  "menu": {
    "206 - Wrong email or password": "Wrong email or password",
    "213 - Error connecting to auth server": "Authorization is unavailable now, please try again later.",
    "240 - Servers temporarily unavailable. Please, try later.": "Server maintenance",
    "BATTLEYE_ANTICHEAT_BadServiceVersion": "Bad service version",
    "BATTLEYE_ANTICHEAT_ClientNotResponding": "Anticheat connection failed",
    "BATTLEYE_ANTICHEAT_CorruptedData": "The integrity of the game failed to validate. Reinstall anticheat",
    "BATTLEYE_ANTICHEAT_CorruptedMemory": "Corrupted memory. The integrity of the protection failed to validate. Reinstall anticheat",
    "BATTLEYE_ANTICHEAT_DisallowedProgram": "Disallowed program running",
    "BATTLEYE_ANTICHEAT_FailedToLoadAnticheat": "Anticheat loading failed.",
    "BATTLEYE_ANTICHEAT_GameRestartRequired": "Game restart required",
    "BATTLEYE_ANTICHEAT_GlobalBan": "The player has been banned by BE",
    "BATTLEYE_ANTICHEAT_QueryTimeout": "Anticheat connection failed. Please restart the game",
    "BATTLEYE_ANTICHEAT_WinAPIFailure": "A critical Windows API call failed",
    "BATTLEYE_ServiceNeedsToBeUpdated": "Anticheat is outdated. Game restart required",
    "BATTLEYE_ServiceNotRunningProperly": "Anticheat is running incorrectly. Game restart required",
    "BATTLEYE_UnknownRestartReason": "Anticheat is running incorrectly. Game restart required",
    "EXIT": "EXIT",
    "NEXT": "NEXT",
    "Place in queue:": "Place in queue:",
    "Profile data loading...": "Loading profile data...",
    "SABER_ANTICHEAT_AnticheatConnectionFailed": "Anticheat connection failed",
    "Servers are currently at full capacity": "Servers are currently at full capacity"