
524 lines
21 KiB

import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { ApplicationContext } from "@spt/context/ApplicationContext";
import { ContextVariableType } from "@spt/context/ContextVariableType";
import { InraidController } from "@spt/controllers/InraidController";
import { LocationController } from "@spt/controllers/LocationController";
import { LootGenerator } from "@spt/generators/LootGenerator";
import { HealthHelper } from "@spt/helpers/HealthHelper";
import { InRaidHelper } from "@spt/helpers/InRaidHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "@spt/helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Common } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Item } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { IEndLocalRaidRequestData, IEndRaidResult } from "@spt/models/eft/match/IEndLocalRaidRequestData";
import { IEndOfflineRaidRequestData } from "@spt/models/eft/match/IEndOfflineRaidRequestData";
import { IGetRaidConfigurationRequestData } from "@spt/models/eft/match/IGetRaidConfigurationRequestData";
import { IMatchGroupStartGameRequest } from "@spt/models/eft/match/IMatchGroupStartGameRequest";
import { IMatchGroupStatusRequest } from "@spt/models/eft/match/IMatchGroupStatusRequest";
import { IMatchGroupStatusResponse } from "@spt/models/eft/match/IMatchGroupStatusResponse";
import { IProfileStatusResponse } from "@spt/models/eft/match/IProfileStatusResponse";
import { IStartLocalRaidRequestData } from "@spt/models/eft/match/IStartLocalRaidRequestData";
import { IStartLocalRaidResponseData } from "@spt/models/eft/match/IStartLocalRaidResponseData";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { MessageType } from "@spt/models/enums/MessageType";
import { Traders } from "@spt/models/enums/Traders";
import { IHideoutConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IHideoutConfig";
import { IInRaidConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IInRaidConfig";
import { IMatchConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IMatchConfig";
import { IPmcConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IPmcConfig";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ITraderConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer";
import { SaveServer } from "@spt/servers/SaveServer";
import { BotGenerationCacheService } from "@spt/services/BotGenerationCacheService";
import { BotLootCacheService } from "@spt/services/BotLootCacheService";
import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService";
import { MailSendService } from "@spt/services/MailSendService";
import { MatchBotDetailsCacheService } from "@spt/services/MatchBotDetailsCacheService";
import { MatchLocationService } from "@spt/services/MatchLocationService";
import { PmcChatResponseService } from "@spt/services/PmcChatResponseService";
import { ProfileSnapshotService } from "@spt/services/ProfileSnapshotService";
import { HashUtil } from "@spt/utils/HashUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "@spt/utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "@spt/utils/TimeUtil";
export class MatchController
protected matchConfig: IMatchConfig;
protected inRaidConfig: IInRaidConfig;
protected traderConfig: ITraderConfig;
protected pmcConfig: IPmcConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected hideoutConfig: IHideoutConfig;
@inject("PrimaryLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("SaveServer") protected saveServer: SaveServer,
@inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil,
@inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil,
@inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil,
@inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper,
@inject("DatabaseService") protected databaseService: DatabaseService,
@inject("LocationController") protected locationController: LocationController,
@inject("InraidController") protected inRaidController: InraidController,
@inject("InRaidHelper") protected inRaidHelper: InRaidHelper,
@inject("HealthHelper") protected healthHelper: HealthHelper,
@inject("MatchLocationService") protected matchLocationService: MatchLocationService,
@inject("MatchBotDetailsCacheService") protected matchBotDetailsCacheService: MatchBotDetailsCacheService,
@inject("PmcChatResponseService") protected pmcChatResponseService: PmcChatResponseService,
@inject("TraderHelper") protected traderHelper: TraderHelper,
@inject("BotLootCacheService") protected botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer,
@inject("ProfileSnapshotService") protected profileSnapshotService: ProfileSnapshotService,
@inject("BotGenerationCacheService") protected botGenerationCacheService: BotGenerationCacheService,
@inject("MailSendService") protected mailSendService: MailSendService,
@inject("LootGenerator") protected lootGenerator: LootGenerator,
@inject("ApplicationContext") protected applicationContext: ApplicationContext,
this.matchConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.MATCH);
this.inRaidConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.IN_RAID);
this.traderConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.TRADER);
this.pmcConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.PMC);
this.ragfairConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.RAGFAIR);
this.hideoutConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.HIDEOUT);
public getEnabled(): boolean
return this.matchConfig.enabled;
/** Handle client/match/group/delete */
public deleteGroup(info: any): void
/** Handle match/group/start_game */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
public joinMatch(info: IMatchGroupStartGameRequest, sessionId: string): IProfileStatusResponse
const output: IProfileStatusResponse = { maxPveCountExceeded: false, profiles: [] };
// get list of players joining into the match
profileid: "TODO",
profileToken: "TODO",
status: "MatchWait",
sid: "",
ip: "",
port: 0,
version: "live",
location: "TODO get location",
raidMode: "Online",
mode: "deathmatch",
shortId: undefined,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
additional_info: undefined,
return output;
/** Handle client/match/group/status */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
public getGroupStatus(info: IMatchGroupStatusRequest): IMatchGroupStatusResponse
return { players: [], maxPveCountExceeded: false };
* Handle /client/raid/configuration
* @param request Raid config request
* @param sessionID Session id
public startOfflineRaid(request: IGetRaidConfigurationRequestData, sessionID: string): void
// Store request data for access during bot generation
this.applicationContext.addValue(ContextVariableType.RAID_CONFIGURATION, request);
// TODO: add code to strip PMC of equipment now they've started the raid
// Set pmcs to difficulty set in pre-raid screen if override in bot config isnt enabled
if (!this.pmcConfig.useDifficultyOverride)
this.pmcConfig.difficulty = this.convertDifficultyDropdownIntoBotDifficulty(
// Store the profile as-is for later use on the post-raid exp screen
const currentProfile = this.saveServer.getProfile(sessionID);
this.profileSnapshotService.storeProfileSnapshot(sessionID, currentProfile);
* Convert a difficulty value from pre-raid screen to a bot difficulty
* @param botDifficulty dropdown difficulty value
* @returns bot difficulty
protected convertDifficultyDropdownIntoBotDifficulty(botDifficulty: string): string
// Edge case medium - must be altered
if (botDifficulty.toLowerCase() === "medium")
return "normal";
return botDifficulty;
/** Handle client/match/offline/end */
public endOfflineRaid(info: IEndOfflineRaidRequestData, sessionId: string): void
const pmcData: IPmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionId);
const extractName = info.exitName;
// Save time spent in raid
pmcData.Stats.Eft.TotalInGameTime += info.raidSeconds;
// Clean up cached bots now raid is over
// Clear bot loot cache
if (this.extractWasViaCar(extractName))
this.handleCarExtract(extractName, pmcData, sessionId);
if (extractName && this.extractWasViaCoop(extractName) && this.traderConfig.fence.coopExtractGift.sendGift)
this.handleCoopExtract(sessionId, pmcData, extractName);
* Did player take a COOP extract
* @param extractName Name of extract player took
* @returns True if coop extract
protected extractWasViaCoop(extractName: string): boolean
// No extract name, not a coop extract
if (!extractName)
return false;
return this.inRaidConfig.coopExtracts.includes(extractName.trim());
protected sendCoopTakenFenceMessage(sessionId: string): void
// Generate reward for taking coop extract
const loot = this.lootGenerator.createRandomLoot(this.traderConfig.fence.coopExtractGift);
const mailableLoot: Item[] = [];
const parentId = this.hashUtil.generate();
for (const item of loot)
_tpl: item.tpl,
slotId: "main",
parentId: parentId,
upd: { StackObjectsCount: item.stackCount, SpawnedInSession: true },
// Send message from fence giving player reward generated above
* Handle when a player extracts using a coop extract - add rep to fence
* @param sessionId Session/player id
* @param pmcData Profile
* @param extractName Name of extract taken
protected handleCoopExtract(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, extractName: string): void
if (!pmcData.CoopExtractCounts)
pmcData.CoopExtractCounts = {};
// Ensure key exists for extract
if (!(extractName in pmcData.CoopExtractCounts))
pmcData.CoopExtractCounts[extractName] = 0;
// Increment extract count value
pmcData.CoopExtractCounts[extractName] += 1;
// Get new fence standing value
const newFenceStanding = this.getFenceStandingAfterExtract(
const fenceId: string = Traders.FENCE;
pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].standing = newFenceStanding;
// Check if new standing has leveled up trader
this.traderHelper.lvlUp(fenceId, pmcData);
pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].loyaltyLevel = Math.max(pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].loyaltyLevel, 1);
// Copy updated fence rep values into scav profile to ensure consistency
const scavData: IPmcData = this.profileHelper.getScavProfile(sessionId);
scavData.TradersInfo[fenceId].standing = pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].standing;
scavData.TradersInfo[fenceId].loyaltyLevel = pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].loyaltyLevel;
* Was extract by car
* @param extractName name of extract
* @returns true if car extract
protected extractWasViaCar(extractName: string): boolean
// exit name is undefined on death
if (!extractName)
return false;
if (extractName.toLowerCase().includes("v-ex"))
return true;
return this.inRaidConfig.carExtracts.includes(extractName.trim());
* Handle when a player extracts using a car - Add rep to fence
* @param extractName name of the extract used
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @param sessionId Session id
protected handleCarExtract(extractName: string, pmcData: IPmcData, sessionId: string): void
// Ensure key exists for extract
if (!(extractName in pmcData.CarExtractCounts))
pmcData.CarExtractCounts[extractName] = 0;
// Increment extract count value
pmcData.CarExtractCounts[extractName] += 1;
// Not exact replica of Live behaviour
// Simplified for now, no real reason to do the whole (unconfirmed) extra 0.01 standing per day regeneration mechanic
const newFenceStanding = this.getFenceStandingAfterExtract(
const fenceId: string = Traders.FENCE;
pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].standing = newFenceStanding;
// Check if new standing has leveled up trader
this.traderHelper.lvlUp(fenceId, pmcData);
pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].loyaltyLevel = Math.max(pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].loyaltyLevel, 1);
`Car extract: ${extractName} used, total times taken: ${pmcData.CarExtractCounts[extractName]}`,
// Copy updated fence rep values into scav profile to ensure consistency
const scavData: IPmcData = this.profileHelper.getScavProfile(sessionId);
scavData.TradersInfo[fenceId].standing = pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].standing;
scavData.TradersInfo[fenceId].loyaltyLevel = pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].loyaltyLevel;
* Get the fence rep gain from using a car or coop extract
* @param pmcData Profile
* @param baseGain amount gained for the first extract
* @param extractCount Number of times extract was taken
* @returns Fence standing after taking extract
protected getFenceStandingAfterExtract(pmcData: IPmcData, baseGain: number, extractCount: number): number
// Get current standing
const fenceId: string = Traders.FENCE;
let fenceStanding = Number(pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].standing);
// get standing after taking extract x times, x.xx format, gain from extract can be no smaller than 0.01
fenceStanding += Math.max(baseGain / extractCount, 0.01);
// Ensure fence loyalty level is not above/below the range -7 to 15
const newFenceStanding = Math.min(Math.max(fenceStanding, -7), 15);
this.logger.debug(`Old vs new fence standing: ${pmcData.TradersInfo[fenceId].standing}, ${newFenceStanding}`);
return Number(newFenceStanding.toFixed(2));
public startLocalRaid(sessionId: string, request: IStartLocalRaidRequestData): IStartLocalRaidResponseData
// TODO - remove usage of locationController - controller use inside match controller = bad
const playerProfile = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionId);
const result: IStartLocalRaidResponseData = {
serverId: `${request.location}.${request.playerSide}.${this.timeUtil.getTimestamp()}`, // TODO - does this need to be more verbose - investigate client?
serverSettings: this.databaseService.getLocationServices(), // TODO - is this per map or global?
profile: { insuredItems: playerProfile.InsuredItems },
locationLoot: this.locationController.generate(request.location),
return result;
public endLocalRaid(sessionId: string, request: IEndLocalRaidRequestData): void
const fullProfile = this.profileHelper.getFullProfile(sessionId);
const pmcProfile = fullProfile.characters.pmc;
const scavProfile = fullProfile.characters.scav;
const postRaidProfile = request.results.profile!;
// TODO:
// Update profile
// Handle insurance
// Rep gain/loss?
// Quest status?
// Counters?
// Send PMC message to player if necessary
// Limb health
// Limb effects
// Skills
// Inventory - items not lost on death
// Stats
// stats/eft/aggressor - weird values (EFT.IProfileDataContainer.Nickname)
this.logger.debug(`Raid outcome: ${request.results.result}`);
// Set flea interval time to out-of-raid value
this.ragfairConfig.runIntervalSeconds = this.ragfairConfig.runIntervalValues.outOfRaid;
this.hideoutConfig.runIntervalSeconds = this.hideoutConfig.runIntervalValues.outOfRaid;
// ServerId has various info stored in it, delimited by a period
const serverDetails = request.serverId.split(".");
const locationName = serverDetails[0].toLowerCase();
const isPmc = serverDetails[1].toLowerCase() === "pmc";
const map = this.databaseService.getLocation(locationName).base;
const isDead = this.isPlayerDead(request.results);
// Update inventory
this.inRaidHelper.setInventory(sessionId, pmcProfile, postRaidProfile);
pmcProfile.Info.Level = postRaidProfile.Info.Level;
// Add experience points
pmcProfile.Info.Experience += postRaidProfile.Stats.Eft.TotalSessionExperience;
// Profile common/mastering skills
pmcProfile.Skills = postRaidProfile.Skills;
pmcProfile.Stats.Eft = postRaidProfile.Stats.Eft;
// Must occur after experience is set and stats copied over
pmcProfile.Stats.Eft.TotalSessionExperience = 0;
pmcProfile.Achievements = postRaidProfile.Achievements;
// Remove skill fatigue values
// Straight copy
pmcProfile.TaskConditionCounters = postRaidProfile.TaskConditionCounters;
pmcProfile.Encyclopedia = postRaidProfile.Encyclopedia;
// Must occur after encyclopedia updated
this.mergePmcAndScavEncyclopedias(pmcProfile, scavProfile);
// Handle temp, hydration, limb hp/effects
this.healthHelper.updateProfileHealthPostRaid(pmcProfile, postRaidProfile.Health, sessionId, isDead);
if (isDead)
this.inRaidHelper.deleteInventory(pmcProfile, sessionId);
const victims = postRaidProfile.Stats.Eft.Victims.filter((victim) =>
["pmcbear", "pmcusec"].includes(victim.Role.toLowerCase()),
if (victims?.length > 0)
// Player killed PMCs, send some responses to them
this.pmcChatResponseService.sendVictimResponse(sessionId, victims, pmcProfile);
* Is the player dead after a raid - dead = anything other than "survived" / "runner"
* @param statusOnExit Exit value from offraidData object
* @returns true if dead
protected isPlayerDead(results: IEndRaidResult): boolean
return ["killed", "missinginaction", "left"].includes(results.result.toLowerCase());
* Reset the skill points earned in a raid to 0, ready for next raid
* @param commonSkills Profile common skills to update
protected resetSkillPointsEarnedDuringRaid(commonSkills: Common[]): void
for (const skill of commonSkills)
skill.PointsEarnedDuringSession = 0.0;
* merge two dictionaries together
* Prioritise pair that has true as a value
* @param primary main dictionary
* @param secondary Secondary dictionary
protected mergePmcAndScavEncyclopedias(primary: IPmcData, secondary: IPmcData): void
function extend(target: { [key: string]: boolean }, source: Record<string, boolean>)
for (const key in source)
if (Object.hasOwn(source, key))
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
const merged = extend(extend({}, primary.Encyclopedia), secondary.Encyclopedia);
primary.Encyclopedia = merged;
secondary.Encyclopedia = merged;