import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { RagfairOfferGenerator } from "@spt-aki/generators/RagfairOfferGenerator"; import { HandbookHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/HandbookHelper"; import { InventoryHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/InventoryHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper"; import { PaymentHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PaymentHelper"; import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ProfileHelper"; import { RagfairHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/RagfairHelper"; import { RagfairOfferHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/RagfairOfferHelper"; import { RagfairSellHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/RagfairSellHelper"; import { RagfairSortHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/RagfairSortHelper"; import { TraderHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/TraderHelper"; import { IPmcData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IPmcData"; import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import { IBarterScheme, ITraderAssort } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader"; import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse"; import { IAkiProfile } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile"; import { IAddOfferRequestData, Requirement } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IAddOfferRequestData"; import { IExtendOfferRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IExtendOfferRequestData"; import { IGetItemPriceResult } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IGetItemPriceResult"; import { IGetMarketPriceRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IGetMarketPriceRequestData"; import { IGetOffersResult } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IGetOffersResult"; import { IGetRagfairOfferByIdRequest } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IGetRagfairOfferByIdRequest"; import { IRagfairOffer } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IRagfairOffer"; import { IRemoveOfferRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IRemoveOfferRequestData"; import { ISearchRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/ISearchRequestData"; import { IProcessBuyTradeRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/trade/IProcessBuyTradeRequestData"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { MemberCategory } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/MemberCategory"; import { RagfairSort } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/RagfairSort"; import { IRagfairConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { EventOutputHolder } from "@spt-aki/routers/EventOutputHolder"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer"; import { RagfairServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/RagfairServer"; import { SaveServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/SaveServer"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService"; import { PaymentService } from "@spt-aki/services/PaymentService"; import { RagfairOfferService } from "@spt-aki/services/RagfairOfferService"; import { RagfairPriceService } from "@spt-aki/services/RagfairPriceService"; import { RagfairRequiredItemsService } from "@spt-aki/services/RagfairRequiredItemsService"; import { RagfairTaxService } from "@spt-aki/services/RagfairTaxService"; import { HttpResponseUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HttpResponseUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/TimeUtil"; /** * Handle RagfairCallback events */ @injectable() export class RagfairController { protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil, @inject("HttpResponseUtil") protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, @inject("EventOutputHolder") protected eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, @inject("RagfairServer") protected ragfairServer: RagfairServer, @inject("RagfairPriceService") protected ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService, @inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("SaveServer") protected saveServer: SaveServer, @inject("RagfairSellHelper") protected ragfairSellHelper: RagfairSellHelper, @inject("RagfairTaxService") protected ragfairTaxService: RagfairTaxService, @inject("RagfairSortHelper") protected ragfairSortHelper: RagfairSortHelper, @inject("RagfairOfferHelper") protected ragfairOfferHelper: RagfairOfferHelper, @inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper, @inject("PaymentService") protected paymentService: PaymentService, @inject("HandbookHelper") protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, @inject("PaymentHelper") protected paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, @inject("InventoryHelper") protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, @inject("TraderHelper") protected traderHelper: TraderHelper, @inject("RagfairHelper") protected ragfairHelper: RagfairHelper, @inject("RagfairOfferService") protected ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, @inject("RagfairRequiredItemsService") protected ragfairRequiredItemsService: RagfairRequiredItemsService, @inject("RagfairOfferGenerator") protected ragfairOfferGenerator: RagfairOfferGenerator, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, ) { this.ragfairConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.RAGFAIR); } public getOffers(sessionID: string, searchRequest: ISearchRequestData): IGetOffersResult { const itemsToAdd = this.ragfairHelper.filterCategories(sessionID, searchRequest); const traderAssorts = this.ragfairHelper.getDisplayableAssorts(sessionID); const result: IGetOffersResult = { offers: [], offersCount: searchRequest.limit, selectedCategory: searchRequest.handbookId, }; const pmcProfile = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionID); result.offers = this.getOffersForSearchType(searchRequest, itemsToAdd, traderAssorts, pmcProfile); if (searchRequest.updateOfferCount) { result.categories = this.getSpecificCategories(pmcProfile, searchRequest, result.offers); } this.addIndexValueToOffers(result.offers); // Sort offers result.offers = this.ragfairSortHelper.sortOffers( result.offers, searchRequest.sortType, searchRequest.sortDirection, ); // Match offers with quests and lock unfinished quests const profile = this.profileHelper.getFullProfile(sessionID); for (const offer of result.offers) { if (offer.user.memberType === MemberCategory.TRADER) { // for the items, check the barter schemes. The method getDisplayableAssorts sets a flag sptQuestLocked // to true if the quest is not completed yet if (this.ragfairOfferHelper.traderOfferItemQuestLocked(offer, traderAssorts)) { offer.locked = true; } // Update offers BuyRestrictionCurrent/BuyRestrictionMax values this.setTraderOfferPurchaseLimits(offer, profile); this.setTraderOfferStackSize(offer); } } result.offersCount = result.offers.length; // Handle paging before returning results only if searching for general items, not preset items if (searchRequest.buildCount === 0) { const start = * searchRequest.limit; const end = Math.min(( + 1) * searchRequest.limit, result.offers.length); result.offers = result.offers.slice(start, end); } return result; } /** * Handle client/ragfair/offer/findbyid * @param sessionId Player id * @param request Request data * @returns IRagfairOffer */ public getOfferById(sessionId: string, request: IGetRagfairOfferByIdRequest): IRagfairOffer { const offers = this.ragfairOfferService.getOffers(); const offerToReturn = offers.find((x) => x.intId ===; return offerToReturn; } /** * Get offers for the client based on type of search being performed * @param searchRequest Client search request data * @param itemsToAdd comes from ragfairHelper.filterCategories() * @param traderAssorts Trader assorts * @param pmcProfile Player profile * @returns array of offers */ protected getOffersForSearchType( searchRequest: ISearchRequestData, itemsToAdd: string[], traderAssorts: Record, pmcProfile: IPmcData, ): IRagfairOffer[] { // Searching for items in preset menu if (searchRequest.buildCount) { return this.ragfairOfferHelper.getOffersForBuild(searchRequest, itemsToAdd, traderAssorts, pmcProfile); } if (searchRequest.neededSearchId?.length > 0) { return this.ragfairOfferHelper.getOffersThatRequireItem(searchRequest, pmcProfile); } // Searching for general items return this.ragfairOfferHelper.getValidOffers(searchRequest, itemsToAdd, traderAssorts, pmcProfile); } /** * Get categories for the type of search being performed, linked/required/all * @param searchRequest Client search request data * @param offers ragfair offers to get categories for * @returns record with templates + counts */ protected getSpecificCategories( pmcProfile: IPmcData, searchRequest: ISearchRequestData, offers: IRagfairOffer[], ): Record { // Linked/required search categories const playerHasFleaUnlocked = pmcProfile.Info.Level >= this.databaseServer.getTables().globals.config.RagFair.minUserLevel; let offerPool = []; if (this.isLinkedSearch(searchRequest) || this.isRequiredSearch(searchRequest)) { offerPool = offers; } else if ((!(this.isLinkedSearch(searchRequest) || this.isRequiredSearch(searchRequest)))) { // Get all categories offerPool = this.ragfairOfferService.getOffers(); } else { this.logger.error("Unable to get categories from search criteria, see log for request data"); this.logger.debug(JSON.stringify(searchRequest)); return {}; } return this.ragfairServer.getAllActiveCategories(playerHasFleaUnlocked, searchRequest, offerPool); } /** * Add index to all offers passed in (0-indexed) * @param offers Offers to add index value to */ protected addIndexValueToOffers(offers: IRagfairOffer[]): void { let counter = 0; for (const offer of offers) { offer.intId = ++counter; offer.items[0].parentId = ""; // Without this it causes error: "Item deserialization error: No parent with id hideout found for item x" } } /** * Update a trader flea offer with buy restrictions stored in the traders assort * @param offer flea offer to update * @param profile full profile of player */ protected setTraderOfferPurchaseLimits(offer: IRagfairOffer, profile: IAkiProfile): void { // pre 3.6.x profiles lack this object, create it if (!profile.traderPurchases) { profile.traderPurchases = {}; } // No trader found, create a blank record for them if (!profile.traderPurchases[]) { profile.traderPurchases[] = {}; } const traderAssorts = this.traderHelper.getTraderAssortsByTraderId(; const assortId = offer.items[0]._id; const assortData = traderAssorts.find((x) => x._id === assortId); // Use value stored in profile, otherwise use value directly from in-memory trader assort data offer.buyRestrictionCurrent = profile.traderPurchases[][assortId] ? profile.traderPurchases[][assortId].count : assortData.upd.BuyRestrictionCurrent; offer.buyRestrictionMax = assortData.upd.BuyRestrictionMax; } /** * Adjust ragfair offer stack count to match same value as traders assort stack count * @param offer Flea offer to adjust */ protected setTraderOfferStackSize(offer: IRagfairOffer): void { const firstItem = offer.items[0]; const traderAssorts = this.traderHelper.getTraderAssortsByTraderId(; const assortPurchased = traderAssorts.find((x) => x._id === offer.items[0]._id); if (!assortPurchased) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-unable_to_adjust_stack_count_assort_not_found", { offerId: offer.items[0]._id, traderId:, }), ); return; } firstItem.upd.StackObjectsCount = assortPurchased.upd.StackObjectsCount; } protected isLinkedSearch(info: ISearchRequestData): boolean { return info.linkedSearchId !== ""; } protected isRequiredSearch(info: ISearchRequestData): boolean { return info.neededSearchId !== ""; } /** * Check all profiles and sell player offers / send player money for listing if it sold */ public update(): void { for (const sessionID in this.saveServer.getProfiles()) { if (this.saveServer.getProfile(sessionID).characters.pmc.RagfairInfo !== undefined) { this.ragfairOfferHelper.processOffersOnProfile(sessionID); } } } /** * Called when creating an offer on flea, fills values in top right corner * @param getPriceRequest * @returns min/avg/max values for an item based on flea offers available */ public getItemMinAvgMaxFleaPriceValues(getPriceRequest: IGetMarketPriceRequestData): IGetItemPriceResult { // Get all items of tpl (sort by price) let offers = this.ragfairOfferService.getOffersOfType(getPriceRequest.templateId); // Offers exist for item, get averages of what's listed if (typeof offers === "object" && offers.length > 0) { offers = this.ragfairSortHelper.sortOffers(offers, RagfairSort.PRICE); const min = offers[0].requirementsCost; // Get first item from array as its pre-sorted const max =; // Get last item from array as its pre-sorted return { avg: (min + max) / 2, min: min, max: max }; } // No offers listed, get price from live ragfair price list prices.json const templatesDb = this.databaseServer.getTables().templates; let tplPrice = templatesDb.prices[getPriceRequest.templateId]; if (!tplPrice) { // No flea price, get handbook price tplPrice = this.handbookHelper.getTemplatePrice(getPriceRequest.templateId); } return { avg: tplPrice, min: tplPrice, max: tplPrice }; } /** * List item(s) on flea for sale * @param pmcData Player profile * @param offerRequest Flea list creation offer * @param sessionID Session id * @returns IItemEventRouterResponse */ public addPlayerOffer( pmcData: IPmcData, offerRequest: IAddOfferRequestData, sessionID: string, ): IItemEventRouterResponse { const output = this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionID); const validationMessage = ""; if (!this.isValidPlayerOfferRequest(offerRequest, validationMessage)) { return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, validationMessage); } // Get an array of items from player inventory to list on flea const { items: itemsInInventoryToList, errorMessage: itemsInInventoryError } = this .getItemsToListOnFleaFromInventory(pmcData, offerRequest.items); if (!itemsInInventoryToList || itemsInInventoryError) { this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, itemsInInventoryError); } // Checks are done, create the offer const playerListedPriceInRub = this.calculateRequirementsPriceInRub(offerRequest.requirements); const fullProfile = this.saveServer.getProfile(sessionID); const offer = this.createPlayerOffer( fullProfile, offerRequest.requirements, this.ragfairHelper.mergeStackable(itemsInInventoryToList), offerRequest.sellInOnePiece, playerListedPriceInRub, ); const rootItem = offer.items[0]; // Get average of items quality+children const qualityMultiplier = this.ragfairHelper.getItemQualityModifierForOfferItems(offer.items); const averageOfferPrice = this.ragfairPriceService.getFleaPriceForOfferItems(offer.items) * rootItem.upd.StackObjectsCount * qualityMultiplier; const itemStackCount = (offerRequest.sellInOnePiece) ? 1 : rootItem.upd.StackObjectsCount; // Get averaged price of a single item being listed const averageSingleItemPrice = (offerRequest.sellInOnePiece) ? averageOfferPrice / rootItem.upd.StackObjectsCount // Packs are a single offer made of many items : averageOfferPrice / itemStackCount; // Get averaged price of listing const averagePlayerListedPriceInRub = (offerRequest.sellInOnePiece) ? playerListedPriceInRub / rootItem.upd.StackObjectsCount : playerListedPriceInRub; // Packs are reduced to the average price of a single item in the pack vs the averaged single price of an item const sellChancePercent = this.ragfairSellHelper.calculateSellChance( averageSingleItemPrice, averagePlayerListedPriceInRub, qualityMultiplier, ); offer.sellResult = this.ragfairSellHelper.rollForSale(sellChancePercent, itemStackCount); // Subtract flea market fee from stash if (this.ragfairConfig.sell.fees) { const taxFeeChargeFailed = this.chargePlayerTaxFee( sessionID, rootItem, pmcData, playerListedPriceInRub, itemStackCount, offerRequest, output, ); if (taxFeeChargeFailed) { return output; } } fullProfile.characters.pmc.RagfairInfo.offers.push(offer); output.profileChanges[sessionID].ragFairOffers.push(offer); // Remove items from inventory after creating offer for (const itemToRemove of offerRequest.items) { this.inventoryHelper.removeItem(pmcData, itemToRemove, sessionID, output); } return output; } /** * Charge player a listing fee for using flea, pulls charge from data previously sent by client * @param sessionID Player id * @param rootItem Base item being listed (used when client tax cost not found and must be done on server) * @param pmcData Player profile * @param requirementsPriceInRub Rouble cost player chose for listing (used when client tax cost not found and must be done on server) * @param itemStackCount How many items were listed in player (used when client tax cost not found and must be done on server) * @param offerRequest Add offer request object from client * @param output IItemEventRouterResponse * @returns True if charging tax to player failed */ protected chargePlayerTaxFee( sessionID: string, rootItem: Item, pmcData: IPmcData, requirementsPriceInRub: number, itemStackCount: number, offerRequest: IAddOfferRequestData, output: IItemEventRouterResponse, ): boolean { // Get tax from cache hydrated earlier by client, if that's missing fall back to server calculation (inaccurate) const storedClientTaxValue = this.ragfairTaxService.getStoredClientOfferTaxValueById(offerRequest.items[0]); const tax = storedClientTaxValue ? storedClientTaxValue.fee : this.ragfairTaxService.calculateTax( rootItem, pmcData, requirementsPriceInRub, itemStackCount, offerRequest.sellInOnePiece, ); this.logger.debug(`Offer tax to charge: ${tax}, pulled from client: ${(!!storedClientTaxValue)}`); // cleanup of cache now we've used the tax value from it this.ragfairTaxService.clearStoredOfferTaxById(offerRequest.items[0]); const buyTradeRequest = this.createBuyTradeRequestObject("RUB", tax); output = this.paymentService.payMoney(pmcData, buyTradeRequest, sessionID, output); if (output.warnings.length > 0) { output = this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput( output, this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee", tax), ); return true; } return false; } /** * Is the item to be listed on the flea valid * @param offerRequest Client offer request * @param errorMessage message to show to player when offer is invalid * @returns Is offer valid */ protected isValidPlayerOfferRequest(offerRequest: IAddOfferRequestData, errorMessage: string): boolean { if (!offerRequest?.items || offerRequest.items.length === 0) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-invalid_player_offer_request")); return false; } if (!offerRequest.requirements) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-unable_to_place_offer_with_no_requirements")); return false; } return true; } /** * Get the handbook price in roubles for the items being listed * @param requirements * @returns Rouble price */ protected calculateRequirementsPriceInRub(requirements: Requirement[]): number { let requirementsPriceInRub = 0; for (const item of requirements) { const requestedItemTpl = item._tpl; if (this.paymentHelper.isMoneyTpl(requestedItemTpl)) { requirementsPriceInRub += this.handbookHelper.inRUB(item.count, requestedItemTpl); } else { requirementsPriceInRub += this.ragfairPriceService.getDynamicPriceForItem(requestedItemTpl) * item.count; } } return requirementsPriceInRub; } /** * Using item ids from flea offer request, find corresponding items from player inventory and return as array * @param pmcData Player profile * @param itemIdsFromFleaOfferRequest Ids from request * @returns Array of items from player inventory */ protected getItemsToListOnFleaFromInventory( pmcData: IPmcData, itemIdsFromFleaOfferRequest: string[], ): { items: Item[] | null; errorMessage: string | null; } { const itemsToReturn = []; let errorMessage: string | null = null; // Count how many items are being sold and multiply the requested amount accordingly for (const itemId of itemIdsFromFleaOfferRequest) { let item = pmcData.Inventory.items.find((i) => i._id === itemId); if (!item) { errorMessage = this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory", { id: itemId, }); this.logger.error(errorMessage); return { items: null, errorMessage }; } item = this.itemHelper.fixItemStackCount(item); itemsToReturn.push(...this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenAsItems(pmcData.Inventory.items, itemId)); } if (!itemsToReturn?.length) { errorMessage = this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory"); this.logger.error(errorMessage); return { items: null, errorMessage }; } return { items: itemsToReturn, errorMessage }; } public createPlayerOffer( profile: IAkiProfile, requirements: Requirement[], items: Item[], sellInOnePiece: boolean, amountToSend: number, ): IRagfairOffer { const loyalLevel = 1; const formattedItems: Item[] = => { const isChild = items.find((it) => it._id === item.parentId); return { _id: item._id, _tpl: item._tpl, parentId: isChild ? item.parentId : "hideout", slotId: isChild ? item.slotId : "hideout", upd: item.upd, }; }); const formattedRequirements: IBarterScheme[] = => { return { _tpl: item._tpl, count: item.count, onlyFunctional: item.onlyFunctional }; }); return this.ragfairOfferGenerator.createFleaOffer( profile.characters.pmc.sessionId, this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(), formattedItems, formattedRequirements, loyalLevel, sellInOnePiece, ); } public getAllFleaPrices(): Record { return this.ragfairPriceService.getAllFleaPrices(); } public getStaticPrices(): Record { return this.ragfairPriceService.getAllStaticPrices(); } /** * User requested removal of the offer, actually reduces the time to 71 seconds, * allowing for the possibility of extending the auction before it's end time * @param removeRequest Remove offer request * @param sessionId Players id * @returns IItemEventRouterResponse */ public removeOffer(removeRequest: IRemoveOfferRequestData, sessionId: string): IItemEventRouterResponse { const output = this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionId); const pmcData = this.saveServer.getProfile(sessionId).characters.pmc; const playerProfileOffers = pmcData.RagfairInfo.offers; if (!playerProfileOffers) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_not_found_in_profile", { profileId: sessionId, offerId: removeRequest.offerId, }), ); pmcData.RagfairInfo.offers = []; } const playerOfferIndex = playerProfileOffers.findIndex((offer) => offer._id === removeRequest.offerId); if (playerOfferIndex === -1) { this.logger.error( this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile", { offerId: removeRequest.offerId, }), ); return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput( output, this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short"), ); } const differenceInSeconds = playerProfileOffers[playerOfferIndex].endTime - this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); if (differenceInSeconds > this.ragfairConfig.sell.expireSeconds) { // `expireSeconds` Default is 71 seconds const newEndTime = this.ragfairConfig.sell.expireSeconds + this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); playerProfileOffers[playerOfferIndex].endTime = Math.round(newEndTime); } return output; } /** * Extend a ragfair offers listing time * @param extendRequest Extend offer request * @param sessionId Players id * @returns IItemEventRouterResponse */ public extendOffer(extendRequest: IExtendOfferRequestData, sessionId: string): IItemEventRouterResponse { const output = this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionId); const pmcData = this.saveServer.getProfile(sessionId).characters.pmc; const playerOffers = pmcData.RagfairInfo.offers; const playerOfferIndex = playerOffers.findIndex((offer) => offer._id === extendRequest.offerId); const secondsToAdd = extendRequest.renewalTime * TimeUtil.ONE_HOUR_AS_SECONDS; if (playerOfferIndex === -1) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile", { offerId: extendRequest.offerId, }), ); return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput( output, this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short"), ); } // MOD: Pay flea market fee if (this.ragfairConfig.sell.fees) { const count = playerOffers[playerOfferIndex].sellInOnePiece ? 1 : playerOffers[playerOfferIndex].items.reduce((sum, item) => { return sum + item.upd.StackObjectsCount; }, 0); const tax = this.ragfairTaxService.calculateTax( playerOffers[playerOfferIndex].items[0], this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionId), playerOffers[playerOfferIndex].requirementsCost, count, playerOffers[playerOfferIndex].sellInOnePiece, ); const request = this.createBuyTradeRequestObject("RUB", tax); this.paymentService.payMoney(pmcData, request, sessionId, output); if (output.warnings.length > 0) { return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput( output, this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee"), ); } } // Add extra time to offer playerOffers[playerOfferIndex].endTime += Math.round(secondsToAdd); return output; } /** * Create a basic trader request object with price and currency type * @param currency What currency: RUB, EURO, USD * @param value Amount of currency * @returns IProcessBuyTradeRequestData */ protected createBuyTradeRequestObject(currency: string, value: number): IProcessBuyTradeRequestData { return { tid: "ragfair", Action: "TradingConfirm", scheme_items: [{ id: this.paymentHelper.getCurrency(currency), count: Math.round(value) }], type: "", item_id: "", count: 0, scheme_id: 0, }; } }