount < desiredTotalCount
? (desiredTotalCount - actualTotalCount) + existingItemCountToReplace
: existingItemCountToReplace;
* Choose an item (not mod) at random and remove from assorts
* @param assort Items to remove from
protected removeRandomItemFromAssorts(assort: ITraderAssort): void
let itemToRemove: Item;
while (!itemToRemove || itemToRemove.slotId !== "hideout")
itemToRemove = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(assort.items);
const indexOfItemToRemove = assort.items.findIndex(x => x._id === itemToRemove._id);
assort.items.splice(indexOfItemToRemove, 1);
// Clean up any mods if item removed was a weapon
assort.items = assort.items.filter(x => x.parentId !== itemToRemove._id);
delete assort.barter_scheme[itemToRemove._id];
delete assort.loyal_level_items[itemToRemove._id];
* Get an integer rounded count of items to replace based on percentrage from traderConfig value
* @param totalItemCount total item count
* @returns rounded int of items to replace
protected getCountOfItemsToReplace(totalItemCount: number): number
return Math.round(totalItemCount * (this.traderConfig.fence.partialRefreshChangePercent / 100));
* Get the count of items fence offers
* @returns number
public getOfferCount(): number
if (!this.fenceAssort?.items?.length)
return 0;
return this.fenceAssort.items.length;
* Create trader assorts for fence and store in fenceService cache
public generateFenceAssorts(): void
// Reset refresh time now assorts are being generated
const assorts = this.createBaseTraderAssortItem();
const discountAssorts = this.createBaseTraderAssortItem();
// Create basic fence assort
this.createAssorts(this.traderConfig.fence.assortSize, assorts, 1);
// Create level 2 assorts accessible at rep level 6
this.createAssorts(this.traderConfig.fence.discountOptions.assortSize, discountAssorts, 2);
// store in fenceAssort class property
* Create skeleton to hold assort items
* @returns ITraderAssort object
protected createBaseTraderAssortItem(): ITraderAssort
return {
items: [],
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
barter_scheme: {},
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
loyal_level_items: {},
nextResupply: this.getNextFenceUpdateTimestamp()
* Hydrate assorts parameter object with generated assorts
* @param assortCount Number of assorts to generate
* @param assorts object to add created assorts to
protected createAssorts(assortCount: number, assorts: ITraderAssort, loyaltyLevel: number): void
const fenceAssort = this.databaseServer.getTables().traders[Traders.FENCE].assort;
const defaultWeaponPresets = this.presetHelper.getDefaultPresets();
const fenceAssortIds = Object.keys(fenceAssort.loyal_level_items);
const itemTypeCounts = this.initItemLimitCounter(this.traderConfig.fence.itemTypeLimits);
this.addItemAssorts(assortCount, fenceAssortIds, assorts, fenceAssort, itemTypeCounts, loyaltyLevel);
// Add presets
const maxPresetCount = Math.round(assortCount * (this.traderConfig.fence.maxPresetsPercent / 100));
const randomisedPresetCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(0, maxPresetCount);
this.addPresets(randomisedPresetCount, defaultWeaponPresets, assorts, loyaltyLevel);
protected addItemAssorts(assortCount: number, fenceAssortIds: string[], assorts: ITraderAssort, fenceAssort: ITraderAssort, itemTypeCounts: Record<string, { current: number; max: number; }>, loyaltyLevel: number): void
for (let i = 0; i < assortCount; i++)
const itemId = fenceAssortIds[this.randomUtil.getInt(0, fenceAssortIds.length - 1)];
const price = this.handbookHelper.getTemplatePrice(itemId);
const itemIsPreset = this.presetHelper.isPreset(itemId);
if (price === 0 || (price === 1 && !itemIsPreset) || price === 100)
// don't allow "special" items
// It's a normal non-preset item
if (!itemIsPreset)
const desiredAssort = fenceAssort.items[fenceAssort.items.findIndex(i => i._id === itemId)];
if (!desiredAssort)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id", itemId));
const itemDbDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(desiredAssort._tpl)[1];
const itemLimitCount = itemTypeCounts[itemDbDetails._parent];
if (itemLimitCount && itemLimitCount.current > itemLimitCount.max)
// Skip adding item as assort as limit reached, decrement i counter so we still get another item
// Increment count as item is being added
if (itemLimitCount)
const toPush = this.jsonUtil.clone(desiredAssort);
this.randomiseItemUpdProperties(itemDbDetails, toPush);
toPush.upd.StackObjectsCount = this.getSingleItemStackCount(itemDbDetails);
toPush.upd.BuyRestrictionCurrent = 0;
toPush.upd.UnlimitedCount = false;
toPush._id = this.hashUtil.generate();
assorts.barter_scheme[toPush._id] = fenceAssort.barter_scheme[itemId];
assorts.loyal_level_items[toPush._id] = loyaltyLevel;
* Get stack size ofr a singular item (no mods)
* @param itemDbDetails item being added to fence
* @returns Stack size
protected getSingleItemStackCount(itemDbDetails: ITemplateItem): number
// Check for override in config, use values if exists
const overrideValues = this.traderConfig.fence.itemStackSizeOverrideMinMax[itemDbDetails._id];
if (overrideValues)
return this.randomUtil.getInt(overrideValues.min, overrideValues.max);
// Fence doesn't sell ammo by default, but handle it as players mod fence
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemDbDetails._id, BaseClasses.AMMO))
// No override, use stack max size from item db
return this.randomUtil.getInt(1, itemDbDetails._props.StackMaxSize);
return 1;
* Add preset weapons to fence presets
* @param assortCount how many assorts to add to assorts
* @param defaultWeaponPresets a dictionary of default weapon presets
* @param assorts object to add presets to
* @param loyaltyLevel loyalty level to requre item at
protected addPresets(desiredPresetCount: number, defaultWeaponPresets: Record<string, IPreset>, assorts: ITraderAssort, loyaltyLevel: number): void
let presetCount = 0;
const presetKeys = Object.keys(defaultWeaponPresets);
for (let index = 0; index < desiredPresetCount; index++)
const presetId = presetKeys[this.randomUtil.getInt(0, presetKeys.length - 1)];
const preset = defaultWeaponPresets[presetId];
// Check we're under preset limit
if (presetCount > desiredPresetCount)
// Skip presets we've already added
if (assorts.items.some(i => i.upd && i.upd.sptPresetId === preset._id))
// Construct weapon + mods
const weaponAndMods: Item[] = this.itemHelper.replaceIDs(null, this.jsonUtil.clone(defaultWeaponPresets[preset._id]._items));
for (let i = 0; i < weaponAndMods.length; i++)
const mod = weaponAndMods[i];
//build root Item info
if (!("parentId" in mod))
mod._id = weaponAndMods[0]._id;
mod.parentId = "hideout";
mod.slotId = "hideout";
mod.upd = {
UnlimitedCount: false,
StackObjectsCount: 1,
BuyRestrictionCurrent: 0,
sptPresetId: preset._id // Store preset id here so we can check it later to prevent preset dupes
const weaponItemDb = this.itemHelper.getItem(weaponAndMods[0]._tpl)[1];
this.randomiseItemUpdProperties(weaponItemDb, weaponAndMods[0]);
// Add weapon preset to assorts
// Calculate preset price
let rub = 0;
for (const it of weaponAndMods)
rub += this.handbookHelper.getTemplatePrice(it._tpl);
// Multiply weapon+mods rouble price by multipler in config
assorts.barter_scheme[weaponAndMods[0]._id] = [[]];
assorts.barter_scheme[weaponAndMods[0]._id][0][0] = {
_tpl: Money.ROUBLES,
count: Math.round(rub)
assorts.loyal_level_items[weaponAndMods[0]._id] = loyaltyLevel;
* Randomise items' upd properties e.g. med packs/weapons/armor
* @param itemDetails Item being randomised
* @param itemToAdjust Item being edited
protected randomiseItemUpdProperties(itemDetails: ITemplateItem, itemToAdjust: Item): void
if (!itemDetails._props)
this.logger.error(`Item ${itemDetails._name} lacks a _props field, unable to randomise item: ${itemToAdjust._id}`);
// Randomise hp resource of med items
if ("MaxHpResource" in itemDetails._props && itemDetails._props.MaxHpResource > 0)
itemToAdjust.upd.MedKit = {
HpResource: this.randomUtil.getInt(1, itemDetails._props.MaxHpResource)
// Randomise armor durability
if ((itemDetails._parent === BaseClasses.ARMOR
|| itemDetails._parent === BaseClasses.HEADWEAR
|| itemDetails._parent === BaseClasses.VEST
|| itemDetails._parent === BaseClasses.ARMOREDEQUIPMENT
|| itemDetails._parent === BaseClasses.FACECOVER)
&& itemDetails._props.MaxDurability > 0)
const armorMaxDurabilityLimits = this.traderConfig.fence.armorMaxDurabilityPercentMinMax;
const duraMin = (armorMaxDurabilityLimits.min / 100 * itemDetails._props.MaxDurability);
const duraMax = (armorMaxDurabilityLimits.max / 100 * itemDetails._props.MaxDurability);
const maxDurability = this.randomUtil.getInt(duraMin, duraMax);
const durability = this.randomUtil.getInt(1, maxDurability);
itemToAdjust.upd.Repairable = {
Durability: durability,
MaxDurability: maxDurability
// Randomise Weapon durability
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemDetails._id, BaseClasses.WEAPON))
const presetMaxDurabilityLimits = this.traderConfig.fence.presetMaxDurabilityPercentMinMax;
const duraMin = (presetMaxDurabilityLimits.min / 100 * itemDetails._props.MaxDurability);
const duraMax = (presetMaxDurabilityLimits.max / 100 * itemDetails._props.MaxDurability);
const maxDurability = this.randomUtil.getInt(duraMin, duraMax);
const durability = this.randomUtil.getInt(1, maxDurability);
itemToAdjust.upd.Repairable = {
Durability: durability,
MaxDurability: maxDurability
// Randomise items that use resources
if (itemDetails._props.MaxResource > 0)
const resourceMax = itemDetails._props.MaxResource;
const resourceCurrent = this.randomUtil.getInt(1, itemDetails._props.MaxResource);
itemToAdjust.upd.Resource = {
Value : resourceMax - resourceCurrent,
UnitsConsumed: resourceCurrent
* Construct item limit record to hold max and current item count
* @param limits limits as defined in config
* @returns record, key: item tplId, value: current/max item count allowed
protected initItemLimitCounter(limits: Record<string, number>): Record<string, {current: number, max: number}>
const itemTypeCounts: Record<string, {current: number, max: number}> = {};
for (const x in limits)
itemTypeCounts[x] = {
current: 0,
max: limits[x]
return itemTypeCounts;
* Get the next update timestamp for fence
* @returns future timestamp
public getNextFenceUpdateTimestamp(): number
const time = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp();
const updateSeconds = this.getFenceRefreshTime();
return time + updateSeconds;
* Get fence refresh time in seconds
protected getFenceRefreshTime(): number
return this.traderConfig.updateTime.find(x => x.traderId === Traders.FENCE).seconds;
* Get fence level the passed in profile has
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @returns FenceLevel object
public getFenceInfo(pmcData: IPmcData): IFenceLevel
const fenceSettings = this.databaseServer.getTables().globals.config.FenceSettings;
const pmcFenceInfo = pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceSettings.FenceId];
if (!pmcFenceInfo)
return fenceSettings.Levels["0"];
const fenceLevels = (Object.keys(fenceSettings.Levels)).map((value) => Number.parseInt(value));
const minLevel = Math.min(...fenceLevels);
const maxLevel = Math.max(...fenceLevels);
const pmcFenceLevel = Math.floor(pmcFenceInfo.standing);
if (pmcFenceLevel < minLevel)
return fenceSettings.Levels[minLevel.toString()];
if (pmcFenceLevel > maxLevel)
return fenceSettings.Levels[maxLevel.toString()];
return fenceSettings.Levels[pmcFenceLevel.toString()];
* Remove an assort from fence by id
* @param assortIdToRemove assort id to remove from fence assorts
public removeFenceOffer(assortIdToRemove: string): void
let relatedAssortIndex = this.fenceAssort.items.findIndex(i => i._id === assortIdToRemove);
// No offer found in main assort, check discount items
if (relatedAssortIndex === -1)
relatedAssortIndex = this.fenceDiscountAssort.items.findIndex(i => i._id === assortIdToRemove);
this.fenceDiscountAssort.items.splice(relatedAssortIndex, 1);
// Remove offer from assort
this.fenceAssort.items.splice(relatedAssortIndex, 1);
} |