import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { MinMax } from "../models/common/MinMax"; import { Difficulty, IBotType } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType"; import { ConfigTypes } from "../models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { EquipmentFilters, IBotConfig, RandomisationDetails } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig"; import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer"; import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService"; import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil"; import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil"; @injectable() export class BotHelper { protected botConfig: IBotConfig; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil, @inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer ) { this.botConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.BOT); } /** * Get a template object for the specified botRole from bots.types db * @param role botRole to get template for * @returns IBotType object */ public getBotTemplate(role: string): IBotType { return this.databaseServer.getTables().bots.types[role.toLowerCase()]; } /** * Randomize the chance the PMC will attack their own side * Look up value in bot.json/chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent * @param difficultySettings pmc difficulty settings */ public randomizePmcHostility(difficultySettings: Difficulty): void { if (this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.botConfig.pmc.chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent)) { difficultySettings.Mind["CAN_RECEIVE_PLAYER_REQUESTS_BEAR"] = false; difficultySettings.Mind["CAN_RECEIVE_PLAYER_REQUESTS_USEC"] = false; difficultySettings.Mind["DEFAULT_USEC_BEHAVIOUR"] = "Attack"; difficultySettings.Mind["DEFAULT_BEAR_BEHAVIOUR"] = "Attack"; } } /** * Is the passed in bot role a PMC (usec/bear/pmc) * @param botRole bot role to check * @returns true if is pmc */ public isBotPmc(botRole: string): boolean { return (["usec", "bear", "pmc", "sptbear", "sptusec"].includes(botRole.toLowerCase())); } public isBotBoss(botRole: string): boolean { return this.botConfig.bosses.some(x => x.toLowerCase() === botRole.toLowerCase()); } public isBotFollower(botRole: string): boolean { return botRole.toLowerCase().startsWith("follower"); } /** * Add a bot to the FRIENDLY_BOT_TYPES array * @param difficultySettings bot settings to alter * @param typeToAdd bot type to add to friendly list */ public addBotToFriendlyList(difficultySettings: Difficulty, typeToAdd: string): void { const friendlyBotTypesKey = "FRIENDLY_BOT_TYPES"; // Null guard if (!difficultySettings.Mind[friendlyBotTypesKey]) { difficultySettings.Mind[friendlyBotTypesKey] = []; } (difficultySettings.Mind[friendlyBotTypesKey]).push(typeToAdd); } /** * Add a bot to the ENEMY_BOT_TYPES array, do not add itself if its on the enemy list * @param difficultySettings bot settings to alter * @param typesToAdd bot type to add to enemy list */ public addBotToEnemyList(difficultySettings: Difficulty, typesToAdd: string[], typeBeingEdited: string): void { const enemyBotTypesKey = "ENEMY_BOT_TYPES"; // Null guard if (!difficultySettings.Mind[enemyBotTypesKey]) { difficultySettings.Mind[enemyBotTypesKey] = []; } const enemyArray = difficultySettings.Mind[enemyBotTypesKey]; for (const botTypeToAdd of typesToAdd) { if (botTypeToAdd.toLowerCase() === typeBeingEdited.toLowerCase()) { this.logger.debug(`unable to add enemy ${botTypeToAdd} to its own enemy list, skipping`); continue; } if (!enemyArray.includes(botTypeToAdd)) { enemyArray.push(botTypeToAdd); } } } /** * Add a bot to the REVENGE_BOT_TYPES array * @param difficultySettings bot settings to alter * @param typesToAdd bot type to add to revenge list */ public addBotToRevengeList(difficultySettings: Difficulty, typesToAdd: string[]): void { const revengePropKey = "REVENGE_BOT_TYPES"; // Nothing to add if (!typesToAdd) { return; } // Null guard if (!difficultySettings.Mind[revengePropKey]) { difficultySettings.Mind[revengePropKey] = []; } const revengeArray = difficultySettings.Mind[revengePropKey]; for (const botTypeToAdd of typesToAdd) { if (!revengeArray.includes(botTypeToAdd)) { revengeArray.push(botTypeToAdd); } } } /** * Choose if a bot should become a PMC by checking if bot type is allowed to become a Pmc in botConfig.convertFromChances and doing a random int check * @param botRole the bot role to check if should be a pmc * @returns true if should be a pmc */ public shouldBotBePmc(botRole: string): boolean { const botRoleLowered = botRole.toLowerCase(); // Handle when map waves have these types in the bot type if (this.botRoleIsPmc(botRoleLowered)) { return true; } const botConvertMinMax = this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance[botRoleLowered]; // no bot type defined in config, default to false if (!botConvertMinMax) { return false; } return this.rollChanceToBePmc(botRoleLowered, botConvertMinMax); } public rollChanceToBePmc(role: string, botConvertMinMax: MinMax): boolean { return role.toLowerCase() in this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance && this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.randomUtil.getInt(botConvertMinMax.min, botConvertMinMax.max)); } public botRoleIsPmc(botRole: string): boolean { return [this.botConfig.pmc.usecType.toLowerCase(), this.botConfig.pmc.bearType.toLowerCase()].includes(botRole.toLowerCase()); } /** * Get randomization settings for bot from config/bot.json * @param botLevel level of bot * @param botEquipConfig bot equipment json * @returns RandomisationDetails */ public getBotRandomizationDetails(botLevel: number, botEquipConfig: EquipmentFilters): RandomisationDetails { // No randomisation details found, skip if (!botEquipConfig || Object.keys(botEquipConfig).length === 0 || !botEquipConfig.randomisation) { return null; } return botEquipConfig.randomisation.find(x => botLevel >= x.levelRange.min && botLevel <= x.levelRange.max); } /** * Choose between sptBear and sptUsec at random based on the % defined in botConfig.pmc.isUsec * @returns pmc role */ public getRandomizedPmcRole(): string { return (this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.botConfig.pmc.isUsec)) ? this.botConfig.pmc.usecType : this.botConfig.pmc.bearType; } /** * Get the corresponding side when sptBear or sptUsec is passed in * @param botRole role to get side for * @returns side (usec/bear) */ public getPmcSideByRole(botRole: string): string { switch (botRole.toLowerCase()) { case this.botConfig.pmc.bearType.toLowerCase(): return "Bear"; case this.botConfig.pmc.usecType.toLowerCase(): return "Usec"; default: return this.getRandomizedPmcSide(); } } /** * Get a randomized PMC side based on bot config value 'isUsec' * @returns pmc side as string */ protected getRandomizedPmcSide(): string { return (this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.botConfig.pmc.isUsec)) ? "Usec" : "Bear"; } }