170 lines
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170 lines
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import { MinMax } from "@spt-aki/models/common/MinMax";
import { ELocationName } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ELocationName";
import { SeasonalEventType } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/SeasonalEventType";
import { IBaseConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IBaseConfig";
export interface IQuestConfig extends IBaseConfig
kind: "aki-quest"
// Hours to get/redeem items from quest mail
redeemTime: number
questTemplateIds: IPlayerTypeQuestIds
/** Show non-seasonal quests be shown to player */
showNonSeasonalEventQuests: boolean
eventQuests: Record<string, IEventQuestData>
repeatableQuests: IRepeatableQuestConfig[]
locationIdMap: Record<string, string>
bearOnlyQuests: string[]
usecOnlyQuests: string[]
export interface IPlayerTypeQuestIds
pmc: IQuestTypeIds
scav: IQuestTypeIds
export interface IQuestTypeIds
Elimination: string
Completion: string
Exploration: string
export interface IEventQuestData
name: string
season: SeasonalEventType
startTimestamp: number
endTimestamp: number
yearly: boolean
export interface IRepeatableQuestConfig
id: string;
name: string
side: string
types: string[]
resetTime: number
numQuests: number
minPlayerLevel: number
rewardScaling: IRewardScaling
locations: Record<ELocationName, string[]>
traderWhitelist: ITraderWhitelist[]
questConfig: IRepeatableQuestTypesConfig
/** Item base types to block when generating rewards */
rewardBaseTypeBlacklist: string[]
/** Item tplIds to ignore when generating rewards */
rewardBlacklist: string[]
rewardAmmoStackMinSize: number;
export interface IRewardScaling
levels: number[]
experience: number[]
roubles: number[]
items: number[]
reputation: number[]
rewardSpread: number
export interface ITraderWhitelist
traderId: string
questTypes: string[]
export interface IRepeatableQuestTypesConfig
Exploration: IExploration
Completion: ICompletion
Pickup: IPickup;
Elimination: IEliminationConfig[]
export interface IExploration
maxExtracts: number
specificExits: ISpecificExits
export interface ISpecificExits
probability: number
passageRequirementWhitelist: string[]
export interface ICompletion
minRequestedAmount: number
maxRequestedAmount: number
minRequestedBulletAmount: number
maxRequestedBulletAmount: number
useWhitelist: boolean
useBlacklist: boolean
export interface IPickup
ItemTypeToFetchWithMaxCount: IPickupTypeWithMaxCount[]
export interface IPickupTypeWithMaxCount
itemType: string
maxPickupCount: number
minPickupCount: number
export interface IEliminationConfig
levelRange: MinMax
targets: ITarget[]
bodyPartProb: number
bodyParts: IBodyPart[]
specificLocationProb: number
distLocationBlacklist: string[]
distProb: number
maxDist: number
minDist: number
maxKills: number
minKills: number
minBossKills: number
maxBossKills: number
minPmcKills: number
maxPmcKills: number
weaponCategoryRequirementProb: number
weaponCategoryRequirements: IWeaponRequirement[]
weaponRequirementProb: number
weaponRequirements: IWeaponRequirement[]
export interface ITarget extends IProbabilityObject
data: IBossInfo
export interface IBossInfo
isBoss: boolean
isPmc: boolean
export interface IBodyPart extends IProbabilityObject
data: string[]
export interface IWeaponRequirement extends IProbabilityObject
data: string[]
export interface IProbabilityObject
key: string
relativeProbability: number
data?: any
} |