import "reflect-metadata"; import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest"; import { LinkedList } from "@spt-aki/utils/collections/lists/LinkedList"; describe("LinkedList", () => { describe("prepend", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); list.prepend(420); list.prepend(69); list.prepend(8008135); list.prepend(1337); it("adds elements to the begining of the list", () => { expect(list.getHead()).toEqual(1337); expect(list.length).toEqual(4); }); }); describe("append", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); list.append(420); list.append(69); list.append(8008135); list.append(1337); it("adds elements to the end of the list", () => { expect(list.getHead()).toEqual(420); expect(list.length).toEqual(4); }); }); describe("insertAt", () => { describe("empty list", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); it("should allow insertions at index 0 only", () => { list.insertAt(420, 1); expect(list.length).toEqual(0); list.insertAt(420, 0); expect(list.length).toEqual(1); }); }); describe("filled list", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); list.append(420); list.append(69); list.append(8008135); list.append(1337); it("shouldn't insert if index is < 0 and > length", () => { list.insertAt(10100111001, -1); expect(list.length).toEqual(4); list.insertAt(123, 5); // index 4 would work even though it's out of bounds because it's the next index, it's the same as doing an append expect(list.length).toEqual(4); }); it("should insert if index is between 0 and length", () => { list.insertAt(10100111001, 0); expect(list.length).toEqual(5); list.insertAt(69420, 3); expect(list.length).toEqual(6); list.insertAt(123, 6); expect(list.length).toEqual(7); }); }); }); describe("getHead/getTail", () => { it("should return undefined if the list is empty", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); expect(list.getHead()).toEqual(undefined); expect(list.getTail()).toEqual(undefined); }); it("should return the head and the tail values if the list has 1 or more elements", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); list.append(420); list.append(69); list.append(8008135); expect(list.getHead()).toEqual(420); expect(list.getTail()).toEqual(8008135); }); }); describe("get", () => { describe("empty list", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); it("should return undefined", () => { expect(list.get(0)).toEqual(undefined); expect(list.get(1)).toEqual(undefined); }); }); describe("filled list", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); list.append(420); list.append(69); list.append(8008135); list.append(1337); it("should return undefined if index is < 0 or >= length", () => { expect(list.get(-1)).toEqual(undefined); expect(list.get(list.length)).toEqual(undefined); }); it("should return the value if the index is between 0 and length - 1", () => { expect(list.get(0)).toEqual(420); expect(list.get(1)).toEqual(69); expect(list.get(list.length - 1)).toEqual(1337); }); }); }); describe("remove", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); list.append(420); list.append(69); list.append(8008135); list.append(1337); it("should return undefined if it doesn't find any element with the same value", () => { expect(list.remove(10100111001)).toEqual(undefined); expect(list.length).toEqual(4); }); it("should remove an element and return it's value if one is found with the same value", () => { expect(list.remove(420)).toEqual(420); expect(list.length).toEqual(3); expect(list.remove(8008135)).toEqual(8008135); expect(list.length).toEqual(2); expect(list.remove(1337)).toEqual(1337); expect(list.length).toEqual(1); expect(list.remove(69)).toEqual(69); expect(list.length).toEqual(0); }); }); describe("shift", () => { describe("empty list", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); it("shouldn't change the list and should return undefined if list is empty", () => { expect(list.shift()).toEqual(undefined); expect(list.length).toEqual(0); }); }); describe("filled list", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); list.append(420); list.append(1337); it("should remove the first element and return it's value", () => { expect(list.shift()).toEqual(420); expect(list.length).toEqual(1); expect(list.shift()).toEqual(1337); expect(list.length).toEqual(0); }); }); }); describe("pop", () => { describe("empty list", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); it("shouldn't change the list and should return undefined if list is empty", () => { expect(list.pop()).toEqual(undefined); expect(list.length).toEqual(0); }); }); describe("filled list", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); list.append(420); list.append(1337); it("should remove the first element and return it's value", () => { expect(list.pop()).toEqual(1337); expect(list.length).toEqual(1); expect(list.pop()).toEqual(420); expect(list.length).toEqual(0); }); }); }); describe("removeAt", () => { const list = new LinkedList<number>(); list.append(420); list.append(69); list.append(8008135); list.append(1337); list.append(10100111001); it("should return undefined if index is < 0 or >= length", () => { expect(list.removeAt(-1)).toEqual(undefined); expect(list.removeAt(list.length)).toEqual(undefined); }); it("should remove an element and return it's value if index is between 0 and length - 1", () => { expect(list.removeAt(0)).toEqual(420); expect(list.length).toEqual(4); expect(list.removeAt(2)).toEqual(1337); expect(list.length).toEqual(3); expect(list.removeAt(list.length - 1)).toEqual(10100111001); expect(list.length).toEqual(2); expect(list.removeAt(1)).toEqual(8008135); expect(list.removeAt(0)).toEqual(69); expect(list.length).toEqual(0); }); }); });