import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { ContainerHelper } from "../helpers/ContainerHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper"; import { PresetHelper } from "../helpers/PresetHelper"; import { RagfairServerHelper } from "../helpers/RagfairServerHelper"; import { ILooseLoot, Spawnpoint, SpawnpointTemplate, SpawnpointsForced } from "../models/eft/common/ILooseLoot"; import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import { IStaticAmmoDetails, IStaticContainerProps, IStaticForcedProps, IStaticLootDetails } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ILootBase"; import { BaseClasses } from "../models/enums/BaseClasses"; import { ConfigTypes } from "../models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { Money } from "../models/enums/Money"; import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig"; import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer"; import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService"; import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService"; import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil"; import { MathUtil } from "../utils/MathUtil"; import { ObjectId } from "../utils/ObjectId"; import { ProbabilityObject, ProbabilityObjectArray, RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil"; export interface IContainerItem { items: Item[] width: number height: number } @injectable() export class LocationGenerator { protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil, @inject("ObjectId") protected objectId: ObjectId, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("RagfairServerHelper") protected ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("MathUtil") protected mathUtil: MathUtil, @inject("SeasonalEventService") protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, @inject("ContainerHelper") protected containerHelper: ContainerHelper, @inject("PresetHelper") protected presetHelper: PresetHelper, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer ) { this.locationConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.LOCATION); } /** * Choose loot to put into a static container based on weighting * Handle forced items + seasonal item removal when not in season * @param staticContainer The container itself we will add loot to * @param staticForced Loot we need to force into the container * @param staticLootDist staticLoot.json * @param staticAmmoDist staticAmmo.json * @param locationName Name of the map to generate static loot for * @returns IStaticContainerProps */ public generateContainerLoot( staticContainer: IStaticContainerProps, staticForced: IStaticForcedProps[], staticLootDist: Record, staticAmmoDist: Record, locationName: string): IStaticContainerProps { const container = this.jsonUtil.clone(staticContainer); const containerTpl = container.Items[0]._tpl; // Create new unique parent id to prevent any collisions const parentId = this.objectId.generate(); container.Root = parentId; container.Items[0]._id = parentId; let containerMap = this.getContainerMapping(containerTpl); // Choose count of items to add to container const itemCountToAdd = this.getWeightedCountOfContainerItems(containerTpl, staticLootDist, locationName); // Get all possible loot items for container const containerLootPool = this.getPossibleLootItemsForContainer(containerTpl, staticLootDist); // Some containers need to have items forced into it (quest keys etc) const tplsForced = staticForced.filter(x => x.containerId === container.Id).map(x => x.itemTpl); // Draw random loot // Money spawn more than once in container let failedToFitCount = 0; const locklist = [Money.ROUBLES, Money.DOLLARS, Money.EUROS]; // Choose items to add to container, factor in weighting + lock money down const chosenTpls = containerLootPool.draw(itemCountToAdd, false, locklist); // Add forced loot to chosen item pool const tplsToAddToContainer = tplsForced.concat(chosenTpls); for (const tplToAdd of tplsToAddToContainer) { const chosenItemWithChildren = this.createStaticLootItem(tplToAdd, staticAmmoDist, parentId); const items = chosenItemWithChildren.items; const width = chosenItemWithChildren.width; const height = chosenItemWithChildren.height; // look for open slot to put chosen item into const result = this.containerHelper.findSlotForItem(containerMap, width, height); if (!result.success) { // 2 attempts to fit an item, container is probably full, stop trying to add more if (failedToFitCount >= this.locationConfig.fitLootIntoContainerAttempts) { break; } // Can't fit item, skip failedToFitCount++; continue; } containerMap = this.containerHelper.fillContainerMapWithItem(containerMap, result.x, result.y, width, height, result.rotation); const rotation = result.rotation ? 1 : 0; items[0].slotId = "main"; items[0].location = { "x": result.x, "y": result.y, "r": rotation }; // Add loot to container before returning for (const item of items) { container.Items.push(item); } } return container; } /** * Get a 2d grid of a containers item slots * @param containerTpl Tpl id of the container * @returns number[][] */ protected getContainerMapping(containerTpl: string): number[][] { // Get template from db const containerTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(containerTpl)[1]; // Get height/width const height = containerTemplate._props.Grids[0]._props.cellsV; const width = containerTemplate._props.Grids[0]._props.cellsH; // Calcualte 2d array and return return Array(height).fill(0).map(() => Array(width).fill(0)); } /** * Look up a containers itemcountDistribution data and choose an item count based on the found weights * @param containerTypeId Container to get item count for * @param staticLootDist staticLoot.json * @param locationName Map name (to get per-map multiplier for from config) * @returns item count */ protected getWeightedCountOfContainerItems(containerTypeId: string, staticLootDist: Record, locationName: string): number { // Create probability array to calcualte the total count of lootable items inside container const itemCountArray = new ProbabilityObjectArray(this.mathUtil, this.jsonUtil); for (const itemCountDistribution of staticLootDist[containerTypeId].itemcountDistribution) { // Add each count of items into array itemCountArray.push( new ProbabilityObject(itemCountDistribution.count, itemCountDistribution.relativeProbability) ); } return Math.round(this.getStaticLootMultiplerForLocation(locationName) * itemCountArray.draw()[0]); } /** * Get all possible loot items that can be placed into a container * Do not add seasonal items if found + current date is inside seasonal event * @param containerTypeId Contianer to get possible loot for * @param staticLootDist staticLoot.json * @returns ProbabilityObjectArray of item tpls + probabilty */ protected getPossibleLootItemsForContainer(containerTypeId: string, staticLootDist: Record): ProbabilityObjectArray { const seasonalEventActive = this.seasonalEventService.seasonalEventEnabled(); const seasonalItemTplBlacklist = this.seasonalEventService.getSeasonalEventItemsToBlock(); const itemDistribution = new ProbabilityObjectArray(this.mathUtil, this.jsonUtil); for (const icd of staticLootDist[containerTypeId].itemDistribution) { if (!seasonalEventActive && seasonalItemTplBlacklist.includes(icd.tpl)) { // Skip seasonal event items if they're not enabled continue; } itemDistribution.push( new ProbabilityObject(icd.tpl, icd.relativeProbability) ); } return itemDistribution; } protected getLooseLootMultiplerForLocation(location: string): number { return this.locationConfig.looseLootMultiplier[location]; } protected getStaticLootMultiplerForLocation(location: string): number { return this.locationConfig.staticLootMultiplier[location]; } /** * Create array of loose + forced loot using probability system * @param dynamicLootDist * @param staticAmmoDist * @param locationName Location to generate loot for * @returns Array of spawn points with loot in them */ public generateDynamicLoot(dynamicLootDist: ILooseLoot, staticAmmoDist: Record, locationName: string): SpawnpointTemplate[] { const loot: SpawnpointTemplate[] = []; this.addForcedLoot(loot, this.jsonUtil.clone(dynamicLootDist.spawnpointsForced), locationName); const dynamicSpawnPoints = this.jsonUtil.clone(dynamicLootDist.spawnpoints); //draw from random distribution const numSpawnpoints = Math.round( this.getLooseLootMultiplerForLocation(locationName) * this.randomUtil.randn( dynamicLootDist.spawnpointCount.mean, dynamicLootDist.spawnpointCount.std ) ); const spawnpointArray = new ProbabilityObjectArray(this.mathUtil, this.jsonUtil); for (const si of dynamicSpawnPoints) { spawnpointArray.push( new ProbabilityObject(si.template.Id, si.probability, si) ); } // Select a number of spawn points to add loot to let spawnPoints: Spawnpoint[] = []; for (const si of spawnpointArray.draw(numSpawnpoints, false)) { spawnPoints.push(; } // Filter out duplicate locationIds spawnPoints = [ Map( => [x.locationId, x])).values()]; const numberTooManyRequested = numSpawnpoints - spawnPoints.length; if (numberTooManyRequested > 0) {"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found", {requested: numSpawnpoints, found: spawnPoints.length, mapName: locationName})); } // iterate over spawnpoints const seasonalEventActive = this.seasonalEventService.seasonalEventEnabled(); const seasonalItemTplBlacklist = this.seasonalEventService.getSeasonalEventItemsToBlock(); for (const spawnPoint of spawnPoints) { const itemArray = new ProbabilityObjectArray(this.mathUtil, this.jsonUtil); for (const itemDist of spawnPoint.itemDistribution) { if (!seasonalEventActive && seasonalItemTplBlacklist.includes(spawnPoint.template.Items.find(x => x._id === itemDist.composedKey.key)._tpl)) { // Skip seasonal event items if they're not enabled continue; } itemArray.push( new ProbabilityObject(itemDist.composedKey.key, itemDist.relativeProbability) ); } // Draw a random item from spawn points possible items const chosenComposedKey = itemArray.draw(1)[0]; const createItemResult = this.createDynamicLootItem(chosenComposedKey, spawnPoint); // Root id can change when generating a weapon spawnPoint.template.Root = createItemResult.items[0]._id; spawnPoint.template.Items = createItemResult.items; loot.push(spawnPoint.template); } return loot; } /** * Add forced spawn point loot into loot parameter array * @param loot array to add forced loot to * @param forcedSpawnPoints forced loot to add * @param name of map currently generating forced loot for */ protected addForcedLoot(loot: SpawnpointTemplate[], forcedSpawnPoints: SpawnpointsForced[], locationName: string): void { const lootToForceSingleAmountOnMap = this.locationConfig.forcedLootSingleSpawnById[locationName]; if (lootToForceSingleAmountOnMap) { // Process loot items defined as requiring only 1 spawn position as they appear in multiple positions on the map for (const itemTpl of lootToForceSingleAmountOnMap) { // Get all spawn positions for item tpl in forced loot array const items = forcedSpawnPoints.filter(x => x.template.Items[0]._tpl === itemTpl); if (!items || items.length === 0) { this.logger.debug(`Unable to adjust loot item ${itemTpl} as it does not exist inside ${locationName} forced loot.`); continue; } // Create probability array of all spawn positions for this spawn id const spawnpointArray = new ProbabilityObjectArray(this.mathUtil, this.jsonUtil); for (const si of items) { // use locationId as template.Id is the same across all items spawnpointArray.push( new ProbabilityObject(si.locationId, si.probability, si) ); } // Choose 1 out of all found spawn positions for spawn id and add to loot array for (const spawnPointLocationId of spawnpointArray.draw(1, false)) { const itemToAdd = items.find(x => x.locationId === spawnPointLocationId); const lootItem = itemToAdd.template; lootItem.Root = this.objectId.generate(); lootItem.Items[0]._id = lootItem.Root; loot.push(lootItem); } } } const seasonalEventActive = this.seasonalEventService.seasonalEventEnabled(); const seasonalItemTplBlacklist = this.seasonalEventService.getSeasonalEventItemsToBlock(); // Add remaining forced loot to array for (const forcedLootItem of forcedSpawnPoints) { // Skip spawn positions processed above if (lootToForceSingleAmountOnMap?.includes(forcedLootItem.template.Items[0]._tpl)) { continue; } // Skip seasonal items when seasonal event is active if (!seasonalEventActive && seasonalItemTplBlacklist.includes(forcedLootItem.template.Items[0]._tpl)) { continue; } const li = forcedLootItem.template; li.Root = this.objectId.generate(); li.Items[0]._id = li.Root; loot.push(li); } } /** * Create array of item (with child items) and return * @param chosenComposedKey Key we want to look up items for * @param spawnPoint Dynamic spawn point item we want will be placed in * @returns IContainerItem */ protected createDynamicLootItem(chosenComposedKey: string, spawnPoint: Spawnpoint): IContainerItem { const chosenItem = spawnPoint.template.Items.find(x => x._id === chosenComposedKey); const chosenTpl = chosenItem._tpl; // Item array to return const itemWithMods: Item[] = []; // Money/Ammo - don't rely on items in spawnPoint.template.Items so we can randomise it ourselves if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(chosenTpl, BaseClasses.MONEY) || this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(chosenTpl, BaseClasses.AMMO)) { const itemTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(chosenTpl)[1]; const stackCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(itemTemplate._props.StackMinRandom, itemTemplate._props.StackMaxRandom); itemWithMods.push( { _id: this.objectId.generate(), _tpl: chosenTpl, upd: { "StackObjectsCount": stackCount } } ); } else { // Get item + children and add into array we return const itemWithChildren = this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenAsItems(spawnPoint.template.Items, chosenItem._id); // We need to reparent to ensure ids are unique this.reparentItemAndChildren(itemWithChildren); itemWithMods.push(...itemWithChildren); } // Get inventory size of item const size = this.itemHelper.getItemSize(itemWithMods, itemWithMods[0]._id); return { items: itemWithMods, width: size.width, height: size.height }; } /** * Replace the _id value for base item + all children items parentid value * @param itemWithChildren Item with mods to update * @param newId new id to add on chidren of base item */ protected reparentItemAndChildren(itemWithChildren: Item[], newId = this.objectId.generate()): void { // original id on base item const oldId = itemWithChildren[0]._id; // Update base item to use new id itemWithChildren[0]._id = newId; // Update all parentIds of items attached to base item to use new id for (const item of itemWithChildren) { if (item.parentId === oldId) { item.parentId = newId; } } } /** * Find an item in array by its _tpl, handle differently if chosenTpl is a weapon * @param items Items array to search * @param chosenTpl Tpl we want to get item with * @returns Item object */ protected getItemInArray(items: Item[], chosenTpl: string): Item { if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(chosenTpl, BaseClasses.WEAPON)) { return items.find(v => v._tpl === chosenTpl && v.parentId === undefined); } return items.find(x => x._tpl === chosenTpl); } // TODO: rewrite, BIG yikes protected createStaticLootItem(tpl: string, staticAmmoDist: Record, parentId: string = undefined): IContainerItem { const itemTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(tpl)[1]; let width = itemTemplate._props.Width; let height = itemTemplate._props.Height; let items: Item[] = [ { _id: this.objectId.generate(), _tpl: tpl } ]; // Use passed in parentId as override for new item if (parentId) { items[0].parentId = parentId; } if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, BaseClasses.MONEY) || this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, BaseClasses.AMMO)) { const stackCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(itemTemplate._props.StackMinRandom, itemTemplate._props.StackMaxRandom); items[0].upd = { "StackObjectsCount": stackCount }; } // No spawn point, use default template else if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, BaseClasses.WEAPON)) { let children: Item[] = []; const defaultPreset = this.jsonUtil.clone(this.presetHelper.getDefaultPreset(tpl)); if (defaultPreset) { try { children = this.ragfairServerHelper.reparentPresets(defaultPreset._items[0], defaultPreset._items); } catch (error) { // this item already broke it once without being reproducible tpl = "5839a40f24597726f856b511"; AKS-74UB Default // 5ea03f7400685063ec28bfa8 // ppsh default // 5ba26383d4351e00334c93d9 //mp7_devgru this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("location-preset_not_found", {tpl: tpl, defaultId: defaultPreset._id, defaultName: defaultPreset._name, parentId: parentId})); throw error; } } else { // RSP30 (62178be9d0050232da3485d9/624c0b3340357b5f566e8766) doesnt have any default presets and kills this code below as it has no chidren to reparent this.logger.debug(`createItem() No preset found for weapon: ${tpl}`); } const rootItem = items[0]; if (!rootItem) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("location-missing_root_item", {tpl: tpl, parentId: parentId})); throw new Error(this.localisationService.getText("location-critical_error_see_log")); } try { if (children?.length > 0) { items = this.ragfairServerHelper.reparentPresets(rootItem, children); } } catch (error) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("location-unable_to_reparent_item", {tpl: tpl, parentId: parentId})); throw error; } // Here we should use generalized BotGenerators functions e.g. fillExistingMagazines in the future since // it can handle revolver ammo (it's not restructured to be used here yet.) // General: Make a WeaponController for Ragfair preset stuff and the generating weapons and ammo stuff from // BotGenerator const magazine = items.filter(x => x.slotId === "mod_magazine")[0]; // some weapon presets come without magazine; only fill the mag if it exists if (magazine) { const magTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(magazine._tpl)[1]; const weaponTemplate = this.itemHelper.getItem(tpl)[1]; // Create array with just magazine const magazineWithCartridges = [magazine]; this.itemHelper.fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge(magazineWithCartridges, magTemplate, staticAmmoDist, weaponTemplate._props.ammoCaliber); // Replace existing magazine with above array items.splice(items.indexOf(magazine), 1, ...magazineWithCartridges); } const size = this.itemHelper.getItemSize(items, rootItem._id); width = size.width; height = size.height; } // No spawnpoint to fall back on, generate manually else if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, BaseClasses.AMMO_BOX)) { this.itemHelper.addCartridgesToAmmoBox(items, itemTemplate); } else if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(tpl, BaseClasses.MAGAZINE)) { // Create array with just magazine const magazineWithCartridges = [items[0]]; this.itemHelper.fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge(magazineWithCartridges, itemTemplate, staticAmmoDist); // Replace existing magazine with above array items.splice(items.indexOf(items[0]), 1, ...magazineWithCartridges); } return { items: items, width: width, height: height }; } }