- Adds additional ItemHelper tests - Attempts to bring container registration into the environment to debug how we can register everything but not actually start the server.
776 lines
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776 lines
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import "reflect-metadata";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper";
import { DependencyContainer } from "tsyringe";
import { Item, Repairable } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { HashUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HashUtil";
describe("ItemHelper", () =>
let container: DependencyContainer;
let itemHelper: ItemHelper;
// Spies
let handbookHelperGetTemplatePriceSpy: jest.SpyInstance;
let loggerWarningSpy: jest.SpyInstance;
let loggerErrorSpy: jest.SpyInstance;
let databaseServerGetTablesSpy: jest.SpyInstance;
let jsonUtilCloneSpy: jest.SpyInstance;
beforeAll(() =>
container = globalThis.container;
itemHelper = container.resolve<ItemHelper>("ItemHelper");
afterEach(() =>
describe("isValidItem", () =>
it("should return false when item details are not available", () =>
const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("non-existent-item");
it("should return false when item is a quest item", () =>
const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("590de92486f77423d9312a33"); // "Gold pocket watch on a chain"
it("should return false when item is of an invalid base type", () =>
const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("5fc64ea372b0dd78d51159dc", ["invalid-base-type"]); // "Cultist knife"
it("should return false when item's price is zero", () =>
// Unsure if any item has price of "0", so mock the getItemPrice method to return 0.
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getItemPrice").mockReturnValue(0);
const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("5fc64ea372b0dd78d51159dc");
it("should return false when item is in the blacklist", () =>
const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("6087e570b998180e9f76dc24"); // "Superfors DB 2020 Dead Blow Hammer"
it("should return true when item is valid", () =>
const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("5fc64ea372b0dd78d51159dc"); // "Cultist knife"
describe("isOfBaseclass", () =>
it("should return true when item has the given base class", () =>
// ID 590c657e86f77412b013051d is a "Grizzly medical kit" of base class "MedKit".
const result = itemHelper.isOfBaseclass("590c657e86f77412b013051d", "5448f39d4bdc2d0a728b4568");
it("should return false when item does not have the given base class", () =>
// ID 590c657e86f77412b013051d is a "Grizzly medical kit" not of base class "Knife".
const result = itemHelper.isOfBaseclass("590c657e86f77412b013051d", "5447e1d04bdc2dff2f8b4567");
describe("isOfBaseclasses", () =>
it("should return true when item has the given base class", () =>
// ID 590c657e86f77412b013051d is a "Grizzly medical kit" of base class "MedKit".
const result = itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses("590c657e86f77412b013051d", ["5448f39d4bdc2d0a728b4568"]);
it("should return false when item does not have the given base class", () =>
// ID 590c657e86f77412b013051d is a "Grizzly medical kit" not of base class "Knife".
const result = itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses("590c657e86f77412b013051d", ["5447e1d04bdc2dff2f8b4567"]);
describe("getItemPrice", () =>
it("should return static price when it is greater than or equal to 1", () =>
const staticPrice = 1;
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d";
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(staticPrice);
const result = itemHelper.getItemPrice(tpl);
it("should return dynamic price when static price is less than 1", () =>
const staticPrice = 0;
const dynamicPrice = 42069;
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d";
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(staticPrice);
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getDynamicItemPrice").mockReturnValue(dynamicPrice);
const result = itemHelper.getItemPrice(tpl);
// Failing because getDynamicItemPrice is called incorrectly.
it("should return 0 when neither handbook nor dynamic price is available", () =>
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d";
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(0);
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getDynamicItemPrice").mockReturnValue(0);
const result = itemHelper.getItemPrice(tpl);
// Failing because getStaticItemPrice will return 1 on a failed lookup. ???
describe("getItemMaxPrice", () =>
it("should return static price when it is higher", () =>
const staticPrice = 420;
const dynamicPrice = 69;
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d";
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(staticPrice);
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getDynamicItemPrice").mockReturnValue(dynamicPrice);
const result = itemHelper.getItemMaxPrice(tpl);
it("should return dynamic price when it is higher", () =>
const staticPrice = 69;
const dynamicPrice = 420;
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d";
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(staticPrice);
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getDynamicItemPrice").mockReturnValue(dynamicPrice);
const result = itemHelper.getItemMaxPrice(tpl);
it("should return either when both prices are equal", () =>
const price = 42069;
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d";
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(price);
jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getDynamicItemPrice").mockReturnValue(price);
const result = itemHelper.getItemMaxPrice(tpl);
it("should return 0 when item does not exist", () =>
const tpl = "non-existent-item";
const result = itemHelper.getItemMaxPrice(tpl);
// Failing because getStaticItemPrice will return 1 on a failed lookup. ???
describe("getStaticItemPrice", () =>
it("should return handbook price when it is greater than or equal to 1", () =>
const price = 42069;
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d";
handbookHelperGetTemplatePriceSpy = jest.spyOn((itemHelper as any).handbookHelper, "getTemplatePrice");
const result = itemHelper.getStaticItemPrice(tpl);
it("should return 0 when handbook price is less than 1", () =>
const price = 0;
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; // "Grizzly medical kit"
handbookHelperGetTemplatePriceSpy = jest.spyOn((itemHelper as any).handbookHelper, "getTemplatePrice");
const result = itemHelper.getStaticItemPrice(tpl);
describe("getDynamicItemPrice", () =>
it("should return the correct dynamic price when it exists", () =>
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; // "Grizzly medical kit"
const result = itemHelper.getDynamicItemPrice(tpl);
it("should return 0 when the dynamic price does not exist", () =>
const tpl = "non-existent-item";
const result = itemHelper.getDynamicItemPrice(tpl);
describe("fixItemStackCount", () =>
it("should set upd.StackObjectsCount to 1 if upd is undefined", () =>
const initialItem: Item = {
_id: "",
_tpl: ""
const fixedItem = itemHelper.fixItemStackCount(initialItem);
it("should set upd.StackObjectsCount to 1 if upd.StackObjectsCount is undefined", () =>
const initialItem: Item = {
_id: "",
_tpl: "",
upd: {}
const fixedItem = itemHelper.fixItemStackCount(initialItem);
it("should not change upd.StackObjectsCount if it is already defined", () =>
const initialItem: Item = {
_id: "",
_tpl: "",
upd: {
StackObjectsCount: 5
const fixedItem = itemHelper.fixItemStackCount(initialItem);
describe("generateItemsFromStackSlot", () =>
it("should generate valid StackSlot item for an AmmoBox", () =>
const ammoBox = itemHelper.getItem("57372c89245977685d4159b1"); // "5.45x39mm BT gs ammo pack (30 pcs)"
const parentId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const result = itemHelper.generateItemsFromStackSlot(ammoBox[1], parentId);
it("should log a warning if no IDs are found in Filter", () =>
const ammoBox = itemHelper.getItem("57372c89245977685d4159b1"); // "5.45x39mm BT gs ammo pack (30 pcs)"
ammoBox[1]._props.StackSlots[0]._props.filters[0].Filter = []; // Empty the Filter array.
const parentId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
loggerWarningSpy = jest.spyOn((itemHelper as any).logger, "warning");
itemHelper.generateItemsFromStackSlot(ammoBox[1], parentId);
describe("getItems", () =>
it("should call databaseServer.getTables() and jsonUtil.clone() methods", () =>
databaseServerGetTablesSpy = jest.spyOn((itemHelper as any).databaseServer, "getTables");
jsonUtilCloneSpy = jest.spyOn((itemHelper as any).jsonUtil, "clone");
it("should return a new array, not a reference to the original", () =>
const tables = container.resolve<DatabaseServer>("DatabaseServer").getTables();
const originalItems = Object.values(tables.templates.items);
const clonedItems = itemHelper.getItems();
// Change something in the cloned array
clonedItems[0]._id = "modified";
// Validate that the original array remains unchanged
describe("getItem", () =>
it("should return true and the item if the tpl exists", () =>
// ID 590c657e86f77412b013051d is a "Grizzly medical kit".
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d";
const tables = container.resolve<DatabaseServer>("DatabaseServer").getTables();
const item = tables.templates.items[tpl];
const [isValid, returnedItem] = itemHelper.getItem(tpl);
it("should return false and undefined if the tpl does not exist", () =>
const tpl = "non-existent-item";
const [isValid, returnedItem] = itemHelper.getItem(tpl);
describe("isItemInDb", () =>
it("should return true if getItem returns true as the first element", () =>
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; // "Grizzly medical kit"
const result = itemHelper.isItemInDb(tpl);
it("should return false if getItem returns false as the first element", () =>
const tpl = "non-existent-item";
const result = itemHelper.isItemInDb(tpl);
it("should call getItem with the provided tpl", () =>
const itemHelperSpy = jest.spyOn(itemHelper, "getItem");
const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; // "Grizzly medical kit"
describe("getItemQualityModifier", () =>
it("should return 1 for an item with no upd", () =>
const itemId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const item: Item = {
_id: itemId,
_tpl: "590c657e86f77412b013051d" // "Grizzly medical kit"
const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
it("should return 1 for an item with upd but no relevant fields", () =>
const itemId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const item: Item = {
_id: itemId,
_tpl: "590c657e86f77412b013051d", // "Grizzly medical kit"
upd: {}
const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
it("should return correct value for a medkit", () =>
const itemId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const item: Item = {
_id: itemId,
_tpl: "590c657e86f77412b013051d", // "Grizzly medical kit"
upd: {
MedKit: {
HpResource: 900 // 1800 total
const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
it("should return correct value for a reparable helmet", () =>
const itemId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const item: Item = {
_id: itemId,
_tpl: "5b40e1525acfc4771e1c6611", // "HighCom Striker ULACH IIIA helmet (Black)"
upd: {
Repairable: {
Durability: 19,
MaxDurability: 38
const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
it("should return correct value for a reparable weapon", () =>
const itemId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const item: Item = {
_id: itemId,
_tpl: "5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b", // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun"
upd: {
Repairable: {
Durability: 20,
MaxDurability: 100
const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
it("should return correct value for a food or drink item", () =>
const itemId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const item: Item = {
_id: itemId,
_tpl: "5448fee04bdc2dbc018b4567", // "Bottle of water (0.6L)"
upd: {
FoodDrink: {
HpPercent: 30 // Not actually a percentage, but value of max 60.
const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
it("should return correct value for a key item", () =>
const itemId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const item: Item = {
_id: itemId,
_tpl: "5780cf7f2459777de4559322", // "Dorm room 314 marked key"
upd: {
Key: {
NumberOfUsages: 5
const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
it("should return correct value for a resource item", () =>
const itemId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const item: Item = {
_id: itemId,
_tpl: "5d1b36a186f7742523398433", // "Metal fuel tank"
upd: {
Resource: {
Value: 50, // How much fuel is left in the tank.
UnitsConsumed: 50 // How much fuel has been used in the generator.
const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
it("should return correct value for a repair kit item", () =>
const itemId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const item: Item = {
_id: itemId,
_tpl: "591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef", // "Body armor repair kit"
upd: {
RepairKit: {
Resource: 600
const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
it("should return 0.01 for an item with upd but all relevant fields are 0", () =>
const itemId = container.resolve<HashUtil>("HashUtil").generate();
const item: Item = {
_id: itemId,
_tpl: "591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef", // "Body armor repair kit"
upd: {
RepairKit: {
Resource: 0
const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item);
describe("getRepairableItemQualityValue", () =>
it("should return the correct quality value for armor items", () =>
const armor = itemHelper.getItem("5648a7494bdc2d9d488b4583")[1]; // "PACA Soft Armor"
const repairable: Repairable = {
Durability: 25,
MaxDurability: 50
const item: Item = { // Not used for armor, but required for the method.
_id: "",
_tpl: ""
// Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method.
const result = (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(armor, repairable, item);
it("should not use the Repairable MaxDurability property for armor", () =>
const armor = itemHelper.getItem("5648a7494bdc2d9d488b4583")[1]; // "PACA Soft Armor"
const repairable: Repairable = {
Durability: 25,
MaxDurability: 1000 // This should be ignored.
const item: Item = { // Not used for armor, but required for the method.
_id: "",
_tpl: ""
// Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method.
const result = (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(armor, repairable, item);
it("should return the correct quality value for weapon items", () =>
const weapon = itemHelper.getItem("5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b")[1]; // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun"
const repairable: Repairable = {
Durability: 50,
MaxDurability: 100
const item: Item = {
_id: "",
_tpl: ""
// Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method.
const result = (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(weapon, repairable, item);
it("should fall back to using Repairable MaxDurability for weapon items", () =>
const weapon = itemHelper.getItem("5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b")[1]; // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun"
weapon._props.MaxDurability = undefined; // Remove the MaxDurability property.
const repairable: Repairable = {
Durability: 50,
MaxDurability: 200 // This should be used now.
const item: Item = {
_id: "",
_tpl: ""
// Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method.
const result = (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(weapon, repairable, item);
it("should return 1 if durability value is invalid", () =>
const weapon = itemHelper.getItem("5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b")[1]; // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun"
weapon._props.MaxDurability = undefined; // Remove the MaxDurability property.
const repairable: Repairable = {
Durability: 50,
MaxDurability: undefined // Remove the MaxDurability property value... Technically an invalid Type.
const item: Item = {
_id: "",
_tpl: ""
// Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method.
const result = (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(weapon, repairable, item);
it("should not divide by zero", () =>
const weapon = itemHelper.getItem("5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b")[1]; // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun"
weapon._props.MaxDurability = undefined; // Remove the MaxDurability property.
const repairable: Repairable = {
Durability: 50,
MaxDurability: 0 // This is a problem.
const item: Item = {
_id: "",
_tpl: ""
// Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method.
const result = (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(weapon, repairable, item);
it("should log an error if durability is invalid", () =>
const weapon = itemHelper.getItem("5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b")[1]; // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun"
weapon._props.MaxDurability = undefined; // Remove the MaxDurability property.
const repairable: Repairable = {
Durability: 50,
MaxDurability: undefined // Remove the MaxDurability property value... Technically an invalid Type.
const item: Item = {
_id: "",
_tpl: ""
loggerErrorSpy = jest.spyOn((itemHelper as any).logger, "error");
// Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method.
(itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(weapon, repairable, item);
describe("findAndReturnChildrenByItems", () =>
it("should return an array containing only the parent ID when no children are found", () =>
const items: Item[] = [
{ _id: "1", _tpl: "", parentId: null },
{ _id: "2", _tpl: "", parentId: null },
{ _id: "3", _tpl: "", parentId: "2" }
const result = itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByItems(items, "1");
it("should return array of child IDs when single-level children are found", () =>
const items: Item[] = [
{ _id: "1", _tpl: "", parentId: null },
{ _id: "2", _tpl: "", parentId: "1" },
{ _id: "3", _tpl: "", parentId: "1" }
const result = itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByItems(items, "1");
expect(result).toEqual(["2", "3", "1"]);
it("should return array of child IDs when multi-level children are found", () =>
const items: Item[] = [
{ _id: "1", _tpl: "", parentId: null },
{ _id: "2", _tpl: "", parentId: "1" },
{ _id: "3", _tpl: "", parentId: "2" },
{ _id: "4", _tpl: "", parentId: "3" }
const result = itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByItems(items, "1");
expect(result).toEqual(["4", "3", "2", "1"]);
it("should return an array containing only the parent ID when parent ID does not exist in items", () =>
const items: Item[] = [
{ _id: "1", _tpl: "", parentId: null },
{ _id: "2", _tpl: "", parentId: "1" }
const result = itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByItems(items, "3");