import { error } from "node:console"; import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { HandbookHelper } from "@spt/helpers/HandbookHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ItemHelper"; import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ProfileHelper"; import { IPmcData } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IPmcData"; import { BanType } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase"; import { Item } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate"; import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader"; import { ISptProfile } from "@spt/models/eft/profile/ISptProfile"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { GameEditions } from "@spt/models/enums/GameEditions"; import { Money } from "@spt/models/enums/Money"; import { Traders } from "@spt/models/enums/Traders"; import { ITraderConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/ITraderConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService"; import { FenceService } from "@spt/services/FenceService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt/services/LocalisationService"; import { PlayerService } from "@spt/services/PlayerService"; import { RandomUtil } from "@spt/utils/RandomUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "@spt/utils/TimeUtil"; @injectable() export class TraderHelper { protected traderConfig: ITraderConfig; /** Dictionary of item tpl and the highest trader sell rouble price */ protected highestTraderPriceItems?: Record = undefined; constructor( @inject("PrimaryLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("DatabaseService") protected databaseService: DatabaseService, @inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper, @inject("HandbookHelper") protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("PlayerService") protected playerService: PlayerService, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("FenceService") protected fenceService: FenceService, @inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, ) { this.traderConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.TRADER); } /** * Get a trader base object, update profile to reflect players current standing in profile * when trader not found in profile * @param traderID Traders Id to get * @param sessionID Players id * @returns Trader base */ public getTrader(traderID: string, sessionID: string): ITraderBase | undefined { const pmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionID); if (!pmcData) { throw new error(this.localisationService.getText("trader-unable_to_find_profile_with_id", sessionID)); } // Profile has traderInfo dict (profile beyond creation stage) but no requested trader in profile if (pmcData.TradersInfo && !(traderID in pmcData.TradersInfo)) { // Add trader values to profile this.resetTrader(sessionID, traderID); this.lvlUp(traderID, pmcData); } const traderBase = this.databaseService.getTrader(traderID).base; if (!traderBase) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("trader-unable_to_find_trader_by_id", traderID)); } return traderBase; } /** * Get all assort data for a particular trader * @param traderId Trader to get assorts for * @returns ITraderAssort */ public getTraderAssortsByTraderId(traderId: string): ITraderAssort { return traderId === Traders.FENCE ? this.fenceService.getRawFenceAssorts() : this.databaseService.getTrader(traderId).assort; } /** * Retrieve the Item from a traders assort data by its id * @param traderId Trader to get assorts for * @param assortId Id of assort to find * @returns Item object */ public getTraderAssortItemByAssortId(traderId: string, assortId: string): Item | undefined { const traderAssorts = this.getTraderAssortsByTraderId(traderId); if (!traderAssorts) { this.logger.debug(`No assorts on trader: ${traderId} found`); return undefined; } // Find specific assort in traders data const purchasedAssort = traderAssorts.items.find((item) => item._id === assortId); if (!purchasedAssort) { this.logger.debug(`No assort ${assortId} on trader: ${traderId} found`); return undefined; } return purchasedAssort; } /** * Reset a profiles trader data back to its initial state as seen by a level 1 player * Does NOT take into account different profile levels * @param sessionID session id of player * @param traderID trader id to reset */ public resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void { const profiles = this.databaseService.getProfiles(); const trader = this.databaseService.getTrader(traderID); const fullProfile = this.profileHelper.getFullProfile(sessionID); if (!fullProfile) { throw new error(this.localisationService.getText("trader-unable_to_find_profile_by_id", sessionID)); } const pmcData = fullProfile.characters.pmc; const rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate = profiles[][pmcData.Info.Side.toLowerCase()] .trader; pmcData.TradersInfo[traderID] = { disabled: false, loyaltyLevel: rawProfileTemplate.initialLoyaltyLevel[traderID] ?? 1, salesSum: rawProfileTemplate.initialSalesSum, standing: this.getStartingStanding(traderID, rawProfileTemplate), nextResupply: trader.base.nextResupply, unlocked: trader.base.unlockedByDefault, }; // Check if trader should be locked by default if (rawProfileTemplate.lockedByDefaultOverride?.includes(traderID)) { pmcData.TradersInfo[traderID].unlocked = true; } if (rawProfileTemplate.purchaseAllClothingByDefaultForTrader?.includes(traderID)) { // Get traders clothing const clothing = this.databaseService.getTrader(traderID).suits; if (clothing?.length > 0) { // Force suit ids into profile this.addSuitsToProfile(fullProfile, clothing!.map((suit) => suit.suiteId)); } } if ((rawProfileTemplate.fleaBlockedDays ?? 0) > 0) { const newBanDateTime = this.timeUtil.getTimeStampFromNowDays(rawProfileTemplate.fleaBlockedDays!); const existingBan = pmcData.Info.Bans.find((ban) => ban.banType === BanType.RAGFAIR); if (existingBan) { existingBan.dateTime = newBanDateTime; } else { pmcData.Info.Bans.push( { banType: BanType.RAGFAIR, dateTime: newBanDateTime, }); } } if (traderID === Traders.JAEGER) { pmcData.TradersInfo[traderID].unlocked = rawProfileTemplate.jaegerUnlocked; } } /** * Get the starting standing of a trader based on the current profiles type (e.g. EoD, Standard etc) * @param traderId Trader id to get standing for * @param rawProfileTemplate Raw profile from profiles.json to look up standing from * @returns Standing value */ protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number { const initialStanding = rawProfileTemplate.initialStanding[traderId] ?? rawProfileTemplate.initialStanding.default; // Edge case for Lightkeeper, 0 standing means seeing `Make Amends - Buyout` quest if (traderId === Traders.LIGHTHOUSEKEEPER && initialStanding === 0) { return 0.01; } return initialStanding; } /** * Add an array of suit ids to a profiles suit array, no duplicates * @param fullProfile Profile to add to * @param suitIds Suit Ids to add */ protected addSuitsToProfile(fullProfile: ISptProfile, suitIds: string[]): void { if (!fullProfile.suits) { fullProfile.suits = []; } for (const suitId of suitIds) { // Don't add dupes if (!fullProfile.suits.includes(suitId)) { fullProfile.suits.push(suitId); } } } /** * Alter a traders unlocked status * @param traderId Trader to alter * @param status New status to use * @param sessionId Session id of player */ public setTraderUnlockedState(traderId: string, status: boolean, sessionId: string): void { const pmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionId); pmcData.TradersInfo[traderId].unlocked = status; } /** * Add standing to a trader and level them up if exp goes over level threshold * @param sessionId Session id of player * @param traderId Traders id to add standing to * @param standingToAdd Standing value to add to trader */ public addStandingToTrader(sessionId: string, traderId: string, standingToAdd: number): void { const fullProfile = this.profileHelper.getFullProfile(sessionId); const pmcTraderInfo = fullProfile.characters.pmc.TradersInfo[traderId]; // Add standing to trader pmcTraderInfo.standing = this.addStandingValuesTogether(pmcTraderInfo.standing, standingToAdd); if (traderId === Traders.FENCE) { // Must add rep to scav profile to ensure consistency fullProfile.characters.scav.TradersInfo[traderId].standing = pmcTraderInfo.standing; } this.lvlUp(traderId, fullProfile.characters.pmc); } /** * Add standing to current standing and clamp value if it goes too low * @param currentStanding current trader standing * @param standingToAdd stansding to add to trader standing * @returns current standing + added standing (clamped if needed) */ protected addStandingValuesTogether(currentStanding: number, standingToAdd: number): number { const newStanding = currentStanding + standingToAdd; // Never let standing fall below 0 return newStanding < 0 ? 0 : newStanding; } /** * iterate over a profiles traders and ensure they have the correct loyaltyLevel for the player * @param sessionId Profile to check */ public validateTraderStandingsAndPlayerLevelForProfile(sessionId: string): void { const profile = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionId); const traders = Object.keys(this.databaseService.getTraders()); for (const trader of traders) { this.lvlUp(trader, profile); } } /** * Calculate traders level based on exp amount and increments level if over threshold * Also validates and updates player level if not correct based on XP value * @param traderID Trader to check standing of * @param pmcData Profile to update trader in */ public lvlUp(traderID: string, pmcData: IPmcData): void { const loyaltyLevels = this.databaseService.getTrader(traderID).base.loyaltyLevels; // Level up player pmcData.Info.Level = this.playerService.calculateLevel(pmcData); // Level up traders let targetLevel = 0; // Round standing to 2 decimal places to address floating point inaccuracies pmcData.TradersInfo[traderID].standing = Math.round(pmcData.TradersInfo[traderID].standing * 100) / 100; for (const level in loyaltyLevels) { const loyalty = loyaltyLevels[level]; if ( loyalty.minLevel <= pmcData.Info.Level && loyalty.minSalesSum <= pmcData.TradersInfo[traderID].salesSum && loyalty.minStanding <= pmcData.TradersInfo[traderID].standing && targetLevel < 4 ) { // level reached targetLevel++; } } // set level pmcData.TradersInfo[traderID].loyaltyLevel = targetLevel; } /** * Get the next update timestamp for a trader * @param traderID Trader to look up update value for * @returns future timestamp */ public getNextUpdateTimestamp(traderID: string): number { const time = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); const updateSeconds = this.getTraderUpdateSeconds(traderID) ?? 0; return time + updateSeconds; } /** * Get the reset time between trader assort refreshes in seconds * @param traderId Trader to look up * @returns Time in seconds */ public getTraderUpdateSeconds(traderId: string): number | undefined { const traderDetails = this.traderConfig.updateTime.find((x) => x.traderId === traderId); if (!traderDetails || traderDetails.seconds.min === undefined || traderDetails.seconds.max === undefined) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time", { traderId: traderId, updateTime: this.traderConfig.updateTimeDefault, }), ); this.traderConfig.updateTime.push( // create temporary entry to prevent logger spam { traderId: traderId, seconds: { min: this.traderConfig.updateTimeDefault, max: this.traderConfig.updateTimeDefault }, }, ); return undefined; } else { return this.randomUtil.getInt(traderDetails.seconds.min, traderDetails.seconds.max); } } public getLoyaltyLevel(traderID: string, pmcData: IPmcData): LoyaltyLevel { const traderBase = this.databaseService.getTrader(traderID).base; let loyaltyLevel = pmcData.TradersInfo[traderID].loyaltyLevel; if (!loyaltyLevel || loyaltyLevel < 1) { loyaltyLevel = 1; } if (loyaltyLevel > traderBase.loyaltyLevels.length) { loyaltyLevel = traderBase.loyaltyLevels.length; } return traderBase.loyaltyLevels[loyaltyLevel - 1]; } /** * Store the purchase of an assort from a trader in the player profile * @param sessionID Session id * @param newPurchaseDetails New item assort id + count */ public addTraderPurchasesToPlayerProfile( sessionID: string, newPurchaseDetails: { items: { itemId: string, count: number }[], traderId: string }, itemPurchased: Item, ): void { const profile = this.profileHelper.getFullProfile(sessionID); const traderId = newPurchaseDetails.traderId; // Iterate over assorts bought and add to profile for (const purchasedItem of newPurchaseDetails.items) { const currentTime = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); // Nullguard traderPurchases profile.traderPurchases ||= {}; // Nullguard traderPurchases for this trader profile.traderPurchases[traderId] ||= {}; // Null guard when dict doesnt exist if (!profile.traderPurchases[traderId][purchasedItem.itemId]) { profile.traderPurchases[traderId][purchasedItem.itemId] = { count: purchasedItem.count, purchaseTimestamp: currentTime, }; continue; } if ( profile.traderPurchases[traderId][purchasedItem.itemId].count + purchasedItem.count > this.getAccountTypeAdjustedTraderPurchaseLimit( itemPurchased.upd!.BuyRestrictionMax!, profile.characters.pmc.Info.GameVersion) ) { throw new Error( this.localisationService.getText("trader-unable_to_purchase_item_limit_reached", { traderId: traderId, limit: itemPurchased.upd!.BuyRestrictionMax, }), ); } profile.traderPurchases[traderId][purchasedItem.itemId].count += purchasedItem.count; profile.traderPurchases[traderId][purchasedItem.itemId].purchaseTimestamp = currentTime; } } /** * EoD and Unheard get a 20% bonus to personal trader limit purchases * @param buyRestrictionMax Existing value from trader item * @param gameVersion Profiles game version * @returns buyRestrictionMax value */ public getAccountTypeAdjustedTraderPurchaseLimit(buyRestrictionMax: number, gameVersion: string): number { if (([GameEditions.EDGE_OF_DARKNESS, GameEditions.UNHEARD] as string[]).includes(gameVersion)) { return Math.floor(buyRestrictionMax * 1.2); } return buyRestrictionMax; } /** * Get the highest rouble price for an item from traders * UNUSED * @param tpl Item to look up highest pride for * @returns highest rouble cost for item */ public getHighestTraderPriceRouble(tpl: string): number { if (this.highestTraderPriceItems) { return this.highestTraderPriceItems[tpl]; } if (!this.highestTraderPriceItems) { this.highestTraderPriceItems = {}; } // Init dict and fill for (const traderName in Traders) { // Skip some traders if (traderName === Traders.FENCE) { continue; } // Get assorts for trader, skip trader if no assorts found const traderAssorts = this.databaseService.getTrader(Traders[traderName]).assort; if (!traderAssorts) { continue; } // Get all item assorts that have parentid of hideout (base item and not a mod of other item) for (const item of traderAssorts.items.filter((x) => x.parentId === "hideout")) { // Get barter scheme (contains cost of item) const barterScheme = traderAssorts.barter_scheme[item._id][0][0]; // Convert into roubles const roubleAmount = barterScheme._tpl === Money.ROUBLES ? barterScheme.count : this.handbookHelper.inRUB(barterScheme.count, barterScheme._tpl); // Existing price smaller in dict than current iteration, overwrite if (this.highestTraderPriceItems[item._tpl] ?? 0 < roubleAmount) { this.highestTraderPriceItems[item._tpl] = roubleAmount; } } } return this.highestTraderPriceItems[tpl]; } /** * Get the highest price item can be sold to trader for (roubles) * @param tpl Item to look up best trader sell-to price * @returns Rouble price */ public getHighestSellToTraderPrice(tpl: string): number { // Find highest trader price for item let highestPrice = 1; // Default price for (const traderName in Traders) { // Get trader and check buy category allows tpl const traderBase = this.databaseService.getTrader(Traders[traderName]).base; // Skip traders that dont sell if (!traderBase || !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(tpl, traderBase.items_buy.category)) { continue; } // Get loyalty level details player has achieved with this trader // Uses lowest loyalty level as this function is used before a player has logged into server // We have no idea what player loyalty is with traders const traderBuyBackPricePercent = traderBase.loyaltyLevels[0].buy_price_coef; const itemHandbookPrice = this.handbookHelper.getTemplatePrice(tpl); const priceTraderBuysItemAt = Math.round( this.randomUtil.getPercentOfValue(traderBuyBackPricePercent, itemHandbookPrice), ); // Price from this trader is higher than highest found, update if (priceTraderBuysItemAt > highestPrice) { highestPrice = priceTraderBuysItemAt; } } return highestPrice; } /** * Get a trader enum key by its value * @param traderId Traders id * @returns Traders key */ public getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders | undefined { const keys = Object.keys(Traders).filter((x) => Traders[x] === traderId); if (keys.length === 0) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("trader-unable_to_find_trader_in_enum", traderId)); return undefined; } return keys[0] as Traders; } /** * Validates that the provided traderEnumValue exists in the Traders enum. If the value is valid, it returns the * same enum value, effectively serving as a trader ID; otherwise, it logs an error and returns an empty string. * This method provides a runtime check to prevent undefined behavior when using the enum as a dictionary key. * * For example, instead of this: * `const traderId = Traders[Traders.PRAPOR];` * * You can use safely use this: * `const traderId = this.traderHelper.getValidTraderIdByEnumValue(Traders.PRAPOR);` * * @param traderEnumValue The trader enum value to validate * @returns The validated trader enum value as a string, or an empty string if invalid */ public getValidTraderIdByEnumValue(traderEnumValue: Traders): string { if (!this.traderEnumHasKey(traderEnumValue)) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("trader-unable_to_find_trader_in_enum", traderEnumValue)); return ""; } return Traders[traderEnumValue]; } /** * Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter * @param key Value to check for * @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value */ public traderEnumHasKey(key: string): boolean { return Object.keys(Traders).some((x) => x === key); } /** * Accepts a trader id * @param traderId Trader id * @returns Ttrue if Traders enum has the param as a value */ public traderEnumHasValue(traderId: string): boolean { return Object.values(Traders).some((x) => x === traderId); } }