This changes the `RagfairPriceService.getDynamicOfferPriceForOffer()` method to handle the logic surrounding collecting prices for items in offers, while offloading the individual price generation to a new method. The new method, `RagfairPriceService.getDynamicItemPrice()`, is responsible for generating a price for either an item template, or optionally an offerItems collection. This change also allows `getDynamicItemPrice()` to be used elsewhere in the code-base to gather more "realistic" pricing for specific item templates. Fixes an edge-case where unreasonable prices would only be adjusted on the first item within an offer. Includes some tests. Related to #618. This will allow the insurance system to use this method to get better pricing for items.
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557 lines
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import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { OnLoad } from "@spt-aki/di/OnLoad";
import { HandbookHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/HandbookHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper";
import { PresetHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PresetHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/TraderHelper";
import { MinMax } from "@spt-aki/models/common/MinMax";
import { IPreset } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IGlobals";
import { HandbookItem } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IHandbookBase";
import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { IBarterScheme } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { BaseClasses } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/BaseClasses";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { Money } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/Money";
import { IRagfairConfig, IUnreasonableModPrices } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { IRagfairServerPrices } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/ragfair/IRagfairServerPrices";
import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService";
import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil";
* Stores flea prices for items as well as methods to interact with them
export class RagfairPriceService implements OnLoad
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected generatedDynamicPrices: boolean;
protected generatedStaticPrices: boolean;
protected prices: IRagfairServerPrices = { static: {}, dynamic: {} };
@inject("HandbookHelper") protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper,
@inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer,
@inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper,
@inject("PresetHelper") protected presetHelper: PresetHelper,
@inject("TraderHelper") protected traderHelper: TraderHelper,
@inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil,
@inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer,
this.ragfairConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.RAGFAIR);
* Generate static (handbook) and dynamic (prices.json) flea prices, store inside class as dictionaries
public async onLoad(): Promise<void>
if (!this.generatedStaticPrices)
this.generatedStaticPrices = true;
if (!this.generatedDynamicPrices)
this.generatedDynamicPrices = true;
public getRoute(): string
return "RagfairPriceService";
* Iterate over all items of type "Item" in db and get template price, store in cache
public generateStaticPrices(): void
for (
const item of Object.values(this.databaseServer.getTables().templates.items).filter((x) =>
x._type === "Item"
this.prices.static[item._id] = Math.round(this.handbookHelper.getTemplatePrice(item._id));
* Create a dictionary and store prices from prices.json in it
protected generateDynamicPrices(): void
Object.assign(this.prices.dynamic, this.databaseServer.getTables().templates.prices);
* Get the dynamic price for an item. If value doesn't exist, use static (handbook) value.
* if no static value, return 1
* @param tplId Item tpl id to get price for
* @returns price in roubles
public getFleaPriceForItem(tplId: string): number
// Get dynamic price (templates/prices), if that doesnt exist get price from static array (templates/handbook)
let itemPrice = this.getDynamicPriceForItem(tplId) || this.getStaticPriceForItem(tplId);
if (itemPrice === undefined)
this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-unable_to_find_item_price_for_item_in_flea_handbook", tplId),
// If no price in dynamic/static, set to 1
itemPrice = itemPrice || 1;
return itemPrice;
* Get the flea price for an offers items + children
* @param offerItems offer item + children to process
* @returns Rouble price
public getFleaPriceForOfferItems(offerItems: Item[]): number
// Preset weapons take the direct prices.json value, otherwise they're massivly inflated
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(offerItems[0]._tpl, BaseClasses.WEAPON))
return this.getFleaPriceForItem(offerItems[0]._tpl);
let totalPrice = 0;
for (const item of offerItems)
totalPrice += this.getFleaPriceForItem(item._tpl);
return totalPrice;
* get the dynamic (flea) price for an item
* Grabs prices from prices.json and stores in class if none currently exist
* @param itemTpl item template id to look up
* @returns price in roubles
public getDynamicPriceForItem(itemTpl: string): number
if (!this.generatedDynamicPrices)
return this.prices.dynamic[itemTpl];
* Grab the static (handbook) for an item by its tplId
* @param itemTpl item template id to look up
* @returns price in roubles
public getStaticPriceForItem(itemTpl: string): number
if (!this.generatedStaticPrices)
return this.prices.static[itemTpl];
* Get prices for all items on flea, prioritize handbook prices first, use prices from prices.json if missing
* @returns Dictionary of item tpls and rouble cost
public getAllFleaPrices(): Record<string, number>
// assign dynamic (prices.json) values first, then overwrite them with static (handbook.json)
// any values not stored in static data will be covered by dynamic data
return { ...this.prices.dynamic, ...this.prices.static };
public getAllStaticPrices(): Record<string, number>
return { ...this.prices.static };
* Get the percentage difference between two values
* @param a numerical value a
* @param b numerical value b
* @returns different in percent
protected getPriceDifference(a: number, b: number): number
return 100 * a / (a + b);
* Get the rouble price for an assorts barter scheme
* @param barterScheme
* @returns Rouble price
public getBarterPrice(barterScheme: IBarterScheme[]): number
let price = 0;
for (const item of barterScheme)
price += this.prices.static[item._tpl] * item.count;
return Math.round(price);
* Generate a currency cost for an item and its mods
* @param offerItems Item with mods to get price for
* @param desiredCurrency Currency price desired in
* @param isPackOffer Price is for a pack type offer
* @returns cost of item in desired currency
public getDynamicOfferPriceForOffer(offerItems: Item[], desiredCurrency: string, isPackOffer: boolean): number
// Price to return.
let price = 0;
// Iterate over each item in the offer.
for (const item of offerItems)
// Skip over armour inserts as those are not factored into item prices.
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(item._tpl, BaseClasses.BUILT_IN_INSERTS))
price += this.getDynamicItemPrice(item._tpl, desiredCurrency, item, offerItems, isPackOffer);
// Check if the item is a weapon preset.
if (item?.upd?.sptPresetId && this.presetHelper.isPresetBaseClass(item.upd.sptPresetId, BaseClasses.WEAPON))
// This is a weapon preset, which has it's own price calculation that takes into account the mods in the
// preset. Since we've already calculated the price for the preset entire preset in
// `getDynamicItemPrice`, we can skip the rest of the items in the offer.
return Math.round(price);
* @param itemTemplateId
* @param desiredCurrency
* @param item
* @param offerItems
* @param isPackOffer
* @returns
public getDynamicItemPrice(
itemTemplateId: string,
desiredCurrency: string,
item?: Item,
offerItems?: Item[],
isPackOffer?: boolean,
): number
let isPreset = false;
let price = this.getFleaPriceForItem(itemTemplateId);
// Adjust price if below handbook price, based on config.
if (this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.offerAdjustment.adjustPriceWhenBelowHandbookPrice)
price = this.adjustPriceIfBelowHandbook(price, itemTemplateId);
// Use trader price if higher, based on config.
if (this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.useTraderPriceForOffersIfHigher)
const traderPrice = this.traderHelper.getHighestSellToTraderPrice(itemTemplateId);
if (traderPrice > price)
price = traderPrice;
// Prices for weapon presets are handled differently.
if (
&& offerItems
&& this.presetHelper.isPresetBaseClass(item.upd.sptPresetId, BaseClasses.WEAPON)
price = this.getWeaponPresetPrice(item, offerItems, price);
isPreset = true;
// Check for existence of manual price adjustment multiplier
const multiplier = this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.itemPriceMultiplier[itemTemplateId];
if (multiplier)
price *= multiplier;
// The quality of the item affects the price.
if (item)
const qualityModifier = this.itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
price *= qualityModifier;
// Make adjustments for unreasonably priced items.
for (const baseClassTemplateId of Object.keys(this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.unreasonableModPrices))
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemTemplateId, baseClassTemplateId))
// Found an unreasonable price type.
const unreasonableModifier: IUnreasonableModPrices =
if (unreasonableModifier.enabled)
price = this.adjustUnreasonablePrice(
// Vary the price based on the type of offer.
const range = this.getOfferTypeRangeValues(isPreset, isPackOffer);
price = this.randomiseOfferPrice(price, range);
// Convert to different currency if required.
const roublesId = Money.ROUBLES;
if (desiredCurrency !== roublesId)
price = this.handbookHelper.fromRUB(price, desiredCurrency);
if (price < 1)
return 1;
return price;
* using data from config, adjust an items price to be relative to its handbook price
* @param handbookPrices Prices of items in handbook
* @param unreasonableItemChange Change object from config
* @param itemTpl Item being adjusted
* @param price Current price of item
* @returns Adjusted price of item
protected adjustUnreasonablePrice(
handbookPrices: HandbookItem[],
unreasonableItemChange: IUnreasonableModPrices,
itemTpl: string,
price: number,
): number
const itemHandbookPrice = handbookPrices.find((handbookItem) => handbookItem.Id === itemTpl);
if (!itemHandbookPrice)
return price;
// Flea price is over handbook price
if (price > (itemHandbookPrice.Price * unreasonableItemChange.handbookPriceOverMultiplier))
// Skip extreme values
if (price <= 1)
return price;
// Price is over limit, adjust
return itemHandbookPrice.Price * unreasonableItemChange.newPriceHandbookMultiplier;
return price;
* Get different min/max price multipliers for different offer types (preset/pack/default)
* @param isPreset Offer is a preset
* @param isPack Offer is a pack
* @returns MinMax values
protected getOfferTypeRangeValues(isPreset: boolean, isPack: boolean): MinMax
// Use different min/max values if the item is a preset or pack
const priceRanges = this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.priceRanges;
if (isPreset)
return priceRanges.preset;
if (isPack)
return priceRanges.pack;
return priceRanges.default;
* Check to see if an items price is below its handbook price and adjust according to values set to config/ragfair.json
* @param itemPrice price of item
* @param itemTpl item template Id being checked
* @returns adjusted price value in roubles
protected adjustPriceIfBelowHandbook(itemPrice: number, itemTpl: string): number
const itemHandbookPrice = this.getStaticPriceForItem(itemTpl);
const priceDifferencePercent = this.getPriceDifference(itemHandbookPrice, itemPrice);
// Only adjust price if difference is > a percent AND item price passes threshold set in config
if (
priceDifferencePercent > this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.offerAdjustment.maxPriceDifferenceBelowHandbookPercent
&& itemPrice >= this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.offerAdjustment.priceThreshholdRub
// const itemDetails = this.itemHelper.getItem(itemTpl);
// this.logger.debug(`item below handbook price ${itemDetails[1]._name} handbook: ${itemHandbookPrice} flea: ${itemPrice} ${priceDifferencePercent}%`);
itemPrice = Math.round(
itemHandbookPrice * this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.offerAdjustment.handbookPriceMultipier,
return itemPrice;
* Multiply the price by a randomised curve where n = 2, shift = 2
* @param existingPrice price to alter
* @param rangeValues min and max to adjust price by
* @returns multiplied price
protected randomiseOfferPrice(existingPrice: number, rangeValues: MinMax): number
// Multiply by 100 to get 2 decimal places of precision
const multiplier = this.randomUtil.getBiasedRandomNumber(rangeValues.min * 100, rangeValues.max * 100, 2, 2);
// return multiplier back to its original decimal place location
return existingPrice * (multiplier / 100);
* Calculate the cost of a weapon preset by adding together the price of its mods + base price of default weapon preset
* @param weaponRootItem base weapon
* @param weaponWithChildren weapon plus mods
* @param existingPrice price of existing base weapon
* @returns price of weapon in roubles
protected getWeaponPresetPrice(weaponRootItem: Item, weaponWithChildren: Item[], existingPrice: number): number
// Get the default preset for this weapon
const presetResult = this.getWeaponPreset(weaponRootItem);
if (presetResult.isDefault)
return this.getFleaPriceForItem(weaponRootItem._tpl);
// Get mods on current gun not in default preset
const newOrReplacedModsInPresetVsDefault = weaponWithChildren.filter((x) =>
!presetResult.preset._items.some((y) => y._tpl === x._tpl)
// Add up extra mods price
let extraModsPrice = 0;
for (const mod of newOrReplacedModsInPresetVsDefault)
// Use handbook or trader price, whatever is higher (dont use dynamic flea price as purchased item cannot be relisted)
extraModsPrice += this.getHighestHandbookOrTraderPriceAsRouble(mod._tpl);
// Only deduct cost of replaced mods if there's replaced/new mods
if (newOrReplacedModsInPresetVsDefault.length >= 1)
// Add up cost of mods replaced
const modsReplacedByNewMods = newOrReplacedModsInPresetVsDefault.filter((x) =>
presetResult.preset._items.some((y) => y.slotId === x.slotId)
// Add up replaced mods price
let replacedModsPrice = 0;
for (const replacedMod of modsReplacedByNewMods)
replacedModsPrice += this.getHighestHandbookOrTraderPriceAsRouble(replacedMod._tpl);
// Subtract replaced mods total from extra mods total
extraModsPrice -= replacedModsPrice;
// return extra mods price + base gun price
return existingPrice + extraModsPrice;
* Get the highest price for an item that is stored in handbook or trader assorts
* @param itemTpl Item to get highest price of
* @returns rouble cost
protected getHighestHandbookOrTraderPriceAsRouble(itemTpl: string): number
let price = this.getStaticPriceForItem(itemTpl);
const traderPrice = this.traderHelper.getHighestSellToTraderPrice(itemTpl);
if (traderPrice > price)
price = traderPrice;
return price;
* Attempt to get the default preset for a weapon, failing that get the first preset in the array
* (assumes default = has encyclopedia entry)
* @param presets weapon presets to choose from
* @returns Default preset object
protected getWeaponPreset(weapon: Item): { isDefault: boolean; preset: IPreset; }
const defaultPreset = this.presetHelper.getDefaultPreset(weapon._tpl);
if (defaultPreset)
return { isDefault: true, preset: defaultPreset };
const nonDefaultPresets = this.presetHelper.getPresets(weapon._tpl);
if (nonDefaultPresets.length === 1)
`Item Id: ${weapon._tpl} has no default encyclopedia entry but only one preset (${
}), choosing preset (${nonDefaultPresets[0]._name})`,
`Item Id: ${weapon._tpl} has no default encyclopedia entry, choosing first preset (${
}) of ${nonDefaultPresets.length}`,
return { isDefault: false, preset: nonDefaultPresets[0] };