/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
import "reflect-metadata";
import { container } from "tsyringe";
import { afterEach, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest";

import { HealthController } from "@spt-aki/controllers/HealthController";
import { IPmcData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IHealthTreatmentRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/health/IHealthTreatmentRequestData";

describe("HealthController", () =>
    let healthController: HealthController; // Using "any" to access private/protected methods without type errors.

    beforeEach(() =>
        healthController = container.resolve<HealthController>("HealthController");

    afterEach(() =>

    describe("healthTreatment", () =>
        it("Should Heal Players heavy bleed and heal chest to full hp", () =>
            const maxHealth = 100
            const pmcData = {
                Health: {
                    BodyParts: {
                        Chest: {
                            Health: {
                                Current: 50, // Has damage
                                Maximum: maxHealth
                            Effects: {HeavyBleeding: {
                                Time: 20
            const bleedRemovalAndLimbHealRequest = {
                Action: "RestoreHealth",
                trader: "54cb57776803fa99248b456e", // Therapist
                difference: {
                    BodyParts: {
                        Chest: {
                            Health: 23, // > 0 value means it will heal
                            Effects: ["HeavyBleeding"] // non-null means it will remove effect from player
            const sessionId = "12345";

            // Mock output generation
            vi.spyOn((healthController as any).eventOutputHolder, "getOutput").mockReturnValue(
                    warnings: {},
                    profileChanges: {
                        "12345": {
                            health: {}

            // Mock payment
            vi.spyOn((healthController as any).paymentService, "payMoney").mockReturnValue(
                    warnings: {},
                    profileChanges: {
                        "12345": {
                            health: {}

            const result = healthController.healthTreatment(pmcData as unknown as IPmcData, bleedRemovalAndLimbHealRequest as IHealthTreatmentRequestData, sessionId);
            // Has healed chest to full
            // Has removed Heavy bleed effect from chest

        it("Should Heal Players heavy bleed and leave limb health at existing value", () =>
            const maxHealth = 100
            const pmcData = {
                Health: {
                    BodyParts: {
                        Chest: {
                            Health: {
                                Current: 50, // Has damage
                                Maximum: maxHealth
                            Effects: {HeavyBleeding: {
                                Time: 20
            const limbOnlyHealRequest = {
                Action: "RestoreHealth",
                trader: "54cb57776803fa99248b456e", // Therapist
                difference: {
                    BodyParts: {
                        Chest: {
                            Health: 23, // > 0 value means it will heal limb to full
                            Effects: null // null means no healing of effects
            const sessionId = "12345";

            // Mock output generation
            vi.spyOn((healthController as any).eventOutputHolder, "getOutput").mockReturnValue(
                    warnings: {},
                    profileChanges: {
                        "12345": {
                            health: {}

            // Mock payment
            vi.spyOn((healthController as any).paymentService, "payMoney").mockReturnValue(
                    warnings: {},
                    profileChanges: {
                        "12345": {
                            health: {}

            const result = healthController.healthTreatment(pmcData as unknown as IPmcData, limbOnlyHealRequest as IHealthTreatmentRequestData, sessionId);
            // Has healed chest to full
            // Has not removed Heavy bleed effect from chest

        it("Should Heal Players heavy bleed and leave limb health at existing value", () =>
            const maxHealth = 100
            const currentHealth = 50;
            const pmcData = {
                Health: {
                    BodyParts: {
                        Chest: {
                            Health: {
                                Current: currentHealth, // Has damage
                                Maximum: maxHealth
                            Effects: {HeavyBleeding: {
                                Time: 20
            const limbOnlyHealRequest = {
                Action: "RestoreHealth",
                trader: "54cb57776803fa99248b456e", // Therapist
                difference: {
                    BodyParts: {
                        Chest: {
                            Health: 0, // 0 value means it will not heal and damage
                            Effects: null // null means no healing of effects
            const sessionId = "12345";

            // Mock output generation
            vi.spyOn((healthController as any).eventOutputHolder, "getOutput").mockReturnValue(
                    warnings: {},
                    profileChanges: {
                        "12345": {
                            health: {}

            // Mock payment
            vi.spyOn((healthController as any).paymentService, "payMoney").mockReturnValue(
                    warnings: {},
                    profileChanges: {
                        "12345": {
                            health: {}

            const result = healthController.healthTreatment(pmcData as unknown as IPmcData, limbOnlyHealRequest as IHealthTreatmentRequestData, sessionId);
            // Has not healed chest to full
            // Has not removed Heavy bleed effect from chest