These are the formatting & linting configuration changes from the `3.8.0` branch and the changes that they make to the overall project. The majority of these changes are from running two commands: `npm run lint:fix` `npm run style:fix` This has already been run on the `3.8.0` branch and this PR should make `master` play nicer when it comes to merges going forward. There are now four VSCode plugins recommended for server development. They've been added to the workspace file and a user should get a UI notification when the workspace is opened if they're not installed. The four plugins are: Once installed they should just work within the workspace. Also, be sure to `npm i` to get the new dprint application. Co-authored-by: Refringe <> Reviewed-on:
193 lines
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193 lines
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import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper";
import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ITemplateItem } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { BaseClasses } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/BaseClasses";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { IBotConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer";
export class BotModLimits
scope: ItemCount;
scopeMax: number;
scopeBaseTypes: string[];
flashlightLaser: ItemCount;
flashlightLaserMax: number;
flashlgihtLaserBaseTypes: string[];
export class ItemCount
count: number;
export class BotWeaponModLimitService
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
@inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer,
@inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper,
this.botConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.BOT);
* Initalise mod limits to be used when generating a weapon
* @param botRole "assault", "bossTagilla" or "pmc"
* @returns BotModLimits object
public getWeaponModLimits(botRole: string): BotModLimits
return {
scope: { count: 0 },
scopeBaseTypes: [
flashlightLaser: { count: 0 },
flashlgihtLaserBaseTypes: [
* Check if weapon mod item is on limited list + has surpassed the limit set for it
* Exception: Always allow ncstar backup mount
* Exception: Always allow scopes with a scope for a parent
* Exception: Always disallow mounts that hold only scopes once scope limit reached
* Exception: Always disallow mounts that hold only flashlights once flashlight limit reached
* @param botRole role the bot has e.g. assault
* @param modTemplate mods template data
* @param modLimits limits set for weapon being generated for this bot
* @param modsParent The parent of the mod to be checked
* @returns true if over item limit
public weaponModHasReachedLimit(
botRole: string,
modTemplate: ITemplateItem,
modLimits: BotModLimits,
modsParent: ITemplateItem,
weapon: Item[],
): boolean
// If mod or mods parent is the NcSTAR MPR45 Backup mount, allow it as it looks cool
const ncSTARTpl = "5649a2464bdc2d91118b45a8";
if (modsParent._id === ncSTARTpl || modTemplate._id === ncSTARTpl)
// If weapon already has a longer ranged scope on it, allow ncstar to be spawned
if (
weapon.some((x) =>
this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(x._tpl, [
return false;
return true;
// mods parent is scope and mod is scope, allow it (adds those mini-sights to the tops of sights)
const modIsScope = this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(modTemplate._id, modLimits.scopeBaseTypes);
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(modsParent._id, modLimits.scopeBaseTypes) && modIsScope)
return false;
// If mod is a scope, return if limit reached
if (modIsScope)
return this.weaponModLimitReached(modTemplate._id, modLimits.scope, modLimits.scopeMax, botRole);
// Mod is a mount that can hold only scopes and limit is reached (dont want to add empty mounts if limit is reached)
if (
this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(modTemplate._id, BaseClasses.MOUNT)
&& modTemplate._props.Slots.some((x) => x._name === "mod_scope")
&& modTemplate._props.Slots.length === 1
&& modLimits.scope.count >= modLimits.scopeMax
return true;
// If mod is a light/laser, return if limit reached
const modIsLightOrLaser = this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(modTemplate._id, modLimits.flashlgihtLaserBaseTypes);
if (modIsLightOrLaser)
return this.weaponModLimitReached(
// Mod is a mount that can hold only flashlights ad limit is reached (dont want to add empty mounts if limit is reached)
if (
this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(modTemplate._id, BaseClasses.MOUNT)
&& modTemplate._props.Slots.some((x) => x._name === "mod_flashlight")
&& modTemplate._props.Slots.length === 1
&& modLimits.scope.count >= modLimits.scopeMax
return true;
return false;
* Check if the specific item type on the weapon has reached the set limit
* @param modTpl log mod tpl if over type limit
* @param currentCount current number of this item on gun
* @param maxLimit mod limit allowed
* @param botRole role of bot we're checking weapon of
* @returns true if limit reached
protected weaponModLimitReached(
modTpl: string,
currentCount: { count: number; },
maxLimit: number,
botRole: string,
): boolean
// No value or 0
if (!maxLimit)
return false;
// Has mod limit for bot type been reached
if (currentCount.count >= maxLimit)
// this.logger.debug(`[${botRole}] scope limit reached! tried to add ${modTpl} but scope count is ${currentCount.count}`);
return true;
// Increment scope count
return false;