Adjusted function to allow for parts of an offer to succeed or fail instead of a binary sell/fail outcome optimisation: Only calculate selltime if item will be sold Added additional debug logging
Modding framework for Escape From Tarkov
SPT is an open source project. Your commit credentials as author of a commit will be visible by anyone. Please make sure you understand this before submitting a PR. Feel free to use a "fake" username and email on your commits by using the following commands:
git config --local "USERNAME"
git config --local ""
- NodeJS (with npm)
- Visual Studio Code
- git LFS
- The server was tested to work with NodeJS 16.17.1, if you are using a different version and experiencing difficulties change it before looking for support
- If you are updating a branch you've had for some time, run
npm ci
before running any tasks. This will run the clean and install target from npm. - You can debug your mods using the server, just copy your mod files into the
folder and put breakpoints on the JS files. DO NOT contact the dev team for support on this.
- Run
git lfs fetch
andgit lfs pull
to acquire loot files
- Visual Studio Code > File > Open Workspace... >
- Visual Studio Code > Terminal > Run Task... > npm > npm: Install
This is for preparing for a release, not to run locally.
Mode | Location |
release | Visual Studio Code > Terminal > Run Build Task... > build:release |
debug | Visual Studio Code > Terminal > Run Build Task... > build:debug |
Test / Run locally
Visual Studio Code > Run > Start Debugging
Player profile is stored in SPT folder as a JSON file, allowing for changes to persist
- Scav:
- Stats increase by doing scav raids
- Skills increase by doing scav raids
- Scav reputation system (Karma)
- Scavs hostile below certain level
- Scav run cooldown adjustment
- Scav follow chance adjustment
- Scav case
Completion time adjustmentNOT IMPLEMENTEDEquipment chance adjustmentNOT IMPLEMENTED
- Bosses hostile below certain level
Exfil price adjustmentNOT IMPLEMENTED- Improved gear with higher rep
- Increase rep by exiting through car extracts
- PMC:
- Stats increase by doing PMC raids
- Skills increase by doing PMC raids
- Hydration/food
- Increase out of raid
- Post-raid levels are persisted to profile
- Raid stat tracking
- Raid count
- Survived count
- KIA count
- MIA count
- AWOL count
- Kills count
- Emulated bots:
- assault (scav)
- bossBully (Reshalla)
- bossGluhar
- bossKilla
- bossKnight
- bossKojainy (Shturman)
- bossSanitar
- bossTagilla
- bosszryachiy
- curedAssault
- exUsec (Rogue)
- followerBigPipe
- Grenade launcher
- followerBirdEye
- followerBully
- followerGluharAssault
- followerGluharScout
- followerGluharSecurity
- followerGluharSnipe
- followerKojaniy
- followerSanitar
- followerzryachiy
- gifter
- marksman
- pmcBot (raider)
- sectantPriest (Cultist)
- sectantWarrior (Cultist)
- Gear
- Semi-randomised gear chosen with weighting system
- Randomised durability of gear
- Ammo
- Ammo weighting system
- Loot
- Semi-randomised loot
- Item type spawn limit system
- Per-map AI types
- Simulated PMC players
- Custom weapons
- Semi-randomly generated with weighting system
- Semi-randomly chosen ammo with weighting system
- Custom gear
- Semi-randomly generated with weighting system
- Custom headgear
- Randomised attachments with percentage based chance to appear
- Face shields
- Flashlights
- Randomised attachments with percentage based chance to appear
- Dogtags
- Random level
- Random name
- Voices
- Bear/usec voices for each faction
- Item blacklist/whitelist
- Item
- Highly configurable in config
- Custom weapons
- Move/split/delete stacks
- Tags (add/modify/remove)
- Armor/weapon kit item repair
- Out of raid eating
- Special slots (compass etc)
- Buy/Sell
- Listed items are refreshed every hour
- purchase limits per refresh period
- Track sold rouble count
- Loyalty levels
- Build reputation
- Item repair
- Calculate randomised durability level based on item type/values
- Alternate clothing from Ragman
- Buy/unlock new clothing
- Insurance
- chance for items to be returned - higher chance for more expensive trader
- Chance parts will be stripped from returned weapons
- Fence
- Lists random items for sale
- Emulated system of 'churn' for items sold by fence
- every 4 minutes 20% of fences' items are replaced
- Configurable through config
Flea market
- Buy and sell items
- Prices pulled from live data
- Listing tax fee
- Offer filtering
- Offer search
- Filter by item
- Linked search
- Simulated player offers
- Generated with random names/ratings/expiry times
- Variable prices based on live price (20% above/below)
- Weapon presets as offers
- Bartering offers
- Listed currency
- Rouble
- Euro
- Dollar
- Rating
- Increase flea rating by selling items
- Decrease flea rating by failing to sell items
- Will be purchased by simulated players
- Greater chance listed item will be purchased the lower it is listed for
- Adjust flea prices that are massively below trader buy price
- Receive purchased item through mail from seller
- Sorting by
- Rating
- Price
- Name
- Configurable using config
Accurate quest listINCOMPLETE (85% complete)- Trader quests
- Accept/Complete
- Daily Quests
- Simulated system of daily quests
- Replace daily quest
- Replace quest with new one
- Charged fee
- Scav daily quests
- Types
- Elimination
- Exit location
- Find
- Trader item unlocks through completion of quests
- Receive mail from traders after accepting/completing/failing a quest
- Item rewards given through mail
- Areas supported
- Air filter
- Air filter degradation speed calculation
- Skill levelling boost + 40%
- Bitcoin farm
- Coin generation speed calculation
- Booze generator
- Create moonshine
- Generator
- Fuel usage calculation
- Heating
- Energy regen rate
- Negative effects removal rate x2
- Illumination
- Intel centre
Unlocks scav tasks from fenceNOT IMPLEMENTEDReduces insurance return time by 20%NOT IMPLEMENTED- Quest money reward boost
- Lavatory
- Library
- Medstation
- Nutrition unit
- Rest space
- Scav case
- Custom reward system
- Configurable in config
- Security
- Shooting range
- Solar power
- Stash
- Gives bonus storage space
- Vents
- Water collector
- Workbench
- Christmas tree
- Air filter
- Item crafting
- Found in raid on completion
- Crafts when server not running
Weapon building
- Create weapon presets
- Saving of presets
- Supported maps
- Customs
- Factory day
- Factory night
- Reserve
- Woods
- Lighthouse
- Laboratory
- Shoreline
- Streets
- Loot
- Generated from over 30,000 loot runs on live, spawn chances calculated from all runs to give fairly accurate depiction of live loot.
- Static loot (containers)
- Each container type can contain items appropriate to that type
- Loose loot
- Randomised loose items found on map
- Airdrops
- Randomised chance of spawning
- Fire red flare to request an airdrop
Drops 1 of 3 randomised loot crate typesNOT IMPLEMENTED- Drops lootable crate in:
- Customs
- Reserve
- Woods
- Lighthouse
- Shoreline
- Streets
- Can be adjusted via config file
- Raid damage
- Exiting a raid with injury to player character will be persisted out of raid
- Post-raid therapist healing
- Receive from traders
- Pin/unpin senders
- Accept all attachments
- Accept individual mail attachment
- Extensive system that allows for the modification of nearly any aspect of SPT
- Example mods covering a good slice of modding capabilities
- Profiles
- Standard/Left Behind/Prepare To Escape/Edge Of Darkness
- Custom profiles
- SPT Easy start
- Lots of money / some QoL skills level 20 / level 69
- SPT Zero to hero
- No money, skills, trader rep or items, only a knife
- SPT Developer
- Testing profile, level 69, most skills maxed, max trader rep
- USEC have all quests ready to start
- BEAR have all quests ready to hand in
- SPT Easy start
- Note system
- Add
- Edit
- Delete
- Extensive config system
- Alter how SPT works
- Holiday themes in hideout on appropriate days
- Halloween
- Christmas
- TypeScript
- Majority of EFT request/response classes passed from client to server have been mapped
- Unit Tests
- Supports tests via jest
- Dependency injection
- Config files accessible from