import { MinMax } from "../../common/MinMax"; import { IBaseConfig } from "./IBaseConfig"; export interface IRagfairConfig extends IBaseConfig { kind: "aki-ragfair" /** How many seconds should pass before expired offers and procesed + player offers checked if sold */ runIntervalSeconds: number /** Player listing settings */ sell: Sell /** Trader ids + should their assorts be listed on flea*/ traders: Record dynamic: Dynamic } export interface Sell { /** Should a fee be deducted from player when liting an item for sale */ fees: boolean /** Settings to control chances of offer being sold */ chance: Chance /** Settings to control how long it takes for a player offer to sell */ time: Time /** Player offer reputation gain/loss settings */ reputation: Reputation /** How many hours are simulated to figure out if player offer was sold */ simulatedSellHours: number /**Seconds from clicking remove to remove offer from market */ expireSeconds: number } export interface Chance { base: number overpriced: number underpriced: number } export interface Time extends MinMax { base: number } export interface Reputation { gain: number loss: number } export interface Dynamic { // Should a purchased dynamic offers items be flagged as found in raid purchasesAreFoundInRaid: boolean /** Use the highest trader price for an offer if its greater than the price in templates/prices.json */ useTraderPriceForOffersIfHigher: boolean; /** Barter offer specific settings */ barter: Barter /** Dynamic offer price below handbook adjustment values */ offerAdjustment: OfferAdjustment /** How many offers should expire before an offer regeneration occurs */ expiredOfferThreshold: number /** How many offers should be listed */ offerItemCount: MinMax /** How much should the price of an offer vary by (percent 0.8 = 80%, 1.2 = 120%) */ price: MinMax /** How much should the price of an offer vary by (percent 0.8 = 80%, 1.2 = 120%) */ presetPrice: MinMax /** Should default presets to listed only or should non-standard presets found in globals.json be listed too */ showDefaultPresetsOnly: boolean endTimeSeconds: MinMax /** Settings to control the durability range of item items listed on flea */ condition: Condition /** Size stackable items should be listed for in percent of max stack size */ stackablePercent: MinMax /** Items that cannot be stacked can have multiples sold in one offer, what range of values can be listed */ nonStackableCount: MinMax /** Range of rating offers for items being listed */ rating: MinMax /** Percentages to sell offers in each currency */ currencies: Record /** Item tpls that should be forced to sell as a single item */ showAsSingleStack: string[] /** Should christmas/halloween items be removed from flea when not within the seasonal bounds */ removeSeasonalItemsWhenNotInEvent: boolean /** Flea blacklist settings */ blacklist: Blacklist } export interface Barter { /** Should barter offers be generated */ enable: boolean /** Percentage change an offer is listed as a barter */ chancePercent: number /** Min number of required items for a barter requirement */ itemCountMin: number /** Max number of required items for a barter requirement */ itemCountMax: number /** How much can the total price of requested items vary from the item offered */ priceRangeVariancePercent: number /** Min rouble price for an offer to be considered for turning into a barter */ minRoubleCostToBecomeBarter: number /** Item Tpls to never be turned into a barter */ itemTypeBlacklist: string[] } export interface OfferAdjustment { /** Shuld offer price be adjusted when below handbook price */ adjustPriceWhenBelowHandbookPrice: boolean; /** How big a percentage difference does price need to vary from handbook to be considered for adjustment */ maxPriceDifferenceBelowHandbookPercent: number /** How much to multiply the handbook price to get the new price */ handbookPriceMultipier: number /** What is the minimum rouble price to consider adjusting price of item */ priceThreshholdRub: number } export interface Condition extends MinMax { /** Percentage change durability is altered */ conditionChance: number } export interface Blacklist { /** Damaged ammo packs */ damagedAmmoPacks: boolean /** Custom blacklist for item Tpls */ custom: string[] /** BSG blacklist a large number of items from flea, true = use blacklist */ enableBsgList: boolean /** Should quest items be blacklisted from flea */ enableQuestList: boolean /** Should trader items that are blacklisted by bsg */ traderItems: boolean }