Gifts can be given multiple times stash expansions are limited to 5 max by default dev balaclava can be given 5 times, majority of gifts are 1 use still Updated data structure to persist gifts received, this will break profiles
37 lines
933 B
37 lines
933 B
"sptVersion": "3.9.0",
"projectName": "SPT",
"compatibleTarkovVersion": "",
"serverName": "SPT Server",
"profileSaveIntervalSeconds": 15,
"sptFriendNickname": "SPT",
"allowProfileWipe": true,
"bsgLogging": {
"verbosity": 6,
"sendToServer": false
"release": {
"betaDisclaimerTimeoutDelay": 30
"fixes": {
"fixShotgunDispersion": true,
"removeModItemsFromProfile": false,
"fixProfileBreakingInventoryItemIssues": false
"features": {
"autoInstallModDependencies": false,
"compressProfile": false,
"chatbotFeatures": {
"sptFriendEnabled": true,
"commandoEnabled": true,
"commandoFeatures": {
"giveCommandEnabled": true
"commandUseLimits": {
"StashRows": 5
"customWatermarkLocaleKeys": []