- Ability to use @spt-aki path alias on the whole project. - Swapped all imports from relative paths, for imports using the path alias. Reviewed-on: https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/pulls/157 Co-authored-by: TheSparta <thesparta@noreply.dev.sp-tarkov.com> Co-committed-by: TheSparta <thesparta@noreply.dev.sp-tarkov.com>
643 lines
24 KiB
643 lines
24 KiB
import { execSync } from "node:child_process";
import os from "node:os";
import path from "node:path";
import semver from "semver";
import { DependencyContainer, inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { BundleLoader } from "@spt-aki/loaders/BundleLoader";
import { ModLoadOrder } from "@spt-aki/loaders/ModLoadOrder";
import { ModTypeCheck } from "@spt-aki/loaders/ModTypeCheck";
import { ModDetails } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { IPreAkiLoadMod } from "@spt-aki/models/external/IPreAkiLoadMod";
import { IPreAkiLoadModAsync } from "@spt-aki/models/external/IPreAkiLoadModAsync";
import { ICoreConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { IModLoader } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/mod/IModLoader";
import { IPackageJsonData } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/mod/IPackageJsonData";
import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService";
import { ModCompilerService } from "@spt-aki/services/ModCompilerService";
import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil";
import { VFS } from "@spt-aki/utils/VFS";
export class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader
protected static container: DependencyContainer;
protected readonly basepath = "user/mods/";
protected readonly modOrderPath = "user/mods/order.json";
protected order: Record<string, number> = {};
protected imported: Record<string, IPackageJsonData> = {};
protected akiConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected serverDependencies: Record<string, string>;
protected skippedMods: string[] = [];
@inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("VFS") protected vfs: VFS,
@inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil,
@inject("ModCompilerService") protected modCompilerService: ModCompilerService,
@inject("BundleLoader") protected bundleLoader: BundleLoader,
@inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer,
@inject("ModLoadOrder") protected modLoadOrder: ModLoadOrder,
@inject("ModTypeCheck") protected modTypeCheck: ModTypeCheck
this.akiConfig = this.configServer.getConfig<ICoreConfig>(ConfigTypes.CORE);
const packageJsonPath: string = path.join(__dirname, "../../package.json");
this.serverDependencies = JSON.parse(this.vfs.readFile(packageJsonPath)).dependencies;
public async load(container: DependencyContainer): Promise<void>
if (globalThis.G_MODS_ENABLED)
PreAkiModLoader.container = container;
await this.importMods();
await this.executeMods(container);
* Returns a list of mods with preserved load order
* @returns Array of mod names in load order
public getImportedModsNames(): string[]
return Object.keys(this.imported);
public getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>
return this.imported;
public getProfileModsGroupedByModName(profileMods: ModDetails[]): ModDetails[]
// Group all mods used by profile by name
const modsGroupedByName: Record<string, ModDetails[]> = {};
for (const mod of profileMods)
if (!modsGroupedByName[mod.name])
modsGroupedByName[mod.name] = [];
// Find the highest versioned mod and add to results array
const result = [];
for (const modName in modsGroupedByName)
const modDatas = modsGroupedByName[modName];
const modVersions = modDatas.map(x => x.version);
const highestVersion = semver.maxSatisfying(modVersions, "*");
const chosenVersion = modDatas.find(x => x.name === modName && x.version === highestVersion);
if (!chosenVersion)
return result;
public getModPath(mod: string): string
return `${this.basepath}${mod}/`;
protected async importMods(): Promise<void>
if (!this.vfs.exists(this.basepath))
// no mods folder found
let mods: string[] = this.vfs.getDirs(this.basepath);
this.logger.info(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-loading_mods", mods.length));
// Mod order
if (!this.vfs.exists(this.modOrderPath))
// Write file with empty order array to disk
this.vfs.writeFile(this.modOrderPath, this.jsonUtil.serializeAdvanced({order: []}, null, 4));
const modOrder = this.vfs.readFile(this.modOrderPath, { encoding: "utf8" });
this.jsonUtil.deserialize<any>(modOrder).order.forEach((mod: string, index: number) =>
this.order[mod] = index;
catch (error)
// Used to check all errors before stopping the load execution
let errorsFound = false;
// Validate and remove broken mods from mod list
const brokenMods: string[] = this.getBrokenMods(mods);
mods = mods.filter( ( mod ) => !brokenMods.includes( mod ) );
const modPackageData = this.getModsPackageData(mods);
for (const modFolderName in modPackageData)
const modToValidate = modPackageData[modFolderName];
// if the mod has library dependencies check if these dependencies are bundled in the server, if not install them
if (modToValidate.dependencies && Object.keys(modToValidate.dependencies).length > 0 && !this.vfs.exists(`${this.basepath}${modFolderName}/node_modules`))
this.autoInstallDependencies(`${this.basepath}${modFolderName}`, modToValidate);
// Returns if any mod dependency is not satisfied
if (!this.areModDependenciesFulfilled(modToValidate, modPackageData))
errorsFound = true;
// Returns if at least two incompatible mods are found
if (!this.isModCompatible(modToValidate, modPackageData))
errorsFound = true;
// Returns if mod isnt compatible with this verison of aki
if (!this.isModCombatibleWithAki(modToValidate))
errorsFound = true;
if (errorsFound)
// sort mod order
const missingFromOrderJSON = {};
const sortedMods = mods.sort((prev, next) => this.sortMods(prev, next, missingFromOrderJSON));
// log the missing mods from order.json
Object.keys(missingFromOrderJSON).forEach((missingMod) => (this.logger.debug(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json", missingMod))));
// add mods
for (const mod of sortedMods)
await this.addMod(mod);
protected sortMods(prev: string, next: string, missingFromOrderJSON: Record<string, boolean>): number
const previndex = this.order[prev];
const nextindex = this.order[next];
// mod is not on the list, move the mod to last
if (previndex === undefined)
missingFromOrderJSON[prev] = true;
return 1;
else if (nextindex === undefined)
missingFromOrderJSON[next] = true;
return -1;
return previndex - nextindex;
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
protected checkForDuplicateMods(modPackageData: Record<string, IPackageJsonData>): void
const modNames = [];
for (const modKey in modPackageData)
const mod = modPackageData[modKey];
const dupes = this.getDuplicates(modNames);
if (dupes?.length > 0)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-x_duplicates_found", dupes.join(",")));
* Check for and return duplicate strings inside an array
* @param stringArray Array to check for duplicates
* @returns string array of duplicates, empty if none found
protected getDuplicates(stringArray: string[]): string[]
return stringArray.filter((s => v => s.has(v) || !s.add(v))(new Set));
* Get an array of mods with errors that prevent them from working with SPT
* @param mods mods to validate
* @returns Mod names as array
protected getBrokenMods(mods: string[]): string[]
const brokenMods: string[] = [];
for (const mod of mods)
if (!this.validMod(mod))
return brokenMods;
* Get packageJson data for mods
* @param mods mods to get packageJson for
* @returns dictionary <modName - package.json>
protected getModsPackageData(mods: string[]): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>
const loadedMods: Record<string, IPackageJsonData> = {};
for (const mod of mods)
loadedMods[mod] = this.jsonUtil.deserialize(this.vfs.readFile(`${this.getModPath(mod)}/package.json`));
return loadedMods;
protected isModCombatibleWithAki(mod: IPackageJsonData): boolean
const akiVersion = this.akiConfig.akiVersion;
const modName = `${mod.author}-${mod.name}`;
// Error and prevent loading If no akiVersion property exists
if (!mod.akiVersion)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-missing_akiversion_field", modName));
return false;
// Error and prevent loading if akiVersion property is not a valid semver string
if (!(semver.valid(mod.akiVersion) || semver.validRange(mod.akiVersion)))
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-invalid_akiversion_field", modName));
return false;
// Warn and allow loading if semver is not satisfied
if (!semver.satisfies(akiVersion, mod.akiVersion))
this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-outdated_akiversion_field", modName));
return true;
return true;
protected async executeMods(container: DependencyContainer): Promise<void>
// sort mods load order
const source = this.sortModsLoadOrder();
// import mod classes
for (const mod of source)
if ("main" in this.imported[mod])
const filepath = `${this.getModPath(mod)}${this.imported[mod].main}`;
// import class
const modFilePath = `${process.cwd()}/${filepath}`;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const requiredMod = require(modFilePath);
if (!this.modTypeCheck.isPostV3Compatible(requiredMod.mod))
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-mod_incompatible", mod));
delete this.imported[mod];
if (this.modTypeCheck.isPreAkiLoadAsync(requiredMod.mod))
await (requiredMod.mod as IPreAkiLoadModAsync).preAkiLoadAsync(container);
globalThis[mod] = requiredMod;
catch (err)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-async_mod_error", `${err?.message ?? ""}\n${err.stack ?? ""}`));
if (this.modTypeCheck.isPreAkiLoad(requiredMod.mod))
(requiredMod.mod as IPreAkiLoadMod).preAkiLoad(container);
globalThis[mod] = requiredMod;
public sortModsLoadOrder(): string[]
// if loadorder.json exists: load it, otherwise generate load order
if (this.vfs.exists(`${this.basepath}loadorder.json`))
return this.jsonUtil.deserialize(this.vfs.readFile(`${this.basepath}loadorder.json`));
return this.modLoadOrder.getLoadOrder();
* Compile mod and add into class property "imported"
* @param mod Name of mod to compile/add
protected async addMod(mod: string): Promise<void>
const modPath = this.getModPath(mod);
const packageData = this.jsonUtil.deserialize<IPackageJsonData>(this.vfs.readFile(`${modPath}/package.json`));
if (this.skippedMods.includes(packageData.name))
this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-skipped_mod", {name: packageData.name, author: packageData.author}));
const isBundleMod = packageData.isBundleMod ?? false;
if (isBundleMod)
const typeScriptFiles = this.vfs.getFilesOfType(`${modPath}src`, ".ts");
if (typeScriptFiles.length > 0)
if (globalThis.G_MODS_TRANSPILE_TS)
// compile ts into js if ts files exist and globalThis.G_MODS_TRANSPILE_TS is set to true
await this.modCompilerService.compileMod(mod, modPath, typeScriptFiles);
// rename the mod entry point to .ts if it's set to .js because G_MODS_TRANSPILE_TS is set to false
packageData.main = (packageData.main).replace(".js", ".ts");
// Purge scripts data from package object
packageData.scripts = {};
// Add mod to imported list
this.imported[mod] = {...packageData, dependencies: packageData.modDependencies};
this.logger.info(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-loaded_mod", {name: packageData.name, version: packageData.version, author: packageData.author}));
protected autoInstallDependencies(modPath: string, pkg: IPackageJsonData): void
const dependenciesToInstall: [string, string][] = Object.entries(pkg.dependencies);
let depIdx = 0;
for (const [depName, depVersion] of dependenciesToInstall)
// currently not checking for version mismatches, but we could check it, just don't know what we would do afterwards, some options would be:
// 1 - throw an error
// 2 - use the server's version (which is what's currently happening by not checking the version)
// 3 - use the mod's version (don't know the reprecursions this would have, or if it would even work)
// if a dependency from the mod exists in the server dependencies we can safely remove it from the list of dependencies to install since it already comes bundled in the server.
if (this.serverDependencies[depName])
dependenciesToInstall.splice(depIdx, 1);
//if the mod has no extra dependencies return as there's nothing that needs to be done.
if (dependenciesToInstall.length === 0)
//if this feature flag is set to false, we warn the user he has a mod that requires extra dependencies and might not work, point them in the right direction on how to enable this feature.
if (!this.akiConfig.features.autoInstallModDependencies)
this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-installing_external_dependencies_disabled", {
name: pkg.name,
author: pkg.author,
configPath: path.join(globalThis.G_RELEASE_CONFIGURATION ? "Aki_Data/Server/configs" : "assets/configs", "core.json"),
configOption: "autoInstallModDependencies"
//temporarily rename package.json because otherwise npm, pnpm and any other package manager will forcefully download all packages in dependencies without any way of disabling this behavior
this.vfs.rename(`${modPath}/package.json`, `${modPath}/package.json.bak`);
this.vfs.writeFile(`${modPath}/package.json`, "{}");
this.logger.info(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-installing_external_dependencies", {name: pkg.name, author: pkg.author}));
const pnpmPath = path.join(process.cwd(), (globalThis.G_RELEASE_CONFIGURATION ? "Aki_Data/Server/@pnpm/exe" : "node_modules/@pnpm/exe"), (os.platform() === "win32" ? "pnpm.exe" : "pnpm"));
let command: string = `${pnpmPath} install `;
command += dependenciesToInstall.map(([depName, depVersion]) => `${depName}@${depVersion}`).join(" ");
execSync(command, { cwd: modPath });
// delete the new blank package.json then rename the backup back to the original name
this.vfs.rename(`${modPath}/package.json.bak`, `${modPath}/package.json`);
protected areModDependenciesFulfilled(pkg: IPackageJsonData, loadedMods: Record<string, IPackageJsonData>): boolean
if (!pkg.modDependencies)
return true;
const modName = `${pkg.author}-${pkg.name}`;
for (const [modDependency, requiredVersion ] of Object.entries(pkg.modDependencies))
// Raise dependency version incompatible if the dependency is not found in the mod list
if (!(modDependency in loadedMods))
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-missing_dependency", {mod: modName, modDependency: modDependency}));
return false;
if (!semver.satisfies(loadedMods[modDependency].version, requiredVersion))
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-outdated_dependency", {mod: modName, modDependency: modDependency, currentVersion: loadedMods[modDependency].version, requiredVersion: requiredVersion}));
return false;
return true;
protected isModCompatible(mod: IPackageJsonData, loadedMods: Record<string, IPackageJsonData>): boolean
const incompatbileModsList = mod.incompatibilities;
if (!incompatbileModsList)
return true;
for (const incompatibleModName of incompatbileModsList)
// Raise dependency version incompatible if any incompatible mod is found
if (incompatibleModName in loadedMods)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-incompatible_mod_found", {author: mod.author, modName: mod.name, incompatibleModName: incompatibleModName}));
return false;
return true;
* Validate a mod passes a number of checks
* @param modName name of mod in /mods/ to validate
* @returns true if valid
protected validMod(modName: string): boolean
const modPath = this.getModPath(modName);
const modIsCalledBepinEx = modName.toLowerCase() === "bepinex";
const modIsCalledUser = modName.toLowerCase() === "user";
const modIsCalledSrc = modName.toLowerCase() === "src";
const modIsCalledDb = modName.toLowerCase() === "db";
const hasBepinExFolderStructure = this.vfs.exists(`${modPath}/plugins`);
const containsDll = this.vfs.getFiles(`${modPath}`).find(x => x.includes(".dll"));
if (modIsCalledSrc || modIsCalledDb || modIsCalledUser)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-not_correct_mod_folder", modName));
return false;
if (modIsCalledBepinEx || hasBepinExFolderStructure || containsDll)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-is_client_mod", modName));
return false;
// Check if config exists
if (!this.vfs.exists(`${modPath}/package.json`))
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-missing_package_json", modName));
return false;
// Validate mod
const config = this.jsonUtil.deserialize<IPackageJsonData>(this.vfs.readFile(`${modPath}/package.json`));
const checks = ["name", "author", "version", "license"];
let issue = false;
for (const check of checks)
if (!(check in config))
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-missing_package_json_property", {modName: modName, prop: check}));
issue = true;
if (!semver.valid(config.version))
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-invalid_version_property", modName));
issue = true;
if ("main" in config)
if (config.main.split(".").pop() !== "js") // expects js file as entry
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-main_property_not_js", modName));
issue = true;
if (!this.vfs.exists(`${modPath}/${config.main}`))
// If TS file exists with same name, dont perform check as we'll generate JS from TS file
const tsFileName = config.main.replace(".js", ".ts");
const tsFileExists = this.vfs.exists(`${modPath}/${tsFileName}`);
if (!tsFileExists)
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing", modName));
issue = true;
if (config.incompatibilities && !Array.isArray(config.incompatibilities))
this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array", modName));
issue = true;
return !issue;
public getContainer(): DependencyContainer
if (PreAkiModLoader.container)
return PreAkiModLoader.container;
throw new Error(this.localisationService.getText("modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized"));