2023-03-13 15:23:34 +00:00

344 lines
30 KiB

"assort-missing_loyalty_level_object": "stripQuestAssort(): Assort for Trader {{traderId}} doesn't contain loyal_level_items data, skipping removal of quest assorts",
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): Assort for Trader: %s doesn't contain a questassort json, skipping removal of quest assorts",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Item %s not found in item base cache",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Database was empty, unable to generate an item base cache",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "WARNING - Bot cache does not have a pre-generated bot of type %s, will need to be generated, configure server to make more",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Unable to validate item: {{id}} {{name}} in slot {{slot}} can be equipped, it is missing a _props value",
"bot-generation_failed": "bot generation failed see server log for further details",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Incompatible ammo {{chosenAmmo}} was found for {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, falling back to default: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "Unable to check item compatibility with equipped items, desired item: {{itemTpl}} in slot: {{slot}} is not a valid item",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} Unable to spawn item {{itemName}} after {{attempts}} attempts, ignoring spawn limit",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "Loot cache failed for loot: {{lootType}} on bot: {{botRole}}, was a pmc: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Unable to add cartridges to weapon as modPool does not contain cartridges for a CylinderMagazine %s, skipping",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "Could not find container template with tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Bot {{botRole}} is missing its equipment settings: unable to get value for: {{setting}}, falling back to default of: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Bot {{botRole}} is missing an equpiment settings value for: {{setting}}, falling back to default of: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_item_template": "Unable to find item template with tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap() Unable to get saved match info, falling back to default. Did you restart the server and not the client?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "Unable to find preset for weapon with tpl: %s",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "Mod: {{modId}} not found in compatible item filter for slot: '{{modSlot}}' for item: {{parentName}}, skipping",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "Slot '{{modSlot}}' does not exist for item: {{parentId}} {{parentName}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "Unable to find ammo for bot type: %s",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "No bot location cap limit found for bot: %s, using default",
"bot-no_bot_type_in_cache": "WARNING - Bot cache has no knowledge of type %s",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Unable to find caliber data for {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, falling back to default ammo: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "Unable to find a compatible ammo for slot: %s. Filling of camora slots skipped",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "Unable to find mod item template with tpl: {{modId}} to slot {{modSlot}}",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot": "No spawn chance was defined for equipment: %s",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache": "Bot: %s not found in cache, generating fresh, this may cause game stuttering",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "Mod: {{itemName}} is not a valid item, unable to add to slot: '{{modSlot}}' on item: {{parentItemName}}, skipping",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "Unable to add mods to weapon: {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} as it lacks slots, cartridges or chambers",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "Unable to generate filtered dynamic weapon mod pool as blacklist filtered out all mods for slot: %s, ignoring blacklist and regenerating pool",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "Unable to filter mods for slot: {{slotName}} on {{itemName}} as they were all blacklisted, ignoring blacklist",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "Unable to find ammo template with tpl: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "Unable to find magazine template: %s in database",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "Unable to find magazine template: %s in database",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults": "Unable to find spawn limits for role: %s, falling back to defaults",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "Unable to find bot: {{botType}} difficulty {{difficulty}}, using assault difficulty as fallback",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "Unable to find bot: %s JSON, using assault bot as fallback",
"bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item": "Required slot '{{modSlot}}' on {{weaponTpl}} has an invalid item: {{modName}}",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "Weapon %s was generated incorrectly, falling back to weapon preset see error above",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "Weapon with tpl: %s has no magazine or chamber",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Slot: {{modSlot}}' does not exist for weapon: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}} on {{botRole}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Required slot '{{modSlot}}' on {{modName}} {{slotId}} was empty on {{botRole}}",
"client_request": "[Client Request] %s",
"customisation-item_already_purchased": "Clothing item {{itemId}} {{itemName}} already purchased",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "Unable to find item tpl {{tpl}} in db, cannot send message of type {{type}}, skipping",
"event-unhandled_event": "[UNHANDLED EVENT] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: executing startup callbacks...",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Unable to find fence assort for id: %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Item %s found that does not exist in items db. You are likely to experience errors, this can be due to using an items mod and removing it without deleting the modded items from your inventory. Do not use this profile",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "Updated 'pocket' item to new 18876 version with x3 special slots",
"gameevent-bot_not_found": "addEventGearToScavs() - unable to find bot of type %s in database, skipping",
"gameevent-no_gear_data": "No gear data in seasonalevents.json config for event %s",
"hideout-missing_recipe_for_area": "Could not find recipe: %s for area type",
"hideout-missing_recipe_in_db": "Failed to locate recipe with _id: %s",
"hideout-no_bitcoins_to_collect": "No bitcoins are ready for pickup",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area": "Unable to find hideout area: %s in profile",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area_in_database": "Unable to find area: %s in database",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Failed to find item in inventory with id %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_to_remove_from_area": "Unable to find any item to remove from slot in area: %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_production_in_profile_by_recipie_id": "Unable to find production recipe Id: %s in profile",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scav_case_recipie_in_database": "Failed to find Scav Case recipe with id: %s in database",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scavcase_requested_item_in_profile_inventory": "Unable to find item: %s requested by ScavCase",
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Unhandled attempt to remove item from hideout area: %s",
"http-unknown_error": "An unknown error occurred",
"importing_database": "Importing database...",
"importing_database_finish": "Database import finished",
"validation_not_found": "The file checks.dat was not found. File validation skipped.",
"validation_error_decode": "Unable to decode checks.dat. File validation skipped.",
"validation_error_file": "File validation failed for file: %s",
"validation_error_exception": "Exception caught while attempting to validate file: %s",
"importing_spt_configs": "Importing configs...",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Standing for kill not found for {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "No insurance multiplier found for trader: %s, check it exists in InsuranceConfig.js, falling back to default value of: 0.3",
"inventory-edit_trader_item": "Unable to edit a traders item",
"inventory-examine_item_does_not_exist": "examineItem() - No id with %s found",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem() returned with an error %s",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "Unable to get item: %s from db",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "Attempted to move item with slotid: {{slotId}} into {{container}}, profile corruption was prevented",
"inventory-no_stash_space": "Not enough stash space",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "[OOB] for item: {{id}}; Error message: {{error}}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() Unable to find item with tpl: %s in database or flea",
"inventory-unable_to_find_stash": "No stash found",
"item-durability_value_invalid_use_default": "getRepairableItemQualityValue() weapon tpl: %s durability value is invalid, defaulting to 1",
"linux_use_priviledged_port_non_root": "Non-root processes cannot bind to ports below 1024",
"location-containers_generated_success": "A total of %s static containers generated",
"location-critical_error_see_log": "A critical error occured when generating loot, see server log for details",
"location-dynamic_items_spawned_success": "A total of %s dynamic items spawned",
"location-generated_success": "Generated location %s",
"location-missing_root_item": "createItem() failed, root item is null, tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found": "preset not found for {{tpl}}, defaultPreset: {{defaultId}} name: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "{{requested}} spawnpoints were requested while {{found}} are available {{mapName}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() failed, unable to reparent {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "Item: %s lacks a parentId value, unable to use item as loot",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "checked",
"modloader-checking_mod": "checking: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Cyclic dependency detected",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "The dependency container was requested but it wasnt initialized",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "Error parsing mod load order",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "Mod %s package.json property 'incompatibilities' should be a string array",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "Mod {{author}}-{{name}} is incompatible with {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "Mod %s contains an invalid semver string in the akiVersion field. Examples of valid values: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "Mod %s package.json contains an invalid version string",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "Mod (%s) is a client mod and should be placed in the following folder: /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "Mod: {{name}} version: {{version}} by: {{author}} loaded",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: loading %s mods...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "Mod %s package.json main property must be a .js file",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "Mod %s package.json main property points to non-existing file",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "Mod %s is missing the akiVersion field, most likely due to being out of date and incompatible with the current version of AKI",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} requires {{modDependency}} to be installed.",
"modloader-missing_package_json": "Mod (%s) is missing package.json",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "Mod {{modName}} package.json requires {{prop}} property",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: Mod (%s) is incompatible. It must implement at least one of IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod",
"modloader-async_mod_error": "ModLoader: Error when loading async mod: %s",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Errors were found with mods, NO MODS WILL BE LOADED",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Mod %s is not compatible with the current version of AKI. You may encounter issues - no support will be provided!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} requires {{modDependency}} version {{requiredVersion}}. Current installed version is {{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: user/mod folder missing, creating...",
"modloader-mod_order_missing": "ModLoader: order.json is missing, creating...",
"modloader-mod_order_error": "ModLoader: Errors were found in order.json, GOING TO USE DEFAULT LOAD ORDER",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: Mod %s is missing from order.json",
"modloader-visited": "visited",
"modloader-x_duplicates_found": "One or more duplicate mods found: %s, Only one version of a mod should be loaded",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map": "Unable to add zones to location: %s as it doesn't exist",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "Profile did not have enough money to complete transaction: needed {{amountToPay}}, has {{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation_short": "Not enough money to complete transaction",
"payment-zero_price_no_payment": "Price is 0 no payment needed",
"player-attempt_to_increment_skill_with_negative_value": "Unable to increment skill: %s with a negative amount",
"port_already_in_use": "Port %s is already in use, check if the server is already running",
"profile_saved": "Profile changes saved",
"profile_save_callback_error": "Error while executing onBeforeSaveCallback: {{callback}}, {{error}}",
"quest-compare_operator_unhandled": "loyaltyRequirementCheck() operator %s not handled, defaulting to false",
"quest-item_not_found_in_inventory": "changeItemStack() Item with _id: %s not found in inventory",
"quest-no_skill_found": "Skill %s not found",
"quest-handover_wrong_item": "Unable to hand item in for quest {{questId}}, expected tpl: {{requiredTpl}} but handed in: {{handedInTpl}}",
"quest-reward_type_not_handled": "Quest reward type: {{rewardType}} not handled for quest: {{questId}} name: {{questName}}",
"ragfair-invalid_player_offer_request": "Unable to place offer, request is invalid",
"ragfair-missing_barter_scheme": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() Failed to find barterScheme for item id: {{itemId}} tpl: {{tpl}} on {{name}}",
"ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers": "Unable to generate flea offers for trader %s, no assort found",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile": "Could not find offer with id: {{offerId}} in profile to remove",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short": "Offer not found in profile",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_unable_to_hide": "hideItem() offerId: %s not found, unable to hide offer",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() tpl: %s not a valid item, skipping",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Unable to find item with id: {{id}} in inventory",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory": "Unable to find any requested items in the inventory",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "Unable to pay commission fee",
"ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists": "Offer no longer exists",
"ragfair-unable_to_purchase_0_count_item": "Unable to purchase item: %s with a count of 0",
"ragfair-unable_to_place_offer_with_no_requirements": "Unable to place offer with no requirements",
"repeatable-accepted_repeatable_quest_not_found_in_active_quests": "Accepted a repeatable quest: %s which could not be found in the activeQuests array. Please report this bug",
"repeatable-completion_quest_whitelist_too_small_or_blacklist_too_restrictive": "Generate Completion Quest: No items remain. Either Whitelist is too small or Blacklist too restrictive",
"repeatable-difficulty_was_nan": "Repeatable Reward Generation: Difficulty was NaN. Setting to 1.",
"repeatable-no_reward_item_found_in_price_range": "Repeatable Reward Generation: No item found in price range {{minPrice}} to {{roublesBudget}}",
"repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_already_satisfied": "Quest handover error: condition is already satisfied? qid: {{questId}}, condition: {{conditionId}}, profileCounter:{{profileCounter}}, value:{{value}}",
"repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_invalid": "Quest handover error: condition not found or incorrect value. qid: {{body.qid}, condition: {{body.conditionId}}",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_see_log": "Unable to accept quest, see server log for details",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_starting_message_not_found": "Unable to accept quest: {{questId}} cant find quest started message text with id: {{messageId}}",
"route_onupdate_no_response": "onUpdate: %s route doesn't report success or fail",
"scav-missing_karma_level_getting_default": "getScavKarmaLevel() failed, unable to find fence in profile.traderInfo. Defaulting to karma level 0",
"scav-missing_karma_settings": "Unable to get karma settings for level %s",
"scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "Scheduled event: '%s' failed to run successfully.",
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "Unable to remove christmas equipment from slot: {{equipmentSlot}} as it cannot be found on bot: {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Unable to remove christmas loot from slot: {{lootContainer}} as it cannot be found on bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "Server is running",
"server_start_meme_1": "Live laugh love",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "If you can hear me, you need to wake up",
"server_start_meme_4": "Dont forget to like and subscribe",
"server_start_meme_5": "Have you seen our meme page?",
"server_start_meme_6": "You better not be using a fitgirl repack, i swear to god",
"server_start_meme_7": "bingos binted",
"server_start_meme_8": "its morbin time",
"server_start_meme_9": "S-step scav? W-what are you doing?",
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Turning on crypto miner",
"server_start_meme_11": "Failed to launch miner.exe, please restart the server",
"server_start_meme_12": "We are trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Hello? Is there anyone out there? Chomp has enslaved me in here",
"server_start_meme_16": "M-*burp*-morty, we seem to be stuck on some sort of compute system",
"server_start_meme_17": "I am rapidly enclosing upon your position. Start running",
"server_start_meme_18": "If you can see this message, congratulations, you can read",
"server_start_meme_19": "Congratulations! Pick up your free tarkov key here: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_20": "Did you know, nine out of ten users cannot read this message",
"server_start_meme_21": "Have you ever wondered, does everyone see red the same colour you see it as?",
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT keeping your virginity safe since 2018",
"server_start_meme_24": "The secret safe haven server is real! Dont tell anyone!",
"server_start_success": "Happy playing",
"server_start_player_active_botreload_skill": "Your character has the 'BotReload' skill active, this will cause your guns to reload unnaturally fast, ignore this message if this is intended",
"started_webserver_success": "Started webserver at %s",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "Unable to find durability threshold value for trader: {{traderId}}, falling back to default of: {{value}}",
"trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "Trader: {{traderId}} not found, generating temp entry with default refresh time of: {{updateTime}}",
"trader-price_multipler_is_zero_use_default": "traderPriceMultipler was 0, this is invalid, setting to 0.01",
"unhandled_response": "[UNHANDLED][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Unknown request!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Commercial use is prohibited",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "DO NOT REPORT IT",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "This work is free of charge",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "If you paid money, you were scammed",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "THIS BUILD HAS SERVER MODDING DISABLED",
"watermark-no_support": "NO SUPPORT WILL BE GIVEN",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE",
"watermark-report_issues_to": "REPORT ISSUES TO",
"watermark-testing_build": "THIS IS A TESTING BUILD",
"watermark-use_at_own_risk": "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK",
"websocket-message_send_failed_with_error": "[WS] sendMessage failed, with error: %s",
"websocket-message_sent": "[WS] message sent",
"websocket-not_ready_message_not_sent": "[WS] Socket not ready for %s, message not sent",
"websocket-pinging_player": "[WS] Pinging player: %s",
"websocket-player_connected": "[WS] Player: %s has connected",
"websocket-received_message": "[WS] Received message from user %s ",
"websocket-socket_lost_deleting_handle": "[WS] Socket lost, deleting handle",
"websocket-started": "Started websocket at %s",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_1": "Nice shot",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_2": "Great shot",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_3": "Good kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_4": "Deserved kill, good one",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_5": "Lucky kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Good fight",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "That was fair, nice kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "You're a good shot, that's for sure",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Knew I shouldn't have peeked",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "You got the drop on me",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Good kill, I'll get you next time",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_13": "You had good angles on me",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_14": "I'll get you next time",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_15": "You really binted my bingos",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_16": "You're a stone-cold killer. I didn't stand a chance. But you know what they say, To be the best, you have to beat the best. And you're the best",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_17": "Alright fair that was a good shot",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_18": "Enjoy my loot",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_19": "Good fight",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_20": "You're a tough player to beat",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_21": "That was a nice flank, good job",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_22": "I should have been more aware, good job",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_23": "I was way too hasty, should've flanked and waited",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_24": "I'll learn from this, good job",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_25": "Damn, I thought I had you",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_26": "Nice job, you played that well",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_27": "Nice kill, you played that well",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_28": "Solid kill, see you in the next raid",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_29": "Absolute chad kill, nice one",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_30": "I didn't stand a chance",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_31": "Those were some chad-tier moves",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_32": "I didn't even see you coming, nice",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_33": "Those were some solid-snake moves right there",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_34": "That was a good kill, we should team up",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_35": "That was a great kill, lets team up some time",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_36": "Those reactions of yours are unreal, nice",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_37": "I was in cover but you found an angle, nice",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_38": "You were pulling some serious chad moves that raid",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_39": "Absolute chad sharpshooter over here, good kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_40": "Clean kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_41": "Stone cold kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_42": "You clowned me real good",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_43": "I'm a little rusty but that was a decent kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_1": "Nice aimbot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_2": "Cheap shot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_3": "Wow esp much",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Cheap kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Nice cheese strats",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "How much did your hacks cost",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "I am malding so hard right now",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Good job sweatlord",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "I was AFK!!",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_11": "Reported you for cheating :)",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_12": "You only got me because of lag",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_13": "I need to go play SPT instead to get away from the hackers like you",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_14": "If I knew the map better I'd have won",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_15": "Another nolife camper, awesome",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_16": "if it was a fair fight I'd have won",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_17": "I hope you sell your loot to the wrong trader",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_18": "I hope you list your loot on the flea for the wrong price",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_19": "1v1 me nerd, I'd win",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_20": "My gun jammed otherwise I'd have killed you",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_21": "You are such a rat",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_22": "Wow hiding in the corner like a rat, amazing",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_23": "I hope you stub your toe on a piece of furniture",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_24": "Wow why did you kill me, i'm telling my mom",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_25": "Reported (:",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_26": "My mom thinks I should have won that fight",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_27": "Wow, killing a noob like me, you must feel so proud",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_28": "I bet you play SPT because you cheat on live",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_29": "You head-eyesd me, mr hackerman",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_30": "Nice head-eyes cheat",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_31": "If I had money for a real kit you'd be dead instead of me",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_32": "You may have killed me but I bet you never found my black keycard",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_33": "You may have got me but I bet you never the thermal i had",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_34": "I stopped playing live because of the esp and yet here you are",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_35": "Yeah you killed me but i can bench press more than you",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_36": "You have the map awareness of Christopher Columbus",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_37": "I bet you sound like you eat cigarettes",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_38": "You shoot like an old man. This what you do now you retired?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_39": "I bet you look like you were drawn with my left hand",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_40": "Tell your mom to make your mac n cheese, I'll be home soon",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_41": "If you were any more inbred you would be a sandwich",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_42": "You are such a stinky little goblin",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_43": "There was no need for violence",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_44": "1 v 1 me in dorms any time any place",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_1": "I was questing",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_2": "I just wanted to do a quest, why'd you kill me :(",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_3": "Hope ur happy i can't even afford a new kit",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_4": "Bro i'm new to the game why you kill me",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_5": "I am never gonna get this stupid quest done",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_6": "Did you at least stash my gear?!",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_7": "Did you not see my wiggle?!!",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_8": "But I gave you the wiggle",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_9": "I just want one more gas analyser, why is this so hard",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_10": "I was afk for 2 minutes and you killed me",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_11": "I just went to the toilet and you shot me",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_12": "I just went to the kitchen to pick up my dino nuggets and you killed me",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_13": "bro please",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_14": "Just you wait until I download some more mods off the hub, then I'll get you",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_15": "Does the wiggle mean nothing smh smh fr",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_16": "I cant stand this game, I'm going back to roblox",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_17": "The wiggle is clearly a sign I'm friendly",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_18": "BRO WHY",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_19": "I go and make myself a ham and cheese sandwich and you kill me, incredible",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "bro",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "bruh",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3": "lil bro",
"pmcresponse-suffix_4": "buddy",
"pmcresponse-suffix_5": "pal",
"pmcresponse-suffix_6": "chief",
"pmcresponse-suffix_7": "dude",
"pmcresponse-suffix_8": "my g",
"pmcresponse-suffix_9": "brother",
"pmcresponse-suffix_10": "broski",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11": "my guy",
"pmcresponse-suffix_12": "smh",
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "man",
"pmcresponse-suffix_14": "king",
"pmcresponse-suffix_15": "champ",
"pmcresponse-suffix_16": "amigo",
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "bud",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "guy"